Professional Teeth Whitening For Stubborn Coffee Stains

Coffee is a drink that you can enjoy any time of the day. However, it is also one of the culprits of yellow or brown spots on teeth. It will take you a visit to your dentist to get a teeth whitening fix to regain your confidence whenever you smile.

Polyphenols are compounds found in coffee. They are suitable for your blood circulation and blood pressure. However, they can leave spots on your pearly whites in the long run.

Stains from coffee don’t immediately appear, and the same goes for tea. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, you might observe yellow spots appearing on your teeth over time. It can be hard to get rid of them by regular brushing once they develop.

DIY whiteners vs. teeth whitening by your dentist

Some companies claim to have the best teeth whitening products available in the market, but these can have side effects. 

Some DIY or do-it-yourself whitening kits can cause abrasions to the teeth when misused. They can lead to further staining, especially when you haven’t consulted your dentist before using one. In general, an over-the-counter teeth whitening kit also takes time to give you noticeable results. 

Moreover, DIY whiteners like whitening strips don’t work for all of your teeth, especially when you have a tooth crown or dental veneers. Tooth discoloration caused by teeth injuries and medications needs professional whitening by your dentist.

Too much teeth whitening or bleaching can strip the teeth of their natural layer. As a result, your dentist conducts a whitening session only once or twice a year.

How to prevent stains while drinking your coffee 

Preventing coffee stains is the key to bright pearly whites. Professional whitening can be done alongside other natural methods to prevent any spots from coming back.

Here are some tips you can consider each time you drink a delicious cup of coffee.

Enjoy your coffee with milk

Adding milk to your coffee doesn’t just help in making your drink creamy. It also protects your teeth from the acids that cause stains, especially when using animal milk. Cow’s milk is high in protein, which causes it to bind to the polyphenols.

Using animal milk allows the polyphenols to move to the stomach instead of staying on your teeth for long. Only animal milk works well because of its high-fat content.

Choose a low-caffeine brand of coffee

Caffeine is the component of coffee that keeps you awake. It is also one of the reasons why stains develop on your teeth as time goes by. Drinking coffee with less caffeine content helps prevent staining.

Less caffeine equates to a lower amount of polyphenols in your beverage. Drinking decaffeinated coffee means that you expose your teeth to fewer stains. 

If you’re losing confidence with your smile because of your stained teeth, it’s time to consult your dentist for the best teeth whitening fix. Ask your Markham dentist what teeth whitening option will work best for coffee stains on your teeth.

A Guide To Dental Veneers: Everything You Need To Know

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells from materials that are the same color as your teeth.  They are also known as porcelain veneers. Veneers can come from resin composite materials or porcelain. They are a less intrusive option than dental crowns or metal braces. Patients choose veneers to straighten their teeth, to improve their smile.

Porcelain veneers are more stain resistant than resin ones. Discuss with your dentist in Markham the suitable choice of veneer material for your needs.

What problems do dental veneers solve?

  • Teeth suffering from discoloration. This can be due to other drugs, or excessive fluoride.
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Misaligned or uneven teeth
  • Gaps between teeth or diastema

Getting dental veneers: the procedure

Getting a veneer requires more than one dental visit. The first one is for consultation, the next ones will be for the placing of the dental veneers on your teeth.

  1. The first part is the diagnosis stage. This is where you will consult your dentist about the outcome that you want your teeth to have. During this time, your dentist will take a look at your teeth. He will make sure that dental veneers are suitable for your needs then he will take X-rays of your teeth. Your dentist will also discuss what the procedure involves. If you proceed with the procedure of getting veneers, he will take impressions of your mouth and teeth.
  2. In preparation for veneers, your dentist will remove half a millimeter of your teeth’s enamel. You will be under a local anesthesia to numb the area while your dentist work. The dental laboratory will receive the models or impressions of your teeth. It takes about two to four weeks before your dentist in Markham receives your veneers from the laboratory. Your teeth will receive temporary veneers while you wait for the permanent ones. 
  3. Your dental veneer is permanently cemented on your teeth on the next appointment.

Before bonding, your dentist will temporarily place it on top of your teeth. This is to examine if the color matches the other teeth and if it fits you well. He will then trim and shape the veneer to achieve the desired result.

The dentist will clean and polish your teeth. It is important to rough it to strengthen the bonding process. He will apply cement on the dental veneers and then he will place it on your teeth. A special light hardens the cement on your veneers. After this is removable of excess cement, and bite evaluation.

You will come back to your dentist after a few weeks for a follow-up checkup.

Things to consider with dental veneers:

  • Their natural appearance blends easily with the other teeth.
  • Porcelain veneers resist stains.
  • They offer an approach that doesn’t need an extensive removable of the teeth structure like dental crowns does.
  • This is an irreversible process. This means that after removable of your enamel, you will need to maintain your veneers to protect your teeth.

  • Do not bite your nails or chew on pencils, ice, or other hard objects to avoid damage on your veneers.
  • If you tend to clench or grind your teeth, then you need to consult this first with your dentist. These activities can damage or crack the veneers.

How long do dental veneers last?

Dental veneers can last up to ten years with proper care and maintenance. Follow your regular oral hygiene everyday faithfully. If veneers interest you then schedule a consultation with your dentist in Markham to know whether they are suitable for your needs.

What You Need to Know About Dental Veneers

If you need to repair damage or improve the appearance of your teeth, you may be considering dental veneers Markham. These porcelain shells fit on the front of your teeth to mask imperfections. Before you make the decision that this is the best option for you, there are a few things to know about veneers.

  1. Veneers Can Solve a Range of Problems

Veneers are suitable for covering teeth with discoloration, chips, cracks, and spots. They also close gaps between teeth, increase the length of a tooth, improve the shape of teeth, and hide fillings. You can even use veneers to correct an underbite, an overbite, crowded teeth, and other types of misalignment.

  1. Porcelain Veneers Markham Are a Long-Term Solution

Depending on the type of veneers you choose, they may last up to 10 years or even 15 to 20 years. It is unlikely that they will become scratched, stained, or damaged in any way. You can extend the lifespan of veneers by taking good care of your oral health and by refraining from biting anything but food.

  1. Veneers Protect Your Teeth

Veneers create a barrier on your teeth, protecting against decay, cavities, and diseases.

  1. The Procedure for Receiving Veneers Is Simple

You can receive a veneer in just a few visits to the dentist. First, you will need a checkup to remove any decay from your teeth and to confirm your suitability for veneers — those with periodontal disease or developing teeth cannot have a veneer. Your dentist may administer a local anesthetic before etching the surface of your tooth to prepare it for the adhesive. He or she will then take an impression of your tooth and affix a temporary veneer. You will return to the clinic when your permanent veneer is ready, and your dentist will glue it to your tooth.