The ‘Tooth’ Beneath Every Dental Crown Myth

A dental crown is an awesome dentistry procedure that helps patients restore their badly decayed or damaged tooth. However, there are myths going around about crowns that are probably causing confusion and fear to those who need it. That’s why dental clinics are trying to reach out in any platform to debunk these misconceptions. It’s their responsibility to promote that dentistry aims to provide everyone optimal dental health without any hidden agenda.  

Dental crown common misconceptions and its facts

1.Extensive and painful procedure.

Fact: Dentists perform the dental crown procedure to end the discomfort and not the other way around. Although it involves tooth reshaping and polishing to prepare for the tooth cap, this process should be painless. Most dental clinics now use modern technology such as laser treatment and sedation for a quick and comfortable session. Furthermore, dentists always use anesthesia around the area of the tooth to numb the patient.

Some patients also worry about recovery because they think it’s prolonged and unpleasant. It’s actually just minimal. Most patients resume to their normal routines the day after the tooth crown replacement. Aside from slight tooth sensitivity to hot and cold within a week, there should be no other complaints. After the speedy healing period, it’s safe to say that it’s like nothing happened.

2.Unnatural appearance.

Fact: Unless you share to friends or family that you’ve recently had a dental crown, they would never notice that you have one. Suffice to say, tooth caps look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth. Dentists would expertly work on it so it seamlessly matches with the rest of your teeth.

Unlike dentures that look like plastic and foreign in the mouth, crowns are different. The dentist would first consider your teeth shade before fabricating it and then uses his tools to polish it. The results would be astonishing and almost unbelievable to say that they’re only replacements. Reportedly, even the patients themselves couldn’t identify which teeth are the false ones!

3.Susceptible to food stains.

Fact: Contrary to what most people believe, dental crowns are resistant to food and drink stains. Even when you usually drink coffee or tea, it’s not going to affect the color of your caps. The reason behind this is that porcelain isn’t porous so the blemish doesn’t stay unlike in real tooth. That’s why prior to the dental crown procedure, dentists should match your teeth shade with your porcelain tooth cap. Even a temporary dental crown is stain-proof. You won’t have to worry about eating your favorite food anymore!

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4.Withstands any damage.

Fact: Although the material used in crowns are very hard and tough, it’s still weak to severe facial trauma. Even your natural teeth, a hard bone, aren’t resistant to accidents. If you’re active in sports, make sure to ask your dentist for a mouth guard that could protect your teeth and your dental crown.

Unfortunately, if you’ve bitten down on something solid or met a dental emergency, your tooth cap may chip or break. It is highly suggested to care for your crowns like how you would on your natural teeth. Nevertheless, dental crowns are repairable and replaceable without any difficulty.

5.Only for restoration.

Fact: A dental crown procedure isn’t exclusively done to restore your tooth functions, it also restores your appearance. Generally, tooth caps are for restorative and cosmetic purposes. Besides the fact that it helps you to eat vigorously again, it also brings back your confidence. This is one of the dental procedures that could improve a patient’s health and lifestyle at the same time.

6.Very expensive.

Fact: The porcelain dental crown cost depends on a variety of factors and not just the material itself. If it did, the price range would just be around $350 CAD to $1000 CAD. Patients have the right to ask their dentist a breakdown of the quotation. This will enlighten them on what they’re paying for and if it’s worth it. You should also consider that prices may differ to which clinic you’re attending or who’s the dentist.

There’s also a huge impact on other dental procedures that are necessary prior to dental crown procedures. Usually, the root canal treatment and dental implants are included in your overall dental appointment.

Having your dental crown in Markham, Ontario lets you achieve that healthy and beautiful teeth!

6 Shocking Facts That Lie Behind Your Dental Veneers

Not everyone, even your dentist, is gifted with a perfect set of teeth. Even if you’ve tried hard enough to keep your teeth healthy, you can’t evade dental problems without professional help. Luckily, dental veneers now give an instant answer to your cries for help. These fine tooth shells easily cover teeth issues such as gaps, fractures, and even stains.

Dentists use modern technology to create these customized tooth laminates and bond them over your tooth without discomfort. Aside from aesthetics, veneers also restore your teeth functions such as properly chewing on your food and pronouncing clearly.

Truly, what you see is what you get. However, there are things apart from what is plain that you have to know about your porcelain dental veneers.

6 truths about dental veneers

1.It’s irreversible.

Unlike non-invasive teeth bleaching, the process of applying veneers requires dentists to take off some of the tooth’s surface. This is necessary to spare room for when the dentist will attach the tooth shell. This also allows proper bonding and to look natural in the mouth. Considering this, front teeth veneers could no longer bring back your polished teeth enamel once it’s on.


Since veneers are permanent, you won’t be able to take it off without having to remove everything else or it’ll make your teeth look uneven. If you’re uncomfortable just thinking about this, ask your dentist for an alternative.

2. Irreparable damage.

Having your dental laminates might compare you to playing gamble. It’s quite a risk when you have them on so you must always observe proper maintenance on each of them. Although porcelain is a hard material, it may still dislodge. Furthermore, once a veneer becomes chipped or damaged, the dentist could no longer fix it. He will have to replace the entire shell if not bond it. Bonding the fracture with a translucent bonding agent will only create a line that’s susceptible to stain and exposure to more damage.

6 Shocking Facts That Lie Behind Your Dental Veneers

3. Susceptible to cavities.

While porcelain dental veneers cover teeth imperfections, it’s not capable of shielding it from bacteria. Without practicing good oral hygiene, the teeth under the laminates are still vulnerable to cavities and other diseases. Don’t even think about dental laminates to cure your existing tooth and gum infections. In other words, don’t be too complacent about skipping your dental routine or missing your dental appointments.

4. It’s costly.

Dental veneers cost on average is around $500 CAD to $1000 CAD per tooth. Some clinics have more expensive porcelain teeth cost because of the material used and their existing reputation. Come to think of it, you wouldn’t ask for a single or two veneers if you want to achieve the ideal set. Mostly will order for the front teeth and that’s 10 or 12 times the basic price. If you think that’s out of your budget, try to check if you could avail the clinic’s payment schemes. Even ask your insurance provider to help you achieve that spotless smile.


5. Teeth sensitivity.

You probably know by now that your teeth need polishing to fit the tooth shells. When there’s more exposure of the insides of the tooth roots, it’s defenseless to hot and cold. Although they bond over the tooth, the shells couldn’t help to prevent teeth sensitivity. You’ll still feel that sharp stinging sensation whenever you drink your steaming coffee or iced juice.

6. Mismatching color.

It’s possible that your porcelain dental veneers do not closely match the color of your natural teeth. Moreso, once the veneers are on place, their colors are permanent and can’t be changed. One tip — have teeth bleaching prior to your veneer application. Even professional teeth cleaning helps to remove the stains that may affect the result of your treatment. This way, you could ensure that the color of your teeth and veneers match.

If you’re considering to have dental veneers in Markham, Ontario, rest assured that you’re making the right decision!

Here Is How You Deal With The Drawback Of Ceramic Braces

Just like any orthodontic appliance, ceramic braces also hold some disadvantages to each of its users. Even though it’s the most suitable treatment for you, don’t least expect for malfunctions and slight issues. You could consider these as key ingredients to the success of the dental procedure. Why? It’s because when issues arise, dentists would improve it for you.

Now, there are several types of teeth braces and it might be hard to choose according to your preference. This is why your orthodontist’s opinion matters the most. Did you opt for clear ceramic braces because it’s unnoticeable? You’re in luck! However, its other features might give you a bit of a hard time. You don’t have to worry as there’s always a fix for everything.

Drawbacks of ceramic braces


Although the material used in ceramic brackets is quite strong, this same advantage leads to the tooth’s damage. Unlike stainless steel brackets that aren’t that abrasive to the tooth, the hard composite material in ceramics is rough. Especially when dentists remove ceramic braces, this tends to scrape off much enamel from the tooth surface.

Fortunately, dentists now use the advanced technology techniques to remove brackets without harming the tooth. Dentists call this process as laser debonding and it’s painless and quick. Furthermore, patients may strengthen their teeth enamel by following a proper diet containing foods rich in minerals. These include eggs, cheese, and avocado.

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Braces made of ceramic could also brittle leading to chips or breakage when there’s trauma. This is such a bad choice for kids or patients who are active in sports. Like basketball and rugby, contact sports such as martial arts will likely involve the facial area. However, most kids would rather choose clear braces than the traditional ones.

When this is the case, make sure your kids wear their customized mouth guards over their clear ceramic braces. Mouth guards are perfect to limit the harmful effects when engaged into contact sports. Inform your dentist of his activities so that a suitable dental device is crafted to protect your child’s teeth and his appliances.


The ceramic dental braces cost is probably more expensive than the metal ones. One factor is the material itself which could be around $4000 CAD to $5000 CAD on average. Another basis for the price is the treatment as it’s more extensive and lengthy to achieve desired results.

Good news for policyholders and long-time patients because you may use your benefits on this one. Insurance companies might provide coverage, even at least 20% of the entire dental bill for orthodontic patients. Loyal patients also get to enjoy discounts and flexible payment plans from their trusted dental clinics.


Since ceramic braces are larger than the brackets of the traditional braces, it could be harder to clean. Multiple complications lead from improper oral hygiene and that includes tooth decay and gum diseases. Aside from this, transparent braces have clear elastic ties that are prone to stains and aren’t as resistant as the ceramic bracket. So, patients who enjoy staining drinks such as coffee and tea should be aware.

Having said this, patients should seek advice from their dentist on how to appropriately care for their clear ceramic braces. There are specific guidelines to clean ceramic braces and your dentists would show you how. They could also give you regular professional teeth cleaning to ensure the health of your teeth throughout the treatment period.  

Patients should also restrict their intake of foods with powerful staining properties to avoid discoloration of their dental appliance. Moreso, when appliances are stained they can’t be cleaned. When this happens, your dentist might have to replace it with a new set.

If you consult about ceramic braces in Markham, Ontario, be sure to ask about its possible drawbacks. This way, you could ask your dentist to check on your options again.

Restore Your Smile Now The Invisalign Way

You don’t have to suffer from misaligned teeth or a bad bite for a lifetime. Modern cosmetic dentistry has revolutionized the way to straighten your teeth through Invisalign. If you’re aiming to have a gorgeous smile this year then don’t waste another minute. Now is the perfect time for you to try the clear aligners and experience its benefits.

What is the Invisalign system?

This system consists of custom-made clear and almost invisible aligners. It’s computer-generated and based on 3D images of your teeth. The use of Invisalign braces is an advanced way to align your teeth in a shorter time.  

It corrects common tooth problems such as:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Teeth with gaps
  • Mild bite problems like overbite, underbite, open bite or cross bite

Types of Invisalign braces

These are the popular types of Invisalign that dentists recommend based on the special needs of their patients.

1. Invisalign Express

This type of clear aligners is ideal for patients with minor teeth issues. The length of time for this treatment is only six months and only requires 10 sets of aligners.

2. Invisalign Lite

Invisalign Lite aligners are perfect for patients with mild to moderate issues and have crowns. They consist of 14 clear aligner trays which are worn for six to seven months.

3. Invisalign Teen

This type is specifically intended for teenagers and young adults whose teeth are still shifting. It has six complimentary clear aligner replacements with Blue Dot Wear Indicator. The indicator fades to signify that it needs to be changed. It also has eruption tabs for second molars.

4. Invisalign Full  

Dentists recommend this type because it corrects moderate to complex teeth issues. The treatment takes around 12 to 18 months.

5. Invisalign i7

This type of Invisalign braces consists of seven set of aligners which are worn in a period of three months. It’s intended to treat mild overcrowding of teeth.  

What makes invisible aligners popular?

The Invisalign system is becoming a popular choice among patients because of these advantages:

  • Aligners are removable.

You can remove your Invisalign braces during meal time. This allows you to eat the food you like as opposed to wearing metal braces. You can also remove it if you need to brush and floss your teeth.

  • Comfortable to wear.

Invisalign treatment in Markham, Ontario won’t hurt your gums as it doesn’t have sharp edges and wires. It’s comfortable as it is smooth and not irritating on your mouth.

  • Clear aligners are convenient to use.

More patients are now using this orthodontic treatment because aligners are very convenient to use. Now, you can straighten your teeth without having to wear the metal braces.  

  • Only involves minimal maintenance.

Invisalign aligners are easy to maintain. You only have to clean it at least every other day to remove any stains.

Things to remember

You have to put it on for at least 22 hours a day. This should be strictly followed as not doing so will have an impact on its level of effectivity. Invisalign braces also have attachments. These are enamel ridges that stick to the braces for a better fit. While it helps in shifting your teeth’s position it can also make the aligners noticeable.

The use of clear aligners allows you to enjoy the things that you do while it corrects your teeth issues. Experience this latest orthodontic treatment today. Consult your dentist on the right type that is appropriate for you.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Your Career

Advancing through one’s career can be a frustration. It entails more than just performance and a set of skills to leap into different aspects of the competitive working world. It entails confidence, and the readiness to smile.

If teeth is an issue that could lead to one to be too conscious to smile, one will likely lose an edge in advancing to the career. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry makes a great solution.

Cosmetic Dentistry: A Personal Key to Success

Cosmetic dentistry can aid in overcoming both anxiety and fear by offering one the confidence needed to help one be presentable in the real world. A Cosmetic dentist Markham has the solution in acquiring that right smile that can help unlock one’s career potential.

Teeth Whitening

Great dentists offer teeth whitening solutions that regain one’s teeth with several white shades during a dental visit. That’s a better option rather than depending on teeth whitening solutions one will find in drug stores or at the grocer’s.


If one happens to be stuck with a mouth full of metallic fillings, one’s smile can greatly benefit with an upgrade. In today’s era, dentists are now equipped with fillings that make it hard to distinguish artificial teeth to that of the remaining natural teeth in the mouth.


Veneers are fantastic in improving a person’s smile. There are instances when chips, scuffs, scratches, or misalignment of teeth can lead to a less appealing smile. Veneers are capable of concealing such flaws and offer a straight smile that one could ever dreamed of. All that without having to use braces.

Get that Perfect Smile

The great thing that one can make to make a smile effective is to collaborate with a dentist committed to offering the desired results. One can have that smile to help reach one’s career goals by visiting the Dental Office Markham.

How Long Do Teeth Whitening Effects Last in Markham?

How long will teeth whitening effects last in Markham?

That will depend on several factors; such as what type of whitening is used, the number of acidic foods or drinks consumed, and how well you keep up with your oral hygiene routine.

Types of teeth whitening

You can have professional whitening done by the dentist or you can purchase over the counter whitening kits at most pharmacies.

Whitening products you will find in pharmacies are strips, trays, pens, or gels you brush on, toothpaste and rinses.

These products are not as potent as teeth whitening  Markham dentist offices.

How do home whitening differ from dentist whitening

When the dentist does a whitening you can also get a fluoride treatment Markham and the process takes an hour to achieve.

First, there will be a protective barrier places on your gums and lips. Then the whitening gel will be applied followed by an ultraviolet light to activate the whitening agent. This has a higher concentration of whitening bleach than home products and the results are seen immediately. This type of treatment whitens below the surface.

With home whitening, there is no fluoride treatment and you have to try to keep strips or trays in contact with your teeth. These are surface whiteners only.

The length of time your teeth stay white

If you eat or drink a lot of acidic foods such as coffee or wine, smoke, or do not properly brush twice a day your teeth whitening will not last as long.

You need to remember that as we age our teeth age also and the color changes.

Home kits can be used in between whitening done by your Markham dentist to help keep your teeth whiter longer in between cleaning and whitening.

Weekend Dentistry in Markham

Many offices offer weekend dentistry Markham in order to better fit the needs of their patients.

Life is hectic with swing shift work, school, after-school sports, and other activities it is often hard to make it the dentist without evening or weekend hours.

Of course, there are other reasons you might need to visit the dentist on the weekend.

Emergency dental hours

Emergencies never seem to happen during regular hours which are why the emergency dentist open on Saturday Markham.

Having Saturday hours helps the patients and the dentist since it gives them time during the week to do their banking and other errands that they cannot do on weekends.

What types of services are available on Saturday

General services, as well as emergency services, such are fixing a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth.

Repairing a loose filling or a tooth that has been knocked out.

Cleanings and checkups, extractions, fillings, veneers, and many other procedures can be on a Saturday.

Costs of Saturday hours

Generally, it is no more expensive than going on a weekday but it also depends on the procedure you are having done.

If it is an emergency without a scheduled appointment then you may pay a little more but some emergencies just can’t wait a day or two.

You need to know whether your dentist in Markham has weekend or emergency hours and if they do have emergency hours be sure that you have the right contact number(s) for emergencies.

Keep those numbers in an emergency dental kit so you will have them with you at home or away. A good dental kit should contain, sterile pads, a small container with a lid, the phone numbers of the dentist, and a bottle of water that way you can handle whatever comes your way.

3 Ways to Get Perfect Teeth

Everyone who practices good Markham dental hygiene techniques can achieve perfect teeth. Having beautiful teeth will improve your self-confidence and encourage you to smile, but it will also have an impact on your dental health. For instance, you’ll prevent tooth decay and other problems and improve your general health, lowering your risk of serious conditions like heart disease.

Ways to Get Perfect Teeth

1. Brush Regularly and Correctly

You should be brushing at least twice a day to maintain a healthy mouth. However, how you brush is also important. Ask your dental hygienist to show you the correct technique. You may also like to ask for recommendations about the right type and correct amount of toothpaste. Finally, choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and never brush too hard — this can irritate your gums, even causing them to recede.

2. Schedule Regular Checkups

It is often impossible to know that there’s anything wrong with your teeth or oral health without seeing your Markham dentist. You need to be receiving a routine checkup at least every six months.

Checkups are also the ideal time to discuss any concerns and receive tips about further improving your dental health. Make sure to always receive a professional cleaning at the same time and, if necessary, fluoride treatment.

3. Receive Basic Cosmetic Treatment

You may have problems with your teeth that brushing and checkups alone cannot solve. If a tooth is damaged, cracked, or decayed, your best course of action is to receive cosmetic treatment. Discuss your options with your dentist. Almost anything can be fixed with cosmetic dentistry, including misalignment, stains, and chips. There is even the option to change the shape or length of your gums through gum contouring.

If your problems relate to your bite or your teeth are crowded, orthodontic treatment is an option. With invisible braces, you can correct these issues without anyone knowing.

What a Dental Cleaning in Markham Involves

If you’ve never had a dental cleaning Markham before, you’re probably wondering what to expect. There’s no reason to be concerned — a teeth cleaning is a fast and painless routine procedure, often carried out by a dental hygienist. It tends to involve a few basic steps.

A Recap of Your Medical History

Before you can receive a cleaning, your dentist needs to know about your medical history. This is because cleaning your teeth causes bacteria to enter your bloodstream. For almost everyone, this causes no problems. However, if you are high risk for an infection, your dentist needs to know about it. You can still receive the cleaning — you’ll just need to take an antibiotic first.

Your dentist may also ask about your family’s medical history. Find out before your appointment if any close family members have a history of gum disease.

The Cleaning

The cleaning itself takes 30 minutes to one hour and requires the use a few different tools.

  1. It starts with an ultrasonic instrument to knock large pieces of plaque off your teeth.
  2. Next, manual scalers and curettes remove small pieces of plaque and tartar.
    • Your dental hygienist will also use an instrument to spray your mouth with water mist to wash away the plaque and tartar.
  3. After they are clean, your dental hygienist will polish your teeth with a prophylaxis paste to make them smooth.

If you also need fluoride treatment, you will also receive it at this time. In the case you do receive fluoride treatment, you will have to refrain from eating for 30 minutes.

Brush Technique

After the cleaning, your dental hygienist will give you recommendations on how to improve your oral health. This will likely involve showing you the proper brush technique.

Talk to your Markham dentist about scheduling a teeth cleaning at your next checkup.


Types of Mouth Guards in Markham to Protect Your Teeth

When looking for a mouthguard Markham, you have three options: a stock mouthguard, a boil and bite protector, or a custom-fitted mouthguard. It is important to think carefully about your choice, as what you choose will impact how well your teeth are protected.

Stock Mouth Protectors

Your least expensive option is a stock mouth protector. You can find these for sale in pharmacies, sports stores, and department stores. As they are cheap, they offer only the most basic protection and tend to be very much one-size-fits-all. Plus, there is little you can do to improve the fit. This means stock mouth guards tend to be uncomfortable and can even make breathing difficult.

Boil and Bite Mouth Guards

For a little extra money, you can purchase a boil and bite mouth guard, made from a thermoplastic. You place the mouth guard in hot water to soften the plastic and the place it in your mouth. You then bite down on the material and mold it into the shape of your teeth using a finger and your tongue. Although they do fit better than stock protectors, boil and bite mouth guards are still quite uncomfortable and will only offer you minimal protection.

Custom-Made Mouth Guards

Your best option is a custom-fitted mouth guard. These are available from your Markham dentist. Receiving a custom mouthguard requires two trips to your dental clinic. At the first, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth. At this time, you will also discuss any specifications, such as level of protection according to the sports you play.

The impression, along with your specifications, will be sent to a dental lab. Once your mouth guard is ready, you will return to the clinic. Your dentist will check the fit and comfort, making any necessary adjustments, before you leave.