Complete Guide To Cosmetic Dentistry You Must Not Miss

Dental health is important for overall health and good oral hygiene starts with taking care of your teeth. Are your teeth making you feel self-conscious? Do you feel like you need to hide your smile because of your crooked, stained, or chipped teeth? Then, it might be time for you to consider cosmetic dentistry. 

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is any dental treatment that improves the appearance of your teeth. This can include anything from whitening to straightening to repairing chips and cracks. Here are the benefits you can experience if you consider the cosmetic dentistry procedures :

  • Oral conditions can be treated successfully with the help of cosmetic dentistry. 
  • It helps improve the person’s self-confidence because they are not ashamed to flaunt their smile.
  • It helps in protecting the teeth and gums from further damage or decay. 
  • It improves the visual appearance. As a result, social life will boost

What treatments are under cosmetic dentistry?

When it comes to our smiles, we want the best of the best. That’s why so many people turn to cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve their teeth. With all the options available, what are the best procedures for you? Here are some of the most popular dental procedures you should know.

1. Veneers

If you want to have a perfect smile without any dental imperfections, then veneers are an excellent option. This procedure is very popular among celebrities because it can provide incredible results. To ensure that the veneers are fit for you your dentist will take digital impressions of your teeth and apply the tooth shells onto the individual surface precisely. 

2. Teeth whitening

The joy of a bright smile is something that can make all the difference in your life. Whether you are going out on an important date, meeting new people at work or just want to feel better about yourself overall- having whiter teeth will always improve how others see us! The in-office whitening treatments take only minutes and give instant results. 

3. Bonding

A dentist can bond a tooth to make the smile appear more attractive and appealing. It is one of the most popular procedures. Cosmetic resin application is used to repair a chipped or discoloured tooth. The process does not require anesthesia which makes it super easy and stress-free. 

4. Braces

Patients get braces because of misaligned teeth. Crooked teeth can cause problems such as tooth decay and even bad breath. With these metal brackets’ help, your teeth will be aligned and will help improve your appearance and confidence. 

5. Gum reshaping

It is a common treatment option for people with gummy smiles. The dentist will usually make several incisions along your gums which are then filled with tissue. It may sound strange but it works well at making everything more appealing and natural-looking. 

6. Dental bridges and crowns

A crown and bridge are a great option for patients who have broken or missing teeth. Dental professionals place the tooth-shaped caps on the area of the damaged tooth to restore their appearance. With proper care, dental crowns and bridges can last for fifteen years. 

7. Dentures 

Dentists provide an affordable and quality choice of dental replacement when patients have lost all or most of their natural teeth. With dentures, the patient will be able to eat with more confidence than ever before. 

8. Fillings

One of the most common dental problems is cavities. They can look like a black hole in your teeth which can become alarming. With the use of fillings, you won’t have any worries because your teeth will be protected from decay. 

Contact us today

You deserve to have healthy teeth that are free of decay, fillings and gaps. It’s time to schedule a visit with your Markham dentist to know what treatments will fix your dental problems and to help you get started on the journey towards healthier teeth!

The Top Three Options for Smile Enhancements In Markham

There are many reasons to smile. A smile can make you look and feel more attractive and it can also make you appear friendlier and more approachable. If you are not happy with the appearance of your teeth, several smile enhancements can help. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most popular smile enhancements in Markham.

Why consider smile enhancements in Markham?

No matter how perfect your teeth may be, there is always room for improvement. Smile enhancements can give you the smile of your dreams.

Whether you choose dental implants, veneers, or braces, there is a treatment that can help you achieve the look you desire. Here are just a few benefits of smile enhancements :

1. Improved appearance

One of the most obvious benefits of smile enhancements is an improved appearance. A beautiful, confident smile can make you look younger and more attractive. 

2. Boosted confidence

Enhancing your smile can also give you a boost in confidence. When you feel good about how you look, it shows in all aspects of your life. 

3. Improved oral health

Smile restoration is the best way to have a beautiful, healthy mouth. It can help resolve issues such as misaligned teeth that could lead to tooth decay or gum diseases.

4. Makes you look younger

You’ll be surprised how much it will change your whole face. A smile makeover can give you that youthful, happy-looking look everyone is going for these days. 

5. You can enjoy eating.

It will allow you to chew and eat more effectively, which is great for both oral health and general wellness. 

Smile enhancement procedures

Smiling is a natural way to show happiness, so it’s no wonder that people want to have perfect smiles. Unfortunately, many people don’t feel confident about their teeth and seek out help from a smile enhancement procedure.

No matter what the procedure is, it is important to do your research and find a qualified professional who can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. 

1. Veneers

Veneers are a great option for patients who want to get rid of their imperfect teeth. The dentist removes part of the enamel from one or more layers and replaces it with veneers. They are cemented on the surface of the tooth to make it more natural. This dental procedure can cover plenty of issues such as discoloured and chipped teeth.

2. Teeth whitening

Teeth can change colour over time. Some people think that brushing is enough to maintain their pearly whites. Unfortunately, yellowish teeth cannot be removed easily. Dentists can provide in-office teeth whitening which gives greater accuracy than DIY procedures or using commercial teeth whitening products.

3. Dental crowns

The dentist will recommend a crown when you have a tooth that’s been severely damaged. Not only does the crown cover up the remaining part of your teeth but it can also cover implants, stained teeth and protect them from future injuries or fractures. Moreover, dental crowns anchor dental bridges to make sure that teeth are stable. 

Book an appointment

If you are not happy with the way your teeth look, don’t worry. There are a variety of solutions available to help you turn that frown upside-down.  Whether it’s just a few cosmetic touch-ups or an entirely new set of dentures, there are lots of options out there for improving your dental health and appearance. Schedule an appointment with your Markham dentist today to find out more about your best options. 

Smile Enhancements Markham: 5 Things You Didn’t Know

A smile is one of the most important facial features we have. It can convey happiness, warmth, and friendliness. A beautiful smile can also enhance our appearance and help us feel more confident. If you are not happy with your smile, there are several ways to improve it. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most popular smile enhancements in Markham

Procedures for different teeth concerns

A better smile is possible if your teeth are stained, discoloured, broken or misaligned. A cosmetic dentist will work with you and provide the necessary treatment suitable for your dental needs. 

1. Teeth whitening

Your teeth can turn yellow in time because of different factors. To solve this, teeth whitening is the simplest form of a smile makeover and the least expensive.

Although there are available teeth whitening kits, in-office teeth whitening with your dentist is more effective. The treatment is painless and fast. Here’s how your cosmetic dentist will perform the procedure :

  • They will clean your teeth and gums to remove food particles.
  • Then, they will apply a whitening solution.
  • Afterwards, they will use a UV light to start the bleaching process. They will repeat this step until the desired whiteness has been achieved. 

2. Teeth reshaping

If you have an irregular tooth shape or chipped tooth, enamel shaping can help fix the problem. It is a permanent treatment since there will be the removal of enamel.

Although it can transform your smile, not all patients are qualified for the procedure. Before making a decision, it is best to consult your Markham dentist to know if the option is suitable for you. 

3. Gum reshaping

This dental treatment is known as gum contouring and can even out your gumline and fix gummy smiles. The periodontist may use scalpels or lasers to execute the gum contouring procedure.

If you are considering getting your gums reshaped, it is best to ask your dentist so they can inform you of the appropriate techniques based on the condition of your gums. 

4. Veneers

The dental veneer, also known as porcelain veneers is a great option if you wish to fix chipped, misaligned, as well as adjust the teeth’ spacing. Moreover, veneers are long-lasting and resemble natural teeth. Below are the steps for a veneer procedure. 

  • First visit – initial consultation
  • Second visit – the dentist will take a mould of your teeth and send it to the laboratory.
  • Third visit – The dentist will use a special light to bond the veneers to your teeth. 

5. Dental bonding

The cosmetic dentist uses a resin to your tooth to close the gap and repair chipped teeth. Compared to a veneer procedure, the process will take 30  to 60 minutes depending on how many teeth will need bonding. Dental bonding has become popular with patients because they are inexpensive and less complicated.

To make them last even longer, avoid biting your fingernails or using your teeth to open bottle tops or packages. Moreover, it is best to follow good oral hygiene practices. 

6. Dental crowns

When you have a tooth that is severely damaged because of decay or even fractures, your dentist will recommend having a crown. Crowns cover the remaining part of the damaged tooth. Aside from restoring the fractured tooth, it can also do the following :

  • Protect teeth from future fractures.
  • Cover implants
  • Cover stained teeth
  • Anchor a dental bridge

Schedule an appointment

A healthy, beautiful smile enhances your appearance in many ways. It also has a positive impact on how you feel about yourself. If you are looking for an easy and quick fix, call your Markham dentist to get started on the road to better oral health!

Professional Teeth Whitening For Stubborn Coffee Stains

Dental sealants can prevent cavities, especially among children. However, some people have some misconceptions about their effectiveness for oral health.

How do dental sealants protect your teeth?

Your dentist applies dental sealants on occlusal surfaces. These occlusal surfaces are your molars and premolars that come in contact with the teeth on your opposite jaw.

Chewing surfaces expose your teeth to wear and tear because of frequent motion. Hence, pit and fissure sealants protect your teeth.

The commonly used sealant materials are as follows:

  • Resin
  • Glass ionomer cement
  • Poly-acid modified resin
  • Resin-modified glass ionomer

These materials have overlapping similarities and benefits. They may vary, but they achieve the same result: teeth protection for dental care. 

What are the common misconceptions?

Here are five of the most common perceptions that are wrong about sealants:

Sealants can leak

Using the right technique in applying sealant and curing can ensure that it won’t leak. However, expect that it can weaken over time because of repetitive chewing motions.

Getting a few touch-ups is necessary to ensure that your sealant is in mint condition. You’ll need to visit your dental hygienist for these follow-up sessions.

They don’t work when applying them over initial caries on molars

You’ll benefit more from sealants when your dentist applies them on your molars than initial caries. Initial caries are lesions you can find on tooth surfaces that haven’t developed as cavities. Sealing tooth surfaces will prevent these lesions from progressing.

Your teeth will decay under the sealants

You are prone to plaque buildup when bacteria accumulate on permanent teeth. Brushing can remove plaque, but not on areas that are hard to reach, such as grooves and pits. Hence, sealing these nooks will prevent the deposit of food particles and bacteria on permanent molars. 

Fluoride varnish works just like dental sealants for preventing caries lesions

Caries or cavities cause lesions on surfaces of teeth as a sign of tooth decay. Lesions appear first on the tooth surface and hollow the teeth out as they get more in-depth.

Fluoride varnish works in reducing caries for children. However, young patients who had sealants saw a 73% reduction in developing new ones. It shows that sealants can prevent further tooth decay much longer than fluoride varnish.

Levels of bisphenol A (BPA) can be dangerous to patients

Many plastic and resin products contain the dangerous chemical bisphenol A. You can find the same chemical in sealants, but you aren’t at risk of exposing yourself to hazardous BPA levels. 

You are more exposed to BPA in handling receipts and through breathing air. In fact, you are 100 times more prone to dangerous levels of BPA as you breathe air.

Moreover, BPA present in foods and drinks is at 5800 nanograms. The amount is significantly high compared to the 0.09 nanogram you can find in sealants.

Schedule an appointment with your Markham dentist to know if dental sealants can work for your preventive dental treatment.

Professional Teeth Whitening For Stubborn Coffee Stains

Coffee is a drink that you can enjoy any time of the day. However, it is also one of the culprits of yellow or brown spots on teeth. It will take you a visit to your dentist to get a teeth whitening fix to regain your confidence whenever you smile.

Polyphenols are compounds found in coffee. They are suitable for your blood circulation and blood pressure. However, they can leave spots on your pearly whites in the long run.

Stains from coffee don’t immediately appear, and the same goes for tea. If you’re a regular coffee drinker, you might observe yellow spots appearing on your teeth over time. It can be hard to get rid of them by regular brushing once they develop.

DIY whiteners vs. teeth whitening by your dentist

Some companies claim to have the best teeth whitening products available in the market, but these can have side effects. 

Some DIY or do-it-yourself whitening kits can cause abrasions to the teeth when misused. They can lead to further staining, especially when you haven’t consulted your dentist before using one. In general, an over-the-counter teeth whitening kit also takes time to give you noticeable results. 

Moreover, DIY whiteners like whitening strips don’t work for all of your teeth, especially when you have a tooth crown or dental veneers. Tooth discoloration caused by teeth injuries and medications needs professional whitening by your dentist.

Too much teeth whitening or bleaching can strip the teeth of their natural layer. As a result, your dentist conducts a whitening session only once or twice a year.

How to prevent stains while drinking your coffee 

Preventing coffee stains is the key to bright pearly whites. Professional whitening can be done alongside other natural methods to prevent any spots from coming back.

Here are some tips you can consider each time you drink a delicious cup of coffee.

Enjoy your coffee with milk

Adding milk to your coffee doesn’t just help in making your drink creamy. It also protects your teeth from the acids that cause stains, especially when using animal milk. Cow’s milk is high in protein, which causes it to bind to the polyphenols.

Using animal milk allows the polyphenols to move to the stomach instead of staying on your teeth for long. Only animal milk works well because of its high-fat content.

Choose a low-caffeine brand of coffee

Caffeine is the component of coffee that keeps you awake. It is also one of the reasons why stains develop on your teeth as time goes by. Drinking coffee with less caffeine content helps prevent staining.

Less caffeine equates to a lower amount of polyphenols in your beverage. Drinking decaffeinated coffee means that you expose your teeth to fewer stains. 

If you’re losing confidence with your smile because of your stained teeth, it’s time to consult your dentist for the best teeth whitening fix. Ask your Markham dentist what teeth whitening option will work best for coffee stains on your teeth.

Dental Bonding: Is Its Appearance Worth Its Price?

Your smile is one of the best assets that you can proudly flaunt. However, maintaining its health and beauty is not as easy as it seems. You need to invest your time, money, and effort to keep those pearly whites beaming. Without commitment and consistency, you quickly lose your teeth to decay and damage. To restore your tooth’s function and beauty, dental bonding is one of your best options to consider.

Dental bonding 

Tooth bonding is one of cosmetic dentistry’s least expensive and most effective treatments. The procedure is non-invasive and straightforward, so it is done in a single appointment. It uses a bonding material, either resin or plastic, to cover the damage on the tooth. 


Typically, the process begins with tooth preparation. The dentist needs to reshape the tooth first before applying the resin. Reshaping the tooth doesn’t require much, so anesthetics are usually unnecessary. If your dentist gives you anesthesia anyway, it is to help you feel at ease. Another reason for using anesthetics is if the bonding is done to fill in a decayed tooth. 

After that, the dentist uses a shade guide to match the bonding material’s colour to the rest of the sheen of your teeth.  

Then, the dentist puts conditioning liquid on the tooth to roughen the surface. A technique, so the bonding material adheres appropriately. 

It’s time to place the resin material on the prepared tooth. The dentist will shape it until it forms into the desired appearance. 

The bonding material needs to harden in place, so the dentist uses a blue or laser light over it. They do this for a minute or two with intervals to make sure the bonding sets. 

Once it is hard, the dentist will further shape it and polish it to give it a brand new finished look.

Who are the candidates for dental bonding? 

You may consider tooth bonding if you have the following dental conditions:

  • Uneven teeth
  • Teeth that look small
  • Teeth discolouration
  • Gapped teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth due to accident
  • Exposed tooth roots from gum recession
  • Damaged teeth due to decay


On average, bonding a tooth can cost around CAD 200 to CAD 400. Relatively, this is an affordable price comparing to the other cosmetic dentistry treatments. That includes getting veneers or implants with restoration. The bill can even go lower or even cheaper if you can talk with your dentist regarding flexible payment plans. Although dental insurance does not cover cosmetic procedures, pretty much dental offices offer payment terms at your benefit. 

Nevertheless, this price is only a reference. It varies for each dental practice, and the following are several factors that may affect your dental bill.  


The coverage of the treatment includes the size of the affected area that needs bonding. Considering that there is only a tiny portion to fill, it will be the lower price for your bill. However, if the coverage is more extensive it should add more to the cost.

Number of affected teeth

It also takes into account how many teeth need bonding. Since the cost is basically per tooth, this means that the price goes up if there are more teeth involved. 

Location of the teeth

The bonding material works best for the front teeth. Sometimes, dentists will not recommend this treatment if the affected teeth are found at the back, like the molars. That’s because the chewing forces are greater in that area and the bonding material might not endure. If the molar really needs such a procedure, the dentist will choose a more durable bonding material which also affects your treatment cost.

Dentist’s expertise

More experienced dentists might charge more. Nevertheless, they’re your best option at getting the best possible outcome of your dental cosmetic treatment.


If the location of the dental office lies in the heart of the city, or town, there are chances that it costs more to get a tooth bonding there.

Other necessary treatments

In some cases, you will receive other dental treatments other than the bonding. For instance, if the bonding is to fill a cavity, cleaning the infected tooth is another procedure which is another quoting. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your Markham dentist if you want to know the exact quotation for your dental problem. 

Invisalign: A Unique And Satisfying Dental Experience

Invisalign is slowly becoming a household name because of the consistently positive results it provides to its users. This teeth-straightening device only started as an idea from someone with no dental background. Now, it continues to live up to its name and is also keeping the competition healthy with the conventional braces. If you’re wondering how traditional Invisalign made it this far, here are some uncommon facts you should know.

Amazing facts about Invisalign

What you know is what you’ll get

The clear aligners treatment plan uses a software program in creating the 3D model images of the teeth aligner trays. It also predicts the duration of the therapy and the final formation of the smile. With the treatment preview, it lets you set expectations of the journey and the outcome. According to most users, the predetermined Invisalign results are almost always accurate especially if you follow your dentist’s orders. Achieving that goal is what satisfies the patients the most.  

It’s not a regular plastic

Although this transparent plastic material looks just like any regular plastic, it is in fact special. Clear aligners are made from a high-quality thermoplastic material that is patented only for medical and dental use. Aside from its comfort, it’s also firm enough to control teeth shifting. Moreover, the traditional Invisalign is FDA-approved so it is very safe to use for any patient type.  

Lose some inches

Clear aligners are not slimming devices, however, it may just help you lose some weight. While they are removable, you must wear teeth aligners for a minimum of 22 hours a day. It means that you only have 2 hours to take it off your mouth. You need to allocate your time carefully to be able to eat and clean your teeth without it. With that slight limitation, Invisalign helps decrease your appetite for unnecessary snacks or munchings. 

Pressure with comfort

As mentioned, this special plastic material has the firmness required to control teeth alignment. Like braces, there will be times that you will feel the pressure especially on the area where stubborn teeth are. Luckily, traditional Invisalign is gentle on its function by taking measured movements.  

A better alternative

Braces are still very functional and effective, however, the disappointment comes from its appearance. Especially with the invention of plastic aligners, more patients now find braces distracting and conspicuous. Today, patients don’t have to worry about teeth correction because they can have Invisalign treatment in Markham Ontario. 

It’s never too late to enhance yourself and achieve confidence in following your dreams. Let your dental specialists help you improve your smile with the invisible aligners. 


5 Steps You Need To Go Through Before Having Dental Implants

When you have missing teeth, dental implants are your best permanent replacement options. These are dental posts that resemble screws placed on your jawbone to act as roots of the restoration. Unlike other replacements, they stimulate bone growth and they fuse with the tissues surrounding your missing teeth. Placing implants through surgery prevents bone degeneration even after you lost some of your teeth. 

Titanium dental implants are best used as implants when your body doesn’t react negatively to metal. Otherwise, your dentist will recommend zirconia, a ceramic type of implant. Read on to learn the different steps you need to go through before implants are placed on your jawbone. 

5 steps prior to placing dental implants

Comprehensive dental checkup

The procedure of placing dental implants starts with a comprehensive dental examination. Your dentist will take digital X-ray images of your teeth to check the status of your bones. He uses advanced equipment to take accurate 3D images of your teeth that’s necessary for treatment planning. 

Review overall medical history

You must be physically healthy and have excellent oral health to be a good candidate for titanium dental implants. Hence, your dentist will need to review your overall medical history. He needs to consider the current medications and supplements you may be taking, including your previous treatments, if any. He will also ask if you smoke or if you have certain conditions that may reduce the success rate of the procedure.

Treatment planning 

At this point, he provides you with the best options to replace your teeth, which includes bridgework, dentures, or dental implants. Once you choose to have implants, he discusses with you the details of his treatment plan. He informs you of what you can expect during and after the treatment. Also, he lets you know what food and activity to avoid to speed up your healing process and not delay the restorative treatment

Removal of a damaged tooth

Your damaged teeth may still have remaining parts of the roots that have not totally come off. These need to be completely removed to make room for the titanium dental implants. The dentist will numb the extraction site so you won’t have to feel any discomfort at all. 

Once the dentist sees that you have healthy tissues, he may place the implants right after the removal of the damaged teeth. Then, you will have to let the gums heal and the implants fuse with your tissues in the next six months.  

Having dental implants in Markham, Ontario require time before the restorative treatment is completed. However, you can be assured that implants will give you a smile that lasts a lifetime. 

Replace Lost Tooth With Same-Day Dental Bridge Restoration

If you accidentally lost a tooth, there’s nothing to worry about having a broken smile even for a day. Your dentist easily completes and replaces your missing tooth with a same-day dental bridge restoration. It’s one of the fixed dental restorations available aside from dental implants or teeth crowns.

A tooth bridge is a unit that includes a false or pontic tooth in the middle that’s supported by the abutment teeth. The supporting teeth are encased with dental crowns or caps and they hold the false tooth in place. In recent years, the most in-demand material for a tooth bridge is porcelain. Patients prefer a porcelain dental bridge so that their smile would look natural even with the restoration. Depending on the number of missing teeth, your dentist may design three-unit, four-unit and six-unit teeth bridges.

With the aid of modern dental equipment, your dentist completes the tooth bridge restorative treatment in a single visit.

Same-day dental bridge restoration

Initial consultation

Your dentist performs a thorough examination to determine the appropriate type of dental bridge restoration to be used. His decision would be based on how many teeth need replacement and their location. The digital scanner automatically designs the 3D model of the restoration so the patient knows what to expect. Once the patient agrees to the treatment plan, the dentist proceeds to prepare the teeth.

Reshaping of teeth

The dentist administers local anesthesia to numb the gum area that’s adjacent to the abutment teeth. Next, he reshapes the abutment teeth so the dental caps fit like a glove so they secure the porcelain dental bridge in place.

Taking an impression and milling

Once the desired shape of teeth is achieved, the dentist scans the teeth again to capture a digital impression. This time, the information gathered is directly sent to the machine that will fabricate the full unit of the dental bridge restoration.


The dentist places the teeth bridge to the patient’s mouth once the fabrication of the unit is completed. He makes the final adjustment to make sure the patient feels comfortable wearing the porcelain dental bridge. Finally, he cements the restoration to complete the procedure. The dentist checks the patient’s bite, making sure that he would feel comfortable chewing again.

There’s no need to despair when you lost a tooth. There are numerous ways for you to have a replacement such as a dental bridge in Markham, Ontario. See your dentist today and never go home with a missing tooth.

Dental Bonding: Cosmetic Treatment That’s Easy On Your Budget

Dental bonding is the process of applying a tooth-colored resin material to a patient’s damaged tooth. It’s a cost-effective method of addressing issues such as teeth spacing, chipped, fractured, or stained teeth. Moreover, it’s a cosmetic treatment to enhance the teeth’s alignment, shape, and length. This is one of the most popular dental treatments due to its low dental bonding cost. Yet, there are quite a number of benefits that patients can enjoy with this treatment.

Why should you opt for dental bonding treatment?

It’s a non-invasive treatment.

When you undergo a bonding treatment, anesthesia is not necessary because the procedure is painless. No portion of your tooth enamel is removed unlike other restorations such as dental crowns and veneers.

The dentist starts the dental bonding process by choosing the right shade to be blended with the material. It should closely match the surrounding teeth to create a natural look. Next, he roughens the tooth surface and applies a conditioning liquid so the bonding material adheres to the tooth. He speeds up the bonding process using a curing light. Lastly, he shapes and polishes the tooth for a natural finish. This procedure is done in about 30 minutes per tooth.

Inexpensive cosmetic procedure.

dental bonding cost

As you may notice, the treatment is easily accomplished with simple steps as compared to other complex restorations. Hence, the dental bonding cost is lower than most cosmetic procedures. However, it delivers the same results of an improved appearance of the teeth and functions are restored.

Improves the shade of your teeth.

Patients who dream of having whiter teeth could opt for dental bonding so they don’t need to break the bank. They don’t have to experience having sensitive teeth that’s possible after laser teeth whitening treatment. Also, the bonding material such as porcelain is nonporous, so the treated tooth resist stains. Yet, patients still need to minimize food intake that cause teeth stains such as coffee, tea, and wine.

It’s highly recommended that you seek advice from your dentist in Markham, Ontario for the best cosmetic treatment for you. Talk to him about the dental bonding cost in your area and learn more about his treatment plan for you.