Teeth Whitening

teeth whitening by forestbrook dental

Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

You can probably find a lot of teeth whitening products at your pharmacy, or your dentist might suggest the right ones for you. There are numerous products which can be purchased over the counter like gels, strips, trays, rinses and other whitening products suggested by the Markham dentist. Teeth whitening is not for everyone, but it can be ideal for individuals who have healthy teeth and gums, especially for those who do not have any fillings. Those people who have yellowed teeth seem to respond well to these processes. But it is not recommended for every single person.

Types of Teeth Whitening

There are several different ways to brighten up your smile by whitening your teeth, but all of them are not as effective. Each person’s teeth will also respond differently so it’s important to know the different ways to whiten their teeth. Here are the basic types to choose from:

  • Over the Counter Strips and Gels
  • Whitening Rinses
  • Tray-based Whiteners
  • In –office professional whitening

How long will the effects of a teeth whitening last?

Using any method to whiten the teeth is not a permanent solution and it won’t last forever. Every day your teeth can be exposed to foods and beverages that can cause stains. This can make the whitening effect fade in as little as three or four weeks. However, by avoiding foods that are known to stain the teeth, the effects have been known to last as long as a year before a follow up treatment is needed. This will vary greatly between individuals and depends on how stained their teeth are to start with, the overall condition of their teeth and the type of whitening or bleaching system they use.

Can anyone use a whitening system for their teeth?

There are some circumstances where teeth whitening is not recommended. These include:

  • People under 16 years of age should not whiten their teeth because the pulp chamber is large until after this age. Whitening the teeth during this stage can cause the pulp to become irritated or sensitive.
  • Pregnant or lactating women are not advised to pursue teeth whitening.
  • Individuals who have sensitive teeth, or those who have allergies should refrain from using these systems.
  • Those who have exposed roots, worn enamel, cavities or gum disease should avoid teeth whitening procedures.
  • Individuals who have crowns, fillings or other restorations should not use whitening products.
  • Those who have teeth that are very darkly stained will not have a good response to bleaching.
  • If you have unrealistic expectations from the whitening experience, you will likely be disappointed.

Smile fearlessly with Philips Zoom Whitespeed

Smiling may seem like an involuntary response to something funny, but it does so much more; there’s magic in your smile!   Did you know the act of smiling can release endorphins which benefits your health and happiness?   Smiling is contagious, and we would be happy to help spread some joy with our Professional Philips Zoom Whitespeed.


Making sure your oral health is in optimal condition is extremely important prior to any whitening treatment.   Whitening your teeth when you have gum disease, exposed roots, cavities, cracks, crowded teeth, gum recession, or other untreated issues can cause further pain, sensitivity and problems.  In a scenario where whitening takes place before untreated issues, results may look very patchy and discolored as whitening likely won’t take on damaged teeth.  In addition, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that whitening won’t take on crowns, veneers and composites!  Schedule a consultation with your dentist to ensure that whitening is a good option for you.

The process

Philips Zoom Whitespeed is clinically proven to whiten up to 8 shades in 45 minutes!   One of our professionally trained hygienists will assess your initial shade and discuss hygiene maintenance that you can incorporate into your daily schedule to achieve a perfect smile.  Gum irritation is rather common when people do whitening treatment.  All of our hygienists undergo extensive training to ensure a formulated gel is placed onto your gums for protection before the whitening gel is applied correctly for maximized results.  Once applied, the active ingredients start to break down as oxygen enters the enamel and dentine.  The gel will then begin to lift the stains to the surface.  Sit back and relax with our protection glasses while our hygienist applies a blue LED light to activate and accelerate the process.  In just 45 minutes, you can leave with a beautiful whiter, brighter smile!

Whitening Maintenance

Not everyone’s teeth are made equal.  Some teeth will whiten better than others due to several factors that include diet, oral hygiene, side-effects from medication, genetics and more.  In extreme cases, the shade of teeth can be far from white which can cause people to hide their smile and feel embarrassed.  The good news is that teeth whitening doesn’t just eliminate discoloration; it can help boost your self-confidence and improve your overall appearance.  We offer a wide range of tooth whitening products designed to brighten your smile.  Teeth whitening treatment is not a permanent solution and requires maintenance and touch ups for prolonged effect.  With our take-home kits or in-office options, we accommodate all lifestyles and budgets!


Your dentist may recommend a pre and post-whitening desensitizing gel application to reduce sensitivity caused by the whitening product; this will also help nourish the teeth with rehydration and remineralization.   Philips Zoom Whitespeed offers customizable intensity settings help ensure each patient receives a comfortable, positive whitening experience catered to them. In fact, 99% of consumers experienced little to no sensitivity with Philips Zoom Whitespeed.

Post- Whitening Care Instructions for In-Office Zoom!  Bleaching

Teeth are more susceptible to staining for the first 48 hours following a bleaching treatment, therefore it is imperative to follow the instructions to optimize whitening results for a long lasting, sparkling smile!

Please follow these directions for optimal whitening results:

For the next 48 hours, dark staining substances should be avoided such as:

• Red wine, Cola, Coffee and tea
• Berries such as cherries, blueberries, strawberries
• Tobacco products
• Red sauces, mustard or ketchup, Soy sauce

If you must indulge, rinse with water immediately afterwards to minimize the staining effects

• Avoid acidic foods and juices as they may contribute to sensitivity
• Drink beverages using a straw as this reduces the amount of fluid that comes into contact with the surfaces of your newly-bleached teeth
• Minor sensitivity to hot and cold liquids may occur; this is a common post-operative symptom that usually resolves within a few days. Occasionally, it may last longer.  If sensitivity persists, we recommend taking over-the-counter pain medication.  You may use Ibuprofen/Tylenol, or a sensitive toothpaste such as Sensodyne for the next few days. Ensure that you are using a non-coloured toothpaste
• Immediate whitening results can be quite dramatic due to minor dehydration after a bleaching treatment.  It is normal for the color to tone down after a treatment when your teeth rehydrate to a natural white tone

• Maintaining your standard dental routines will help you keep your teeth looking bright and clean for weeks after a bleaching treatment.  Brushing and flossing at home are essential to healthy teeth and gums, but regular check-ups and cleanings help prevent and resolve any signs of trouble!  Using an electric toothbrush will also help get those troubling surface stains.

It’s always best to check with your dentist before attempting to whiten your teeth yourself. When choosing a kit, aim for one which allows for customization of the mouthpiece and ask others about the kits you are considering. Others who have used a kit before may have a good idea and some good insight on how effective the kit will be. They can also warn of any potential problems.