Know The Different Functions Of A Dental Crown

Your dentist does not easily remove your tooth every time it’s damaged by decay or you accidentally fractured it. He completely restores your compromised tooth with a dental crown. A crown is a dental cap that’s bonded to the tooth to fully cover and preserve its aesthetics and structure. This restorative procedure is cost effective and can be done the same day.  

You might never know when you will need a tooth crown unless you understand how it works. Hence, it’s important for you to know the different functions of a dental crown procedure.

Functions of a dental crown

Saves the tooth from reinfection.

When your tooth is damaged by cavities and the infection has reached the pulp, you will need a root canal treatment. The pulp is the part where the roots and nerves of the tooth are. When these are infected, you will be referred to an endodontist who will perform the root canal procedure. He will access the tooth to reach the pulp so he can remove and disinfect the tooth roots. This leaves a hole in your tooth that needs to be covered by a dental filling. Then, he needs to cover it with a dental crown to prevent reinfection while restoring your tooth’s functions.

Shapes the damaged tooth.

A patient who experiences maxillofacial trauma may have one of his teeth break or chip. A fractured or chipped tooth causes pain and discomfort to the patient, so it needs immediate treatment. His damaged tooth is easily restored and reshaped with a crown. Thanks to the advanced dental technology, most dentists perform a dental crown procedure in one appointment. This means the patient doesn’t have to endure the discomfort and doesn’t go home with a broken smile. When the crown is bonded to the tooth, the dentist shapes it in a way that it complements with the remaining natural teeth.


dental crown procedure

Strengthens the tooth’s structure.

A dental crown also strengthens the structure of the tooth after most of it has been damaged by cavities. Oral cavities usually attack the tooth enamel, causing the structure to weaken. If not restored, the tooth may brittle and may need to be extracted altogether. To save it from complete removal, the dentist removes the tooth’s damaged tissues first. Then, he uses filling materials to build the tooth structure again. Lastly, he performs a dental crown procedure in order to strengthen the tooth and complete the restoration.

Discover The Different Types Of Dental Veneers

Many cosmetic dentists use modern technology in delivering excellent dental services. One example is their continuous development of dental veneers in changing their patients’ smiles. Dentists use dental laminates to cover their patients’ imperfect teeth, including discolored, chipped teeth or diastema. Over the years, they have improved the process of applying teeth shells and used better materials for a durable restoration. Today, there are various types of dental shells used, and one of the popular options are porcelain dental veneers.

Read on to learn more about the several developments made ever since these thin shell coverings were introduced to dentistry.

The evolution of dental veneers

Traditional veneers

Dentists require two dental appointments from their patients in order to complete the cosmetic treatment using traditional tooth shells. The first appointment involves taking a dental impression and sending the results to an off-site dental laboratory. Ceramists then expertly craft the veneers so they closely mimic the patient’s natural teeth. The process takes about two weeks to be completed before the dental shells are sent back to the dentist’s clinic. The succeeding appointment entails final placement of the traditional dental laminates. These can be made of various materials, such as pressed ceramic, lithium disilicate or stacked porcelain dental veneers.

Zirconia-based veneers

Dentists recommend zirconia-based dental shells to patients whose teeth are structurally weak. This type of material is stronger and more durable compared to ceramic. Furthermore, zirconia has an opaque quality that perfectly hides the damages of the treated tooth. Ideally, laminates made of zirconia can be replaced after 10 years to maintain aesthetics and function.

No-prep veneers

porcelain dental veneers


Patients who have minimal cosmetic issues and good oral health are perfect candidates for Lumineers. These variations are ultra-thin tooth shells, also known as no-prep veneers. The patient’s teeth enamel are conserved with Lumineers since these are thinner than traditional laminates. In effect, much of the original structure of the teeth are preserved. These are also fabricated in an off-site laboratory and takes two dental appointments to accomplish the treatment.

Same-day veneers

Dentists understand that some patients need immediate treatment for their minimal cosmetic teeth issues. Hence, they are able to design and manufacture same-day porcelain dental veneers. They use CEREC or Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, a CAD/CAM unit, to craft restorations in one appointment. The machine uses a software for digital imaging with a milling unit that converts digital scans to customized dental shells. As a result, dentists are able to deliver cosmetic dental treatment with more efficiency and convenience.  

3 Ways To Get The Most Of Your Ceramic Braces Treatment

Most patients with malocclusion, gapped, and crooked teeth problems want to invest in the right type of braces. Choosing the best type of braces always lead to better smiles and improved confidence. Today, orthodontic treatments are not only limited to the traditional braces. Orthodontists also offer ceramic braces to ensure that patients do away with having a “metal mouth”.

The ceramic dental braces are similar to traditional braces only that the brackets used are made of ceramic materials. Yet, they are as durable and as effective as their metal counterparts. The clear ceramic braces are designed to effectively move the patient’s teeth within a year or two of orthodontic treatment.

Being an orthodontic patient, your full cooperation to the treatment plan of your orthodontist is necessary for a successful treatment. Here are the best ways that you can do to get the most out of your treatment with ceramic braces.

3 ways to maximize your ceramic braces treatment

Be committed to your dental appointments.

Your orthodontist will schedule your dental visits to keep track of your treatment’s progress. He will also change your elastic ties or dental bands to tighten your clear ceramic braces and move your teeth. Make sure that you will include this in your busy schedule so you don’t have to miss this appointment. This will ensure that you will be on track with your treatment.

Always practice excellent oral hygiene.

clear ceramic braces

This is yet another important aspect in your treatment. Always ensure to clean your teeth and gums, especially after meals. As you know, food particles that get stuck in between your ceramic braces lead to plaque formation. In effect, it leads to poor gum health and it prevents the progress of the treatment.

Stop smoking.

Prior to your treatment, your orthodontist must have already explained to you the importance of giving up your smoking habit. This doesn’t go well with your orthodontic treatment as it causes deep stains to your teeth and clear ceramic braces. Ceramic materials are porous, making them more susceptible to stains. More importantly, smoking leads to gum disease which will be a major roadblock in your treatment.

Creative Ways To Let Your Child Say Yes To Tooth Extraction

It’s always challenging to convince the kids to visit their dentist, more so if they need a tooth extraction. There’s going to be a lot of preparation, story telling, and gift buying before he finally agrees to do it. However, as parents, have you tried these creative ways of convincing your child to have this tooth removed?

Prior to talking to your child to undergo the procedure, it’s important to understand when this is necessary. Here are the dental case scenarios where your child needs to have a tooth or two removed.

  • The wisdom tooth is impacted which means it has not fully erupted or is coming out in an incorrect position. This dental case requires an immediate wisdom tooth extraction.
  • The child has crowded teeth. If left untreated, some of his teeth become crooked and will further lead to malocclusion.
  • Baby teeth are still present until adolescent stage. When these are not removed, there’s no room for the permanent teeth to erupt.

These dental cases need immediate attention as early as childhood so these will not cause the malformation of his teeth. Having said this, you need to convince your child to meet his dentist for tooth removal.

Simple tricks to convince your child to undergo a tooth extraction

Let him earn the bragging rights of a tooth champion.

Be playful and creative in giving him an award as the tooth champion. He gets to tell his family and friends on how brave he is to meet the dentist and sit on his chair. A reward would be meaningful after he successfully goes through the tooth extraction procedure.  

He’s not cute when he cries over a toothache.

Crying is definitely a sign that your child is in pain because he has a low tolerance to such discomfort. When his wisdom tooth is impacted, it causes swelling in the jaw area which certainly causes pain to your child. The tooth is suppose to come out naturally, however it’s trapped inside the gums. Assure your child that this should be over once he undergoes a wisdom tooth extraction.

There’s an ice cream treat after a tooth extraction.

A sweet treat is waiting for your child as soon as you step out from the dentist’s clinic. Let him enjoy his soft serve ice cream to numb the gums and allow the blood to clot. This appeals to him as his reward, however, the main purpose is to jumpstart his healing process.

What to expect on the tooth extraction day

wisdom tooth extraction

After the “baby talk” is over and the appointment is set, it’s time to go and meet the dentist for the tooth extraction procedure. Simply remember to follow these steps.

  1. Please let your child take his meal at least two hours before the schedule of the tooth removal. This ensures that he’s ready for any medication that will be given to him during the procedure.
  2. Arrive at the dental clinic 45 minutes prior to the appointment because you need to fill out some paperwork. Also, this allows your child to be at ease inside the dental clinic as he meets the friendly dental staff.
  3. Take your child inside the dentist’s room and help him settle on the dental chair. You don’t need to worry as he will be given oral sedation and local anesthetic for a pain-free wisdom tooth extraction.  
  4. Strictly adhere to the home care post-operative instructions to help your child manage the pain and heal faster. Bleeding is normal and should not cause you to panic. Your dentist shall provide you with a sterilized gauze pad that your child can bite on to manage the bleeding. Change it every 30 minutes or so, especially once you arrive home.
  5. Prepare a soft meal for him and damp a cold compress near the extraction site to prevent swelling.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully convinced your child to go through tooth extraction in Markham, Ontario. Let him enjoy more cold and soft food while he’s still recovering. He should feel okay and be free to play again after 72 hours. Don’t forget to give him the reward he deserves and tell his “tooth champion” tale to your friends and family.

Top 4 Strong Points Of Having Dental Implants

Dental implants are a restorative solution that permanently replace your missing teeth. This treatment uses screw-like material that your dentist attaches to your jawbone via surgery. In effect, the implant becomes a sturdy base for crowns and dentures as it fuses with the patient’s bones and tissues. A patient can choose either zirconium or titanium as the main component of this tooth restoration. Zirconia implants are strongly recommended for patients that are allergic to metals. On one hand, dentists recommend titanium dental implants as they are highly favorable to integrate well to the patients’ jawbone.

Advantages of dental implants

Teeth implants have become popular since they were first introduced to dentistry. According to studies, there are 5.5 million implant surgeries that dentists perform annually. There are four strong points that make dental implants one of the best teeth restorations.

Dental health is improved.

The dental implant does not negatively affect the natural teeth as compared to a dental bridge. There’s no need to trim down or make changes of a neighboring tooth for this treatment. Hence, there’s no further damage on your remaining teeth, and your oral health is improved. It’s easy to maintain your oral care regimen as if you did not lose a tooth.

Durable and sturdy replacement.

Titanium dental implants

Titanium dental implants are biocompatible to your body and they blend with your jawbone and tissues in a process called osseointegration. This process allows the implants to become part of you, making them durable replacement for your missing teeth.

It prevents your teeth from shifting.

Once the tooth implant is put in place, the gap is closed and the remaining teeth stay in place. They don’t tend to shift just to fill the missing gap caused by the lost tooth. No other restoration prevents teeth movement other than dental implants. That’s why it’s very crucial to have your missing tooth replaced as soon as possible before it’s too late. When the tooth gap is left untreated, you’ll need other dental treatments like dental braces to maintain your teeth alignment.  

Your tooth’s natural function is restored.

An implant acts like a natural tooth and restores your ability to speak and chew well. There’s no need to feel uncomfortable or worry about slurred speech since your implant is secured in place as you talk. Also, you can chew your food properly, without the fear of dentures coming off from your mouth. Indeed, your tooth is restored for good.

Now, it’s pretty clear how important it is to choose the best tooth restoration and prevent other dental problems. The next best thing to do is to meet your dentist. You have to discuss if you’re a good candidate for titanium dental implants or zirconia. You need to be clear from any allergic reaction to these materials. Also, you have to have enough bone density to ensure the success of your implant surgery. Learn more about Markham dental implants when you visit your nearest local clinic in Markham, Ontario.

Dental Invisalign: An Invisible Way To Improve Your Smile

Metal braces are oftentimes the preferred treatment for patients who need to align their teeth and improve their smiles. These have been proven effective since the traditional braces were introduced in 1728. However, dental Invisalign changed the look of teeth alignment, from metal brackets to clear tray aligners. This new orthodontic treatment has helped many patients regain their confidence in as short as 18 months. With modern technology, these clear aligners have evolved into different types such as Invisalign Teen, Invisalign Express, and traditional Invisalign.

What is dental Invisalign?

These are sets of custom-made clear aligners that a patient wears for 22 hours daily until the treatment is completed. The trays are designed using 3D technology to reinforce the movement of your teeth. They look like mouthpieces however, they are made of durable material, strong enough to push your teeth into proper alignment.

Advantages of dental Invisalign treatment

  1. Others will not notice that you’re wearing aligners.

The dental Invisalign is made of plastic and transparent material that makes it invisible. In effect, you don’t have to worry that everyone might notice that you’re having your teeth aligned. There’s no need to feel awkward when you smile and talk to others when you’re in a social gathering.

  1. Your aligners are removable.

Now that you’re wearing traditional Invisalign trays, you don’t have to say no to all the party invitations. You can eat to your heart’s content without worry because you can simply remove your aligners during meals. Just make sure to bring teeth cleaning essentials with you every time. Keep your pearly whites squeaky clean before you put on your aligner trays again. Also, upon removing your plastic trays, store them properly so you won’t accidentally throw or misplace them.

  1. Maintaining your oral care regimen is easy.

oral health

The conventional braces have metal brackets and wires surrounding the surface of your teeth. This makes it hard for you to properly clean and floss your teeth on a daily basis. On one hand, the dental Invisalign trays can be easily removed when you’re doing your oral care routine. You have all the freedom to floss and make sure that no food debris get stuck in between your teeth. Also, remember to follow your dentist’s advice in cleaning your mouth trays. As you flawlessly clean your teeth, you also have to religiously keep your aligners clean.

  1. Your teeth are aligned in a shorter period.

Your dentist gives you a new set of clear aligners every two weeks to ensure progress and movement on your dental arches. Typically, the average period of wearing your dental Invisalign is up to 18 months. The duration of Invisalign treatment is significantly shorter as compared to regular braces which take 5 long years to finish.

  1. You get a clear picture of the whole treatment plan.

You can easily follow the treatment plan of your dentist once he explains the 3D images of the aligners. He expertly tells you about the progress of your traditional Invisalign treatment, especially when you change your aligners. This will give you an idea of what to expect and how long until you see visible results of the treatment. You will appreciate what modern technology can do to improve your smile in a shorter period of time.

Recommended cosmetic treatments after dental Invisalign

Once your teeth alignment treatment is completed, it’s time to up your game a notch higher! You have the option to undergo laser teeth whitening treatment for that most coveted Hollywood smile. Another option would be having dental veneers to cover slight shape imperfections in some of your teeth. See your Markham dentist today and let him help you have a full smile make-over.


5 Mind-Blowing Facts That Make Dental Implants Popular

Some say that a smile is everyone’s best asset, that’s why many patients spend a huge amount just to have a smile makeover. However, what will you do if you lost some of your teeth? Whether it’s caused by infection or by accident, missing a few of your teeth has a significant impact on how you see yourself. Fortunately, dental care has gone through several improvements for the past couple of years. These latest developments have made tooth replacement more accessible to everyone. Dental implants are considered the next best thing to natural teeth because they look and function like your organic teeth. Conversely, what makes it popular among most patients?

Benefits of dental implants

Enhances your appearance

One of the significant benefits of Titanium dental implants is its ability to inhibit further deterioration of the patient’s bone structure. When a patient loses one or more of his teeth, the jawbone starts to weaken and may affect the bone structure. His lips begin to fold in as his lower face shortly begins to wrinkle, creating a witch-like chin. This incident tends to make a patient look much older than his actual age. With dental implants, he will be able to prevent any further structure collapse and may even restore a few years of glow.

Even when you only have a missing tooth, an implant procedure is better compared to a traditional tooth-supported bridge. It’s very particular especially if the problem area is the front teeth.

Restores confidence

dental implants

Losing a few of your teeth affects both your ability to speak as well as your confidence. Titanium dental implants help patients feel better about themselves by restoring their ability to eat and talk properly. Furthermore, it also helps them smile without any reservations and worries. Since these dental prosthetics look similar to natural teeth, it will no longer have any effect on the way they live.

Help keep your natural teeth.

Tooth supported bridges tend to require a dentist to grind down a patient’s neighboring teeth during the process. This ensures that the bridge will fit within the gap; however, he will no longer be able to restore the natural tooth’s enamel. In effect, the patient loses more of his natural teeth. With dental implants in Markham, Ontario, the dentist no longer needs to grind the teeth down. As a result, the procedure will let the patient keep his remaining natural teeth structure.

Improves the quality of life

Dental implants restore the patient’s natural mouth function as well as his ability to smile. Thus, resulting in an increased comfort and confidence whenever he smiles, speaks or eat. If a patient chooses to replace his dentures and partials with an implant-supported teeth, there’s a better chance that his quality of life will improve significantly. He doesn’t have to worry about those messy adhesives to hold his dentures or the metal clasps in his partial dentures, too.

Reduces common health issues associated with failing teeth

Coincidentally, improving your oral health has an effect on your entire health as well. Having Titanium dental implants promotes a healthier oral health because it reduces any chances of acquiring any periodontal disease. Bear in mind that periodontal disease is a bacteria-induced chronic infection which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other chronic diseases.

Caring for your implant-supported teeth is similar to caring for your natural teeth. It’s best to practice excellent oral hygiene daily to ensure a healthier oral health. It’s also best to visit your dentist regularly to have professional cleanings done. Additionally, he’ll be able to check the condition of your implant as well as your natural teeth and gums.

The Best Ever Solution For Managing Ceramic Dental Braces

Not everyone was born with perfectly straight teeth. However, that doesn’t mean that you can forget about having a picturesque smile. There are numerous teeth alignment treatments to choose from depending on your needs, and one of them are ceramic dental braces.

Ceramic braces share the same design features with traditional braces. Although the materials used to fabricate them are different. Instead of using metals, this type of dental braces uses transparent ceramic.

If you have clear braces, your dentist would probably provide you options when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. To help you even more, here are a few tips to help keep your dental braces clean. Doing so will ensure that you’ll have the same experience as those who are raving about their ceramic braces review.

Essential tips to keep ceramic dental braces clean

Brush your teeth every after meals

Brushing your teeth twice a day won’t be enough to keep your clear braces clean. You should clean your ceramic dental braces at least three times a day to ensure that each bracket is free from any food particles. On the other hand, drinking beverages such as soda and black coffee will require you to brush your teeth afterward, too. An excellent tip for those who have enough budget is to use an electronic toothbrush to protect your teeth from any discoloration.

Cut back on foods with artificial coloring

Although most ceramic braces review says that wearing one is excellent for your teeth, it doesn’t mean that it’s impenetrable to stains. So, to decrease any chances of staining your teeth, cut back on foods that are known to discolor your teeth. These foods are dried fruits, taffy, caramel, and even corn on the cob. However, if it’s inevitable for you not to consume these kinds of foods, you need to clean your brackets and your teeth thoroughly.

Say no to hard foods

If you love to eat nuts and popcorn when watching a movie, then it’s best to refrain from consuming it for a while. Foods such as nuts, beef jerky, and popcorn tend to break the wire of your braces which cause the brackets to loosen. Even other healthy foods such as carrots and raw apples can damage the wires, too. If you’ll be eating any of these foods, then it’s best to cut them into pieces so it won’t cause any damage.

Have a professional teeth cleaning

It’s crucial that you have a professional oral cleaning to maintain a healthy mouth and clear brackets. It’s highly advisable to have an oral prophylaxis every six months to ensure that you don’t have any plaque buildup. Also, see your dentist in Markham Ontario regularly and always so he can check if you’re doing a good job in keeping your braces thoroughly clean.

Floss daily

There are times when food debris get stuck in between your teeth as well as in your ceramic dental braces. One way to clean those hard-to-reach places is by flossing it daily. Although brushing helps in keeping your teeth clean, flossing clears your teeth and gum line from food debris. Also, it enables you to avoid any severe discoloration and oral diseases in the process.

Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash

You can never tell when bacteria are about to strike. So, it’s highly advisable to swish an oral antiseptic rinse after brushing, flossing, or even after drinking colored beverages. It’s best to choose a mouthwash that has a concentrated formula strong enough to get rid of germs and bacteria. Doing so will ensure that your teeth and gums are less prone to any severe oral problems in the future. Harmful bacteria may infect your gums which may lead to gingivitis.

Now that you know how to properly maintain your dental braces, you’ll feel confident enough to show your smile to the world. It’s your turn to share your ceramic braces review online.

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On The Dental Bridge Procedure

If you ever feel ashamed of your missing teeth, you are not alone. Most adults between the age of 20 and 64 years old are suffering from decayed or missing teeth. However, that shouldn’t stop you from getting your confidence back. Fortunately, several options may help you replace your missing teeth, including a dental bridge. But what does it do with your teeth and what role does it play?

What is a dental bridge?

It’s a false tooth, otherwise known as a pontic, in between the abutment teeth on both sides of the gap. Although other materials are available, most patients still choose porcelain due to its natural sheen. There are four basic types of a porcelain dental bridge that your dentist may recommend.

Basic types of a dental bridge

Traditional dental bridges

It’s one of the standard types of a bridge and usually has two or more false teeth held strongly by dental crowns. The dentist firmly cements the dental crowns, commonly known as abutments, to the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth.

Most dentists use a traditional dental bridge when the patient still has natural teeth on both sides of the gap made by the missing tooth. One major downside of this procedure is that the dentist will need to reduce the adjacent teeth’s enamel to give space for the crowns. Since enamel doesn’t recover on its own, the teeth need to stay protected using crowns.

Cantilever bridges

Another option for replacing missing teeth are cantilever bridges. They almost resemble the traditional bridges except that the abutment that supports the pontic is on one side alone. It’s perfect for instances when there’s only one natural tooth next to the gap. Same with a traditional bridge, your dentist will also remove the enamel of the adjacent tooth to add stability to the bridge.

Maryland bridges

Dentists consider it as the most conservative alternative to a traditional porcelain dental bridge. It usually consists of a pontic held by a framework made with either metal or porcelain. The dentist commonly bonds the structure onto the back of the two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth. Since there’s no need to place the bridge using crowns, the dentist doesn’t need to file the adjacent teeth.

While this type of bridge dental treatment is more conservative than the traditional bridges, it still has its cons. The strength of the resin determines if it’s enough to hold the bridge in place. So, there’s a chance that it might not remain intact if the teeth receive a lot of biting force regularly. The framework may also obstruct your gums as well as your bite.

forestbrook dentist with patient

Implant- supported bridges

Another option that a dentist may suggest is an implant-supported dental bridge. Instead of using crowns or frameworks to support it, the dental implants support the pontic. Typically, the dentist places one implant for every missing tooth. If one implant for every gap is impossible, the dentist needs to suspend the pontic between implant-supported crowns.

Since the dentist uses implants to secure a single tooth bridge, it feels more secure and comfortable as if they’re natural teeth. However, the downside is that the patient needs to undergo two separate surgeries to place the implants. The first surgery is for the setting of the implants while the second is for putting the bridge. So, it’s best for the patient to expect a few months to complete the procedure.

A porcelain dental bridge is a great solution in closing the gaps in your smile. With so many variants of dental bridges available, you’ll surely find the right option to get your confidence back. There’s no better feeling than to have a complete set of teeth to brighten your smile. Feel free to set an appointment with your dentist who knows about a dental bridge in Markham, Ontario to learn more about the procedure.

Dental Bonding: Your Practical Guide To Perfect Teeth

Are you having a challenging life lately? Is it hard to smile during parties or does it make you feel uncomfortable to answer your interviewer? You’re going through all of these because of an uneven or broken teeth. Now, bonding chipped tooth and similar fractures have never been easy with dental bonding. This dental procedure brings wonders to its patients, providing easy restoration and repair in just a swift!

Aside from the fact that bonding could easily fix common teeth imperfections, it also boosts the patient’s self-confidence. Before you discover how it does its wondrous abilities, know its other advantages with the following:

Benefits of dental bonding

  • One of the main purposes of tooth bonding is to improve teeth imperfections such as:
    • Stains. Teeth are susceptible to discoloration especially when the patient is fond of drinks with high-staining properties. These include drinking wine, tea or even coffee. Active smokers also suffer teeth stains because of tar. Paying for the dental bonding cost is worth every penny as it perfectly covers even the most pungent blemish on your teeth.
    • Chips. It happens when patients bit on a hard food or probably had facial trauma. Nonetheless, bonding easily fixes it with its tough resin material.
    • Cracks. Cracks on the tooth appear as lines that vary in sizes from the tiniest to the most visible.
    • Misshapen. Teeth with bad shapes appear small, elongated, uneven or slanting.
    • Separated by minor gaps. Also known as diastema, teeth gaps may be unattractive for some. All these dental issues are fixable with tooth bonding.
  • Another great advantage about dental bonding is that it requires little to no removal of the tooth enamel. Because of this, patients could retain most of their natural teeth structure and even prevent dental issues such as sensitivity.
  • Dental veneers also provide more or less the same purpose as bonding. However, compared to veneers, tooth bonding has less extensive procedure. It’s actually quite simple and doesn’t hurt at all.
  • Completes in a single appointment. Since the dental procedure is easy, it could complete the entire treatment in an hour. Furthermore, with dentists incorporating modern methods in their dental practice, the patient’s recovery period is almost instant.
  • Aside from restoration, the dental bonding cost also saves you a total makeover. The bonded teeth will look natural and ideal because bonding materials are tooth-colored and sleek.

What entails in a dental bonding?

Now that you’re aware of how beneficial tooth bonding is, just imagine the patients dental bonding reviews. In this part, you’re about to learn about the step-by-step process during teeth bonding.

1.Checking your tooth shade.

Prior to any bonding procedure, your dentist will first check on your natural teeth color. Next, he uses a shade guide and select the shade that closely matches with your natural teeth color. He selects a perfect shade for the resin material to be used for dental bonding.

Dental Bonding: Your Practical Guide To Perfect Teeth-2

2.Etching the enamel.

By this time, your dentist starts scraping off a very light portion of your tooth enamel to roughen the surface. This way, the bonding material will adhere steadily.

3.Applying conditioning liquid.

After etching the tooth surface, the dentist coats the conditioning liquid on the tooth as this gives the resin material a strong hold.

4.Putting on the resin material.

When the tooth is prepared, it’s time to apply the putty-like resin material on the tooth.

5.Molding the bonding material.

This time, the dentist will smoothen and mold the resin material according to his desired shape.

6.Hardening the material with UV light.

Once he’s satisfied with his work, the dentist now hardens the bonding material in place. By doing this, he uses an ultraviolet light or laser over the tooth within 5 to 10 minutes.

7.Trimming and reshaping.

When after the bonding material hardens the dentist finds the tooth to need more improvement, he does more trimming.


Finally, the treatment finishes with polishing to ensure that the teeth uniforms and looks natural with the rest.

Knowing how detailed the process is, you are rest assured that the dental bonding cost does bring you stunning results! Set an appointment now with your Markham dentist to discuss your dental bonding treatment plan.