Know The Different Functions Of A Dental Crown

Your dentist does not easily remove your tooth every time it’s damaged by decay or you accidentally fractured it. He completely restores your compromised tooth with a dental crown. A crown is a dental cap that’s bonded to the tooth to fully cover and preserve its aesthetics and structure. This restorative procedure is cost effective and can be done the same day.  

You might never know when you will need a tooth crown unless you understand how it works. Hence, it’s important for you to know the different functions of a dental crown procedure.

Functions of a dental crown

Saves the tooth from reinfection.

When your tooth is damaged by cavities and the infection has reached the pulp, you will need a root canal treatment. The pulp is the part where the roots and nerves of the tooth are. When these are infected, you will be referred to an endodontist who will perform the root canal procedure. He will access the tooth to reach the pulp so he can remove and disinfect the tooth roots. This leaves a hole in your tooth that needs to be covered by a dental filling. Then, he needs to cover it with a dental crown to prevent reinfection while restoring your tooth’s functions.

Shapes the damaged tooth.

A patient who experiences maxillofacial trauma may have one of his teeth break or chip. A fractured or chipped tooth causes pain and discomfort to the patient, so it needs immediate treatment. His damaged tooth is easily restored and reshaped with a crown. Thanks to the advanced dental technology, most dentists perform a dental crown procedure in one appointment. This means the patient doesn’t have to endure the discomfort and doesn’t go home with a broken smile. When the crown is bonded to the tooth, the dentist shapes it in a way that it complements with the remaining natural teeth.


dental crown procedure

Strengthens the tooth’s structure.

A dental crown also strengthens the structure of the tooth after most of it has been damaged by cavities. Oral cavities usually attack the tooth enamel, causing the structure to weaken. If not restored, the tooth may brittle and may need to be extracted altogether. To save it from complete removal, the dentist removes the tooth’s damaged tissues first. Then, he uses filling materials to build the tooth structure again. Lastly, he performs a dental crown procedure in order to strengthen the tooth and complete the restoration.

The ‘Tooth’ Beneath Every Dental Crown Myth

A dental crown is an awesome dentistry procedure that helps patients restore their badly decayed or damaged tooth. However, there are myths going around about crowns that are probably causing confusion and fear to those who need it. That’s why dental clinics are trying to reach out in any platform to debunk these misconceptions. It’s their responsibility to promote that dentistry aims to provide everyone optimal dental health without any hidden agenda.  

Dental crown common misconceptions and its facts

1.Extensive and painful procedure.

Fact: Dentists perform the dental crown procedure to end the discomfort and not the other way around. Although it involves tooth reshaping and polishing to prepare for the tooth cap, this process should be painless. Most dental clinics now use modern technology such as laser treatment and sedation for a quick and comfortable session. Furthermore, dentists always use anesthesia around the area of the tooth to numb the patient.

Some patients also worry about recovery because they think it’s prolonged and unpleasant. It’s actually just minimal. Most patients resume to their normal routines the day after the tooth crown replacement. Aside from slight tooth sensitivity to hot and cold within a week, there should be no other complaints. After the speedy healing period, it’s safe to say that it’s like nothing happened.

2.Unnatural appearance.

Fact: Unless you share to friends or family that you’ve recently had a dental crown, they would never notice that you have one. Suffice to say, tooth caps look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth. Dentists would expertly work on it so it seamlessly matches with the rest of your teeth.

Unlike dentures that look like plastic and foreign in the mouth, crowns are different. The dentist would first consider your teeth shade before fabricating it and then uses his tools to polish it. The results would be astonishing and almost unbelievable to say that they’re only replacements. Reportedly, even the patients themselves couldn’t identify which teeth are the false ones!

3.Susceptible to food stains.

Fact: Contrary to what most people believe, dental crowns are resistant to food and drink stains. Even when you usually drink coffee or tea, it’s not going to affect the color of your caps. The reason behind this is that porcelain isn’t porous so the blemish doesn’t stay unlike in real tooth. That’s why prior to the dental crown procedure, dentists should match your teeth shade with your porcelain tooth cap. Even a temporary dental crown is stain-proof. You won’t have to worry about eating your favorite food anymore!

The ‘Tooth’ Beneath Every Dental Crown Myth-2

4.Withstands any damage.

Fact: Although the material used in crowns are very hard and tough, it’s still weak to severe facial trauma. Even your natural teeth, a hard bone, aren’t resistant to accidents. If you’re active in sports, make sure to ask your dentist for a mouth guard that could protect your teeth and your dental crown.

Unfortunately, if you’ve bitten down on something solid or met a dental emergency, your tooth cap may chip or break. It is highly suggested to care for your crowns like how you would on your natural teeth. Nevertheless, dental crowns are repairable and replaceable without any difficulty.

5.Only for restoration.

Fact: A dental crown procedure isn’t exclusively done to restore your tooth functions, it also restores your appearance. Generally, tooth caps are for restorative and cosmetic purposes. Besides the fact that it helps you to eat vigorously again, it also brings back your confidence. This is one of the dental procedures that could improve a patient’s health and lifestyle at the same time.

6.Very expensive.

Fact: The porcelain dental crown cost depends on a variety of factors and not just the material itself. If it did, the price range would just be around $350 CAD to $1000 CAD. Patients have the right to ask their dentist a breakdown of the quotation. This will enlighten them on what they’re paying for and if it’s worth it. You should also consider that prices may differ to which clinic you’re attending or who’s the dentist.

There’s also a huge impact on other dental procedures that are necessary prior to dental crown procedures. Usually, the root canal treatment and dental implants are included in your overall dental appointment.

Having your dental crown in Markham, Ontario lets you achieve that healthy and beautiful teeth!