Denture Treatment


Why do I Need a Partial Denture Treatment?

Denture treatments are used to replace missing teeth.  Dentures can be removed from your mouth or put back in. It might take some time to get used to having dentures in your mouth, and they won’t ever feel exactly like your natural teeth, but with today’s advancements they are more comfortable and natural looking than ever before.

Two Types of Dentures

The two types of dentures are full or partial. These two terms refer specifically to the size of the dentures you are having fitted. A partial is used to replace fewer teeth but full dentures are used if all of the teeth are being replaced.

How Dentures Work

If you are fitted with full dentures, a special acrylic base that is the color of your gums will be fitted over your gums. They are shaped like a horseshoe with a base to cover the top of your mouth. Our Markham dentist will take an impression of your mouth and gums and specially make dentures to fit your mouth comfortably. There are three basic fittings for dentures that the dentist will choose from.

  • Conventional Full Dentures are put in the mouth once the teeth have been removed and all the tissue has healed. Each person heals at a different rate, and this can be a lengthy process.
  • Immediate Full Dentures are put in immediately after the teeth have been extracted. The dentist will have already taken impressions in earlier visits. The advantage to this procedure is that you are not without your teeth for an extended amount of time.
  • Partial Dentures are built on a metal structure that will attach directly to your teeth. For some, crowns need to be placed directly on the remaining natural teeth which can serve as anchors.

Getting Used to Dentures

It can take some time to get used to dentures since they can feel uncomfortable at first. They can feel awkward for a few weeks and even for a few months for some people. It might even take some practice to learn how to eat with them in. It’s not uncommon for them to feel a little loose or bulky while you are getting used to them. You might feel like your tongue doesn’t have enough room and you may make extra amounts of saliva for a while. You will get used to them as time goes by and they will not be as uncomfortable.

When to See a Dentist about Dentures

Once you get dentures, you may have some difficulty speaking or with some pronunciations. You may need to practice saying words out loud in order to master their pronunciation. In no time, you will be able to speak properly with dentures. Some people experience a “clicking” sound when they are talking. If this happens, have the dentist examine them. Sometimes dentures can slip a little when you are laughing or coughing. They can be repositioned by biting down and then swallowing. If they continue to cause speaking problems speak to the dentist to see if an adjustment can be made.