Saving Smiles: Emergency Pediatric Dentist’s Role | Markham

As a parent, it can be difficult to anticipate every possible situation that may arise when it comes to your child’s health. One such emergency that can cause a great deal of stress and worry is a dental emergency. Have your child broken a tooth, fallen and injured their mouth, or is experiencing severe tooth pain? It is important to have a plan in place for accessing an emergency pediatric dentist in Markham

What is an emergency appointment?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand the difference between a routine dental appointment and an emergency visit. A dental emergency is any situation in which there is severe pain, bleeding, or trauma to the mouth that requires immediate attention. In these cases, it’s crucial to have a trusted emergency pediatric dentist in Markham who is available for appointments. This dental professional should have the necessary expertise and equipment to address the issue at hand.

Common oral infections 

Common oral infections in children can be a source of concern for parents and caregivers. These infections can range from mild to severe and can cause discomfort, pain, and even lead to more serious health issues if you do not treat them. Some of the common oral infections in children include: 

  • Dental caries: Bacteria that produce acid cause dental caries or cavities, which erode the tooth enamel.
  • Gingivitis: Plaque buildup and poor oral hygiene cause gingivitis which is the inflammation of the gums.
  • Thrush: A fungus infection that can affect the mouth and throat.

Early intervention and proper oral hygiene can help prevent and treat these infections in children.

Managing oral infections in children

Managing common oral infections in children is a vital aspect of pediatric dentistry. Oral infections such as dental caries, gingivitis and periodontitis are prevalent in children. These can result in severe pain and discomfort, tooth loss, and even systemic infections. It is essential that parents and caregivers understand the importance of oral hygiene. This includes regular brushing and flossing and routine dental check-ups to identify and treat infections early. 

A good dentist in Markham may prescribe antibiotics or perform dental procedures to address severe infections. Education regarding the following can also prevent the onset of oral infections: 

  • A balanced and healthy diet 
  • Avoiding sugary and acidic foods 
  • Avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke exposure 

With proper management, parents can prevent common oral infections in children.

Dental trauma in kids

Dental trauma in children can be a distressing experience for both the child and their parents. It can result in pain, discomfort, and long-term consequences for the child’s oral health. Parents should be informed about the possible causes of dental trauma, including falls, accidents, and sports injuries, and take measures to prevent them. 

In case of dental trauma, seeking immediate medical attention from a dental professional is essential. Treatment options for dental trauma in children may include restorative procedures, such as tooth splinting and root canal treatment, to preserve the tooth and prevent further damage. Furthermore, regular dental checkups and proper oral hygiene practices can help prevent future occurrences of dental trauma in children.

Dental discomfort management in the young ones

Dental discomfort management in children is a critical aspect of pediatric dentistry. The management of dental pain in children requires a comprehensive approach. It includes:

  • The assessment of the child’s medical history 
  • Physical examination
  • An understanding of the psychological and emotional needs of the child. 

The goal of dental pain management in children is to relieve pain, minimize fear and anxiety, and ensure a positive dental experience. Discomfort management procedure dental professionals commonly use in children include: 

  • Local anesthesia 
  • Nitrous oxide sedation 
  • General anesthesia 

When to seek emergency dental care for your child

As a responsible parent, it’s important to know when to seek an emergency pediatric dentist in Markham for your child. The most common reasons include severe tooth pain, a broken or knocked-out tooth, bleeding from the mouth, or facial swelling. These issues can cause significant discomfort and may lead to further complications if left untreated.

It’s also important to note that some dental emergencies, such as a broken jaw or severe head injury, require immediate medical attention. If your child experiences any of these symptoms, it’s important to visit an emergency pediatric dentist in Markham immediately. A qualified dentist can provide the necessary treatment to alleviate their pain and prevent further damage to their teeth and gums.

Common pediatric dental emergencies for children

Pediatric dental emergencies can be a stressful experience for both the child and their parents. Common emergencies may include: 

  • Toothaches 
  • Broken or knocked-out teeth 
  • Injuries to the mouth 

It is important for parents to know how to respond in these situations to alleviate pain and prevent further damage. In cases of toothaches, rinsing the mouth with warm salt water and applying a cold compress can provide temporary relief till you can see a dentist. 

If a tooth is knocked out, it is important to retrieve the tooth, rinse, and place it back in the socket if possible. Parents should always seek professional dental care immediately to ensure the best outcome for their child’s oral health.

Treatment options for kids during emergencies 

During dental emergencies, it is essential to have an emergency pediatric dentist available to provide professional treatment options in Markham. This is to address the issue promptly and effectively. For kids, dental emergencies may cause anxiety and stress, making it crucial to have a trusted dental professional on standby. Professional treatment options for children may include pain management techniques, such as local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, or conscious sedation. 

In addition, dental professionals may use specialized instruments and materials to manage and repair dental injuries. Prompt treatment is vital during dental emergencies, so a good recommendation is to have a trusted dental professional available to provide the necessary care for children. By addressing dental emergencies promptly and professionally, children can maintain their oral health and prevent further dental complications.

Preventing dental emergencies for children

Preventing dental emergencies for children is a crucial aspect of ensuring their overall health and well-being. As dental professionals, it is our responsibility to educate parents and children about the importance of good oral health practices. This includes regular dental check-ups, brushing and flossing techniques, and healthy eating habits. We recommend that parents supervise their child’s tooth brushing until they are at least eight years old. This is to ensure that they are reaching all areas of their mouth. 

Additionally, parents should encourage their children to wear protective gear, such as mouthguards, during sports and other physical activities. By taking these preventative measures, parents can help their children avoid painful and costly dental emergencies in the future.

Finding an emergency pediatric dentist in Markham

When it comes to finding an emergency pediatric dentist in Markham, it’s important to act quickly and efficiently to ensure your child receives the appropriate care. As a parent, it’s crucial to have a reliable source of information to turn to in the event of an emergency. 

Additionally, taking the necessary steps to prepare for it can give you peace of mind. Reach out to Forestbrook Dental for recommendations, as they may be able to refer you to a trusted emergency pediatric dentist in Markham.

Mouthguards: Defense Against Dental Injuries In Markham

When it comes to sports, we all know the importance of helmets, pads, and other protective gear. However, there’s one piece of equipment that often goes overlooked: the mouthguard. Mouthguards in Markham are dental devices that fit over your teeth, protecting them from damage during sports or other high-impact activities. They’re typically made from soft, pliable materials like silicone or rubber, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit different mouths.

What is bruxism?

Bruxism is a condition that involves the grinding, clenching or gnashing of teeth. This condition can occur during the day or at night and often goes unnoticed until the patient experiences tooth pain or other related symptoms. A variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, misaligned teeth or an abnormal bite, can cause bruxism. Over time, this condition can lead to tooth damage, jaw pain, headaches and other complications. 

Treatment for bruxism often involves the use of a mouthguard or other dental appliance to protect the teeth from grinding and clenching. Additionally, addressing the underlying causes of bruxism, such as stress, can help alleviate symptoms and prevent further damage.

Types of mouthguards

There are several types of mouthguards available in Markham, including: 

  • Custom-fit: Custom-fit mouthguards are designed by dental professionals and offer the highest level of protection and comfort, however, they can be more pricey.
  • Boil-and-bite: These are readily available and offer a better fit than stock mouthguards, however, they may not provide as much protection.
  • Stock mouthguards: Stock mouthguards in Markham are the least expensive option and can be purchased at most sporting goods stores, but they offer the least amount of protection and may not fit properly. 

It is important to choose a mouthguard that provides adequate protection and fits comfortably to ensure maximum performance and safety.


Why are mouthguards so important in Markham? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of wearing one:

Protects your teeth

Mouthguards act as a barrier between your teeth and any impact that may occur during sports or other activities. This can prevent chipped or broken teeth, as well as more serious dental injuries like fractures or dislocations.

Cushions your jaw

In addition to protecting your teeth, mouthguards in Markham can also cushion your jaw, reducing the risk of jaw fractures or other injuries. This is especially important for contact sports like football or boxing, where the risk of a blow to the jaw is high.

Reduces the risk of concussion

While mouthguards aren’t specifically designed to prevent concussions, they can help to absorb some of the shocks from a blow to the head. This can reduce the force of impact and lower the risk of a concussion.

Improves breathing and speech

Mouthguards in Markham are designed to fit comfortably over your teeth, allowing you to breathe and speak normally while wearing them. This can be especially important for athletes who need to communicate with their teammates during games or competitions.

Choosing the right mouthguard for you

So, how do you choose the right mouthguard? Here are a few tips:

Consider the activity

The type of mouthguard you need may depend on the sport or activity you’re participating in. For example, a boil-and-bite mouthguard may be sufficient for low-impact sports like yoga or cycling, while a custom-fitted mouthguard may be necessary for high-impact sports like football or hockey.

Look for the right fit

A good mouthguard should fit snugly over your teeth, without being too tight or too loose. If your mouthguard feels uncomfortable or interferes with your breathing or speech, it may not be the right fit for you.

Choose the right material

Mouthguards in Markham are typically made from soft, pliable materials like silicone or rubber. Some athletes may prefer one material over another, so it’s worth trying out different options to see what feels most comfortable.

Replace your mouthguard regularly

Over time, mouthguards can become worn down or damaged, reducing their effectiveness. It’s important to replace your mouthguard regularly (at least once a year) to ensure that you’re getting the best possible protection.

In conclusion, mouthguards are an essential piece of equipment for any athlete, active person or patient with bruxism. By protecting your teeth, cushioning your jaw, and reducing the risk of concussion, they can help you stay safe and healthy while pursuing your favourite activities. So next time you hit the field, court, or gym, don’t forget to strap on your mouthguard – your teeth and jaw will thank you!

Risks of not wearing a mouthguard for teeth grinding

Neglecting to wear a mouthguard when teeth grinding can lead to a host of oral complications. The continuous grinding and clenching of teeth can cause damage to the enamel, leading to cracks, chips, and even fractures. Tooth sensitivity, discomfort, and even tooth loss may arise from this.

Furthermore, teeth grinding can cause gum recession, leading to periodontal disease and tooth root exposure. The constant pressure and strain on the jaw joint can also lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD), causing discomfort, headaches, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth. It is highly recommended that patients who suffer from teeth grinding use a mouthguard to protect their teeth and overall oral health.

How to choose and fit a mouthguard for teeth grinding

When it comes to selecting and fitting a mouthguard for teeth grinding, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. First, it is important to choose a mouthguard that is specifically designed for bruxism or teeth grinding, as these products offer the most effective protection. 

It is also important to ensure that the mouthguard fits properly, as a poorly fitted mouthguard can cause discomfort or even exacerbate the teeth grinding. To achieve a proper fit, consider seeking the assistance of a dental professional, who can create a custom mouthguard tailored to your unique needs. 

Overall, choosing and fitting a mouthguard requires careful attention to detail and a commitment to protecting your oral health.

Mouthguards in Markham

At Forestbrook Dental, we understand the importance of protecting your teeth and mouth during physical activities. That’s why we offer custom-made mouthguards in Markham to fit your unique smile. Our team of experienced dentists will carefully assess your dental needs and create a mouthguard that provides optimal protection and comfort. 

We use high-quality materials to ensure durability and effectiveness. We also provide thorough instructions on how to properly clean and maintain your mouthguard to ensure its longevity. Children dentists are also available at our Markham office to provide pediatric care for your little ones. Visit our dental office today to protect your teeth and mouth while enjoying your sleep, favourite sports and activities.

Emergency Oral Appointments In Markham Dental Office

It is advisable to treat any tooth abscess as an emergency at a Markham dental office. This is because it is difficult to predict how a dental infection will progress. Whether or not there is pain, any obvious gum swelling might be harmful. You should get immediate comprehensive dental care in Markham.

Stopping the infection’s spread is the aim of emergency care. Usually, antibiotics on prescription are needed for this. In more severe situations, a dental surgeon may perform an incision and drainage surgery to “open” the swelling and let the fluid drain out along with intravenous antibiotics. Pressure is released, and the agony is lessened.

What qualifies as a dental emergency?

The majority of individuals are unaware that, if left untreated, dental issues have the potential to worsen over time. Knowing what constitutes a dental emergency and what does not is therefore essential.

Any condition in which you fear your life is in urgent danger qualifies as a dental emergency. Dental emergencies commonly occur with bleeding, fractured jaws, missing fillings, and other symptoms. For further information, get in touch with a Markham dental office right now.

When is a toothache considered an emergency?

Markham dental office emergencies include toothaches when:

  • It continues for more than a few days.
  • Over time, the severity increases.
  • Pain in the jaw, ear, or cheek is coming from swelling, puffiness, or bleeding around the tooth.

What situations are not dental emergencies?

Some conditions don’t call for immediate care and might not be worth the extra cost of calling an emergency dentist in Markham. A toothache that is manageable with over-the-counter painkillers and has no swelling is not considered a Markham dental office emergency.

It’s also not urgent if a tooth is chipped or fractured but not in pain. Some patients have bleeding gums or mouth sores. Additionally, they are not acceptable for emergency dental care.

It is not a dental emergency if the situation won’t become noticeably worse without prompt treatment.

Dental emergency versus medical emergency.

Unless there is a medical emergency, the ER is unlikely to be able to address a dental issue. Before you can visit a dentist, they could employ short-term pain relief techniques. Depending on your health plan, your coverage may vary. To confirm coverage, you may either check your plan documentation, visit your insurance company’s website, or call customer support.

In this article, you will be introduced to a dental clinic business in Markham that provide emergency dental services. You can be confident that you’re in good hands with dentists that has wealth of experience. This is because these emergency dentists are experts in their fields and well-versed in a wide range of oral health conditions.

When should you go for same-day dental treatment?

The jawbone, as well as other parts of the face, neck, and head, can get infected with a tooth infection. If you also have any additional symptoms in addition to a toothache, call your Markham dental office at once. These may consist of:

  • Toothache that lasts for more than a day.
  • Discomfort during eating or biting.
  • Feverish feeling.
  • A red gum.
  • An unpleasant flavour or odour.
  • Having trouble swallowing.

Visit your dentist or emergency department as soon as possible if your tooth has broken or fallen out. Clinics in dental practice marketing who wants to give their patients the best, accept same-day dental emergency appointments.

What Treatment Options Do I Have Before My Appointment?

If you can’t get into Markham dental office right away, try these suggestions to relieve sharp tooth pain:

  • Gently use warm saltwater to rinse your mouth.
  • To get rid of food or plaque between your teeth, carefully floss.
  • Put a cold compress on your cheek or jaw.
  • Take acetaminophen or another over-the-counter pain reliever.
  • Try natural toothache treatments like clove oil to numb the gums.

What if I have toothaches frequently?

Sadly, dental needs and issues don’t go away on their own and instead deteriorate with time. Why then would a toothache disappear? An infection in a tooth’s nerve frequently results in a severe toothache (which can result from a deep cavity, fracture, or another type of trauma).

Occasionally, discomfort may disappear as a result of the nerve dying.  However, the virus still exists. It can spread to other parts of the body, such as the brain, if untreated, becoming harmful or even disastrous.

Preventing Dental Emergencies.

The best method to prevent a dental emergency brought on by a tooth infection is to regularly visit a dentist for x-ray-based assessments. Before they become urgent, dental issues will be detected by your Markham dental office.

While some damage is unavoidable, you may lessen the impact of sports-related injuries by wearing an athletic mouthguard while participating in contact sports.For more information on scheduling a dental appointment and ending toothaches, call emergency dentists at  Forestbrook Dental, Markham.

7 Emergency Dentist Tips In Markham You Must Remember

All of us face dental emergencies at some point. In case of a dental emergency, your emergency dentist in Markham will come to your rescue. They can provide quick relief and help you during your most critical situations. If you are curious about what an emergency dentist can diagnose, here are some of the oral problems they can fix :

  • Tooth abscess
  • Broken teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Teeth grinding
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sports injury

Although it is good to know that your emergency dentist in Markham can help you prevent dental emergencies. Following are some tips from your dentist on preventing dental issues. Emergency dental clinics are trained to handle any dental emergency. So, you can rest assured you’ll receive the best care.

7 essential tips from your emergency dentist

Keep an eye on your diet.

While you enjoy your favourite sweets and crackers, these foods won’t help maintain the health of your teeth. They can damage them by causing tooth decay or infection between visits to the dentist! So stay away from too many sugary items, which might lead to sweet taste buds but also break easily when chewed into little bits. Plus, they’ll fill up quickly, leading you back towards more unhealthy cravings.

What is better than living a life with great flavour? Protecting yourself against potential issues ahead while still enjoying all those delicious treats. If you want to avoid seeing an emergency dentist in Markham, you might want to consider this.

Do not use your teeth as tools.

Your teeth are not meant to be used as tools. The function of teeth is to protect your mouth, not be used as a tool. Using them to open bottles or tear open packages can damage them.  They should never come into contact with sharp objects or hard surfaces because this could damage them permanently! It’s not safe to use your teeth as a tool, and even if it is for something like opening bottles or tearing packages, be sure you’re careful with them! 

Don’t miss your daily dental routine.

Keeping your teeth clean and flossing will make your emergency dentist in Markham happy. If you fail to brush your teeth, food gets stuck in them, causing tooth decay or gum disease. Brushing and flossing play a significant role in maintaining good oral health.  

Brushing and flossing are essential for keeping your teeth healthy. Be sure to brush at least twice a day and floss at least once daily. Doing so will help remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Wear mouthguards during sports.

Sports can sometimes cause injuries to your teeth. Using mouthguards prevents you from breaking your teeth or damaging your mouth and lips. Wearing a mouthguard throughout sport can avoid a trip to your emergency dentist in Markham

Make sure you consume your vitamins daily. 

Vitamins provide a wide range of benefits. Apart from making you strong, it also keeps your teeth and gums healthy.  You should consume Vitamins A, B, C, and D to reduce your risk of periodontal disease and strengthen your teeth. 

Schedule dental appointments regularly.

Do not underestimate the power of regular dental exams and cleaning. There are some areas of your mouth and teeth that a toothbrush cannot reach. For this reason, visiting your dentist can prevent your teeth from developing cavities and other oral diseases—schedule regular dental visits to avoid toothache or bleeding gums. 

Keep up with your regular dental appointments, even if you’ve seen an emergency dentist in Markham, as this will help prevent future problems. Remember that emergency dentists are here to help, so don’t be afraid to seek out their services if you need urgent dental care.

Follow post-treatment instructions

After your emergency dentist appointment, follow any instructions regarding at-home care or follow-up appointments. Doing this ensures that you heal faster and without any complications. 

Prepare for your next dental visit!

There are a few things you can do to prepare for your emergency dental appointment:

  1. Gather your insurance information so the front desk can verify your coverage. This will help ensure that your emergency dental visit is covered by insurance.
  2. Write down all the symptoms you are experiencing so you can describe them to the dentist. This will help the dentist diagnose your condition and provide the most effective treatment.
  3. Bring a list of any medications you are taking and any allergies you have. This information will be necessary for the dentist to know to avoid any potential reactions.
  4. If you have a dental emergency kit, bring it to your appointment. This kit should contain gauze, a cold pack, and pain medication.
  5. Make sure to arrive early for your appointment so that you can fill out any necessary paperwork. This will help to ensure that your emergency dental visit goes smoothly.

Book your appointment today

Visiting your dentist for routine checkups is essential for keeping your teeth healthy. During these visits, your dentist will clean your teeth and look for any problems that may need to

Despite a consistent dental hygiene routine, there may be instances in which you need to see an emergency dentist for urgent dental care. It is necessary to seek out an emergency dentist in Markham so that you can be relieved of suffering and have a dental problem diagnosed before it worsens. 

Your dentist in Markham will respond quickly. Don’t hesitate to call an emergency dentist if you have a dental emergency. Take care of your oral health and stay in top condition. Schedule an appointment today!

Patients Ask: Where Can I Find A Markham Dentist Near Me?

You must find the right Markham dentist for yourself. Finding an excellent personal relationship with your partner in dental care will help ensure long-term oral health. So,  take some time to consider some of these questions as you wonder “where to find a dentist near me.”

How to find a Markham dentist near me? 

Finding a dentist can be broken down into three simple steps. 

1. Find a dentist online.

There are several different options for finding the right Markham dentist online. Many other websites can provide you with a comprehensive list of dentists in your area. Some of the sites will also provide information on costs, reviews, and relevant information that you may need.

One good example of a dentist-finding app is DentistFind

DentistFind can help you find dentists in your local area. Just go to the website and choose your city from the list or input the type of dentist or service you need. Tap the enter button or search and wait for the results. 

2. Narrow down your search results

Once you have found a list of Markham dentists, you will need to narrow it down to one or two dentists.

To narrow it down, there are many different aspects to consider.


You may have a specific location where you wish to visit the dentist. This should either be close to where you live or work. If you do not, you will need to narrow down your search.


The cost of a Markham dentist can vary wildly. To best plan your finances, you will need to know your budget for the dentist. If you know your budget, it is easy to compare the cost of different dentists.


There are a few different review sites that you can go onto, such as Google and Facebook. These sites allow you to see what other users say about their services from a particular dentist or dental office.

3. Call the dentist

Once you have narrowed down your search results, you need to contact the dentist. Calling the dentist is a quick and easy way to get an appointment. They will be on their website.

If possible, it is essential to interact with the dentist on the phone. The phone interaction allows you to ask some preliminary questions. It will also let you ask any questions that you may have about the service.

With a phone call, you can check that the Markham dentist is okay with the schedule or if they offer the treatment that you need.

Choosing the right dentist

Once you have found a dentist who you feel is suitable, there are a few questions that you will need to consider.

Are you comfortable with their approach?

It is essential to feel comfortable with your Markham dentist. You should think that they will be understanding of your situation. This way, it will be easy for you to ask questions about the state of your oral health. 

Some patients may be shy or anxious to ask about sensitive concerns like halitosis. So, it matters to be working with someone you find approachable and sympathetic. 

Who do they treat?

Some dentists will treat a specific group of people or age groups. Those dentists only treat patients of a particular age group or have a specific condition. Not all of them will work with patients of all ages and dental needs. 

If you have an anxious child or is a special need, you might have to check if the dentist accepts children. Your child might not cooperate during the visit if they’re not comfortable with their dentist. 

Are you comfortable in their office?

You should feel comfortable in your dentist’s office. You should feel at ease. You should be able to ask any questions you might have and feel comfortable enough to discuss your own needs.

Do they accept walk-ins?

You will not know when a dental crisis will happen. Unfortunately, there are cases when the situations call for immediate treatment or attention. You should choose a Markham dentist who can accommodate you anytime. 

What to expect

Once you have spoken to your dentist and feel comfortable with them, you will need to book an appointment. This is the step that many people miss. The appointment should be booked as soon as possible.

The last thing you want is your dentist to be too busy for your appointment.

What you should expect from your appointment

When you go to the dentist, you should expect to be greeted. You should feel that they get to know you as a person. You should feel that they care.

The dentist should spend at least 30 minutes with you during the appointment. The appointment must be laid back and comfortable.

They should take the time to explain the paperwork you will be required to fill out.

Then, they should take the time to explain the procedure. Your Markham dentist should be able to explain what happens and why you will need it. They should be able to answer any questions that you have.

The dentist should perform the treatment with comfort and accuracy. It is essential that you feel secure throughout your visit. 

Trying to find an available appointment with a dentist in Markham can be stressful, but at least you know that Markham has got your back. Schedule one now and get on the road towards better oral health!

4 Aftercare Tips To Follow For Wisdom Teeth Removal

Do you know what to expect after your wisdom teeth removal? This post can definitely help answer some questions. Whether you’re contemplating making an appointment or you already have one set, there’s no need to stress. Recovery can look different for each person, but there are tips you can follow to make sure you’re comfortable.

After your procedure, you may experience the following:

  • Some mild bruising on your cheek
  • A swollen mouth and cheeks
  • Tingling sensation or numbness on your face, lips or tongue
  • A stiff jaw or a sore jaw
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Pain in your mouth and jaw

Depending on the type of anesthesia given, you may wake up still in the dental chair or be moved to a recovery room. As the sedation wears off, and once you feel ready, you will be sent home. You should have someone with you for this.

Aftercare at home

Once you get home, you can use an ice pack on your cheek where the swelling is. Make sure you have enough soft food during the week of your recovery. 

Activities you should not be doing while your stitches heal include:

  • Strenuous activities like exercise
  • Spitting
  • Smoking
  • Drinking with a straw

Pain management

If you experience moderate pain after your wisdom teeth procedure, take Tylenol or Ibuprofen every three to four hours. Your dentist will typically give you a prescription for something stronger in case the pain gets worse. If side effects occur, like rashes, stop taking them.

Pain meds may typically make you feel dizzy, so be sure not to stand up too suddenly. Your pain should also lessen each day so if it persists, call our dentist in Markham.

Eating and drinking after your procedure

It’s essential to be conscious of what you eat or drink after your wisdom tooth surgery to avoid infection.

Obviously, you will not be able to eat food that requires chewing. Eat soft food that is high in protein and try not to miss any meals. Be sure to avoid any food that is too seedy or crumby, so nothing gets lodged in your wound.

Drink a lot of liquids, at least five to six glasses each day. When drinking, you should avoid straws. That is because the sucking can dislodge the blood clots that are trying to help your wound heal.

In case of excessive bleeding

While slight bleeding and red saliva are normal during recovery, that’s definitely not good if there’s too much. To control excessive bleeding, place a gauze pad over the area and bite down for 30 minutes. If the bleeding continues, bite down on a moist teabag for another 30 minutes. Remember to stay calm and sit upright when doing this.

Typical recovery time

An extraction can be very painful and take up to a week of recovery.

A simple extraction has an average of 3 to 4 days of recovery time at home. During recovery, your focus should be on resting and gaining back your strength. If the teeth that were pulled out were impacted, the pain might continue for an entire week.

Don’t worry, though! As the days of recovery go by, daily tasks will get easier.

If you experience any complications during your recovery, do not hesitate to call our clinic. Our team of dentists in Markham will be ready to help you.

If you’ve still got your wisdom teeth, book an appointment with Forestbrook Dental today or ask us about the cost.

10 Causes Why You Suddenly Experience Tooth Sensitivity

Almost everyone has, at some point in their lives, experienced tooth pain and sensitivity. The reasons for why are lengthy but thankfully treatable. Here are the ten most common reasons to explain your tooth sensitivity.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Fractured teeth or crown

A cracked tooth or crown can lead to pain and sensitivity in your teeth. Some cracks can even be so tiny and almost impossible to see but can still cause quite a bit of pain.

Tooth decay or cavity

A cavity is one of the most common reasons for teeth sensitivity. Tooth decay can go untreated and for weeks or months before it starts to cause issues like sensitivity and pain.

Heat and cold sensitivity

Worn tooth enamel or exposed nerves can cause tooth sensitivity. Eating or drinking too hot or too cold temperatures can cause sharp pain.

Teeth grinding or jaw clenching

Constant teeth grinding and jaw clenching can lead to tooth sensitivity. That happens over time because of the worn tooth enamel. Other factors like stress or poor sleep can trigger this habit even without you knowing.

Gum infection

In its early stages, gum infection is called gingivitis. When left untreated, it can turn into periodontal disease. Sensitive teeth and gums can be a symptom of progressing gum disease.

Sinus infection

Teeth sensitivity and toothaches can be a symptom of a sinus infection. When your sinuses get infected, they get inflamed and fill with pressure. This pressure can cause them to compress the nerve endings of your teeth.

Teeth bleaching products

Often, pain from teeth bleaching products is temporary. Using bleaching gels, whitening strips, even chairside bleaching sessions can put you at a higher risk of tooth sensitivity. The pain or sensitivity should naturally go away when you finish using the bleaching product.

Tooth enamel erosion

Also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity, this can cause pain or discomfort when chewing. Factors like a highly acidic diet and rough tooth brushing can cause this.

Gum recession

Gum recession happens with age. Without proper care or treatment, this can lead to exposed tooth roots. You become vulnerable to gum disease, tooth infections, and tooth sensitivity.

Dental procedures

Any recent dental work, especially ones that involve drilling, can make your teeth more sensitive. With some procedures, you may experience tooth sensitivity for a few days up to two weeks afterwards.

Treatments for tooth sensitivity vary depending on the reason or cause. Your doctor might suggest something as simple as a sensitivity-reducing toothpaste. Other factors might require you to get a corrective procedure to relieve your pain.

If you have these symptoms, immediately see a doctor

In some cases, individuals may experience excruciating pain for unusually long. If these symptoms occur, do not waste any time and immediately see a healthcare professional.

  1. If you have a toothache lasting more than 48 hours.
  2. If you have a migraine that goes all the way to your teeth.
  3. If you’re experiencing a throbbing or sharp pain that will not go away.
  4. A fever that started around the same time as your toothache.

Whether you have a dental emergency or not, tooth sensitivity is not something to be taken lightly. As stated, it could be a symptom of some worse underlying problem. If you need a professional’s help, contact our dentist in Markham for an appointment.

Why People Fall In Love With Dental Implants Markham

What could be more beautiful than a perfect smile? For many people, dental implants are the best way to achieve this. Dental implants not only look natural, but they also feel like your own teeth. In this blog post, you will know the reasons why people love dental implants in Markham and how they can help achieve your desired smile. 

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Missing teeth can cause several problems, from difficulty chewing and speaking to shifting of the remaining teeth. Although implants are the way to replace missing teeth, they also offer other advantages. 

1. They are durable and low maintenance.

As long as you follow an oral care routine and improve your dental habits, your implants can last for several years. 

2. They can improve your oral health.

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective methods of replacing missing teeth. Moreover, it can improve oral health by restoring the function and aesthetics of the smile. 

3. They improve your speech.

Because dental implants are permanent, they won’t slip away unlike dentures which can affect the way you speak. It provides a stable foundation for teeth replacement which provides speech clarity. 

4. They make eating easier.

Since they are like natural teeth, they can improve your eating habits. They will allow you to eat all your favourite foods without worrying about them getting stuck in your teeth. Moreover, since it is permanent, chewing will become more natural and easier.  

How the dentist performs the procedure?

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants. How a dentist performs a dental implants procedure may vary from one office to another, but the basics of the treatment stay pretty much the same. 

1. Initial evaluation

It is important to have a comprehensive examination to help evaluate the condition of the jawbone. During the evaluation, the dentist will capture the impressions of your teeth to match the colour of your implants to your natural teeth. Aside from getting the impressions of your teeth, they will also conduct dental x-rays to know how many teeth need replacement. 

2. Tooth extraction

During dental implant surgery, your dentist will remove any remaining teeth that need to be replaced. For you to not feel any pain during extraction, they will use local anesthesia. Extraction will be completed in a short time unless the tooth is injured. 

3. Inserting the implant and bone grafting

For the implants procedure to be successful, your jaw needs to be strong. If in case your jaw needs an additional bone, your dentist will perform bone grafting. They will first let your bone heal before they will place the implant. As soon as your implant is added to the jawbone, it will grow and become part of your gum line. The healing process varies from one person to another but usually, it will take 3 months to 9 months.

4. Abutment placement

Once the implant is stable, your dentist will place a piece that will connect to your crown. This piece is called an abutment. The dentist will make sure that it is tight so it firmly stays when you eat. 

5. Adding the crown

You will receive an artificial tooth or crown once your gums have healed. Your dentist will give you an option if you want a removable implant or a permanent one. In this case, you can ask your dentist what is suitable for your teeth’ condition. 

What to expect after your surgery?

After you have the surgery, there are some things that you can expect. Follow these guidelines to ensure a successful recovery. 

  • Recovery time may vary depending on the individual, but many people find that they can return to work within a week. 
  • There may be some swelling and bruising after but it will go away within a few days.
  • Practice good oral care habits.
  • Follow the instructions of your dentist and visit them regularly. 

Restore your smile

You deserve to be able to smile with confidence. Schedule an appointment today with your Markham dentist and they will help you find the best dental implants for your budget and personal needs.

Is Oral Cancer Screening Markham A Scam? Read this!

An oral cancer screening in Markham is a vital part of oral health care, right? There is a lot of debate surrounding oral cancer screenings. Some people believe that they are a scam, while others find them to be an important way to detect the disease early on. So, what is the truth? 

What is oral cancer screening?

Oral cancer screening helps identify early signs of mouth cancer and provides the best chance for successful treatment. It may include a physical examination of the head and neck, dental x-rays, and other tests. Knowing which type of oral cancer screening is right for you is an important step in protecting your oral health.

Why you should get it?

When you hear the word cancer, what comes to mind? For most people, it is a fear of the unknown. While many forms of cancer are deadly, oral cancer is highly treatable when caught early. Here are just a few of the benefits of oral cancer screening:

1. Early detection save lives

Oral cancer screenings can detect tumours in their early stages when they are easiest to treat.

2. It’s quick and easy.

A simple mouth exam takes just a few minutes and can be performed by your dentist during your regular check-up.

3. It’s affordable.

Oral cancer screenings are typically covered during your regular dental exam. It will only be necessary to spend more when the disease has been diagnosed and additional treatment is needed. 

Signs and symptoms of oral cancer

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the mouth. It can affect the lips, tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, and other parts of the head and neck. In addition, it is often diagnosed early because it causes visible changes in the mouth.

However, many people don’t notice these changes until the diseases have progressed. That is why it is important to know the warning signs of oral cancer and see your dentist regularly for check-ups. 

  • Lumps in the mouth or neck
  • Persistent feeling of numbness on the lip or tongue 
  • White and red patches on the lining of the mouth and tongue
  • A change in speech
  • Mouth sores that do not heal for weeks
  • Swelling or pain in the jaw
  • Struggling in chewing
  • Severe sore throat

What happens during the examination?

When you go in for your regular dental checkup, your dentist will also perform an oral cancer exam. This is an important part of your overall health care and it can help to detect any potential problems with your mouth early on.  Here are the oral cancer screening steps your dentist will perform.

  1. Before the screening, if you are wearing any dental appliances make sure to remove them so your dentist can examine your mouth fully.
  2. The dentist will then check any swelling, bumps or abnormalities in your mouth.
  3. They will also check your face, neck, lips, jaw and even your nose. 
  4. Using a light and a mirror, they will check the back of your tongue and mouth. 
  5. They will also feel for any abnormal nodules or masses on your face and neck. 

In some cases, the dentist will use special dyes and lights to look for signs of oral cancer. Some of these tests include:

  • Fluorescence staining

After using a fluorescent mouth rinse, a special light is used to identify abnormal tissues.

  • Exfoliative cytology

The process of removing cells from the mouth with a cotton swab, a wooden stick, or a brush and examining them under a microscope for abnormalities.

  • Toluidine blue stain

Using a blue dye to coat mouth lesions to determine if the areas are developing into cancer.  

Visit your dentist today

Oral cancer is a serious and deadly threat to your health. It doesn’t discriminate between gender or age and can affect you whether you’re young or old, male or female. Everyone must be aware of this disease and the best way to prevent it from happening is by visiting your Markham dentist regularly. 

Save Yourself From Root Canal Procedure With These Tips

A root canal procedure may seem frightening, but it can actually be a very beneficial treatment for your oral health. It is a necessary treatment for patients who have infected teeth deep down the roots. However, there are steps you can take to help reduce your chances of having to go through with a root canal. Check out these tips below:

1. Brush your teeth regularly.

Brushing your teeth after eating your meals will remove all the food debris stuck on your teeth. When they are not removed, the bacteria will cause infection leading to gum diseases. 

2. If you are into sports, wear a mouthguard.

When you are playing contact sports, wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth. This dental appliance will prevent dental injuries from happening.

3. Don’t skip flossing

Flossing will ensure that no food debris will be left behind. This step will make your teeth spaces free from tartar or plaque buildup.

4. Reduce intake of sugary foods and beverages

Consuming too many sweets can lead to tooth decay. It is important to note that eating healthy foods will not only save your teeth but will improve your overall health.

5. Sensitive teeth shouldn’t be ignored

When you feel pain every time you eat hot or cold foods, you should consult your dentist. When left untreated, it can affect the function of your teeth. 

6. Do not chew ice

Chewing ice will result in cracks or fractures of the teeth. A cracked tooth is vulnerable to bacteria causing infection. You need to stop chewing ice to protect your teeth.

7. See your dentist regularly.

Preventive measures are the best. That is why it is essential to schedule a visit with your dentist. In this way, they can detect and treat your dental problems early.  

Root canal treatment: what to expect

An endodontist, who specializes in treating the pulp, will handle your root canal treatment. To prevent further damage to your teeth, they make sure that the infection does not spread. During a root canal procedure, your dentist will place you under local anesthesia. This will make your procedure painless. 


You can expect the following steps as your dentist performs the dental treatment.

  1. First, they will clean the center of the infected tooth to remove the pulp. Using a dental file, they will remove the injured pulp through the small hole in the surface. 
  2. As soon as the affected nerve tissues are removed, your dentist will use a rubber material and place it in the teeth. Then, using adhesive cement, they will seal the hole to avoid bacteria from entering. 
  3. Because of the absence of your pulp, your tooth may become fragile. Your dentist will recommend you to have dental crowns or filling to make your teeth stronger. 

What you should do after your dental surgery

There are several things to keep in mind when taking care of your teeth after a root canal. You can follow these seven simple tips for a smooth and quick recovery.

1. Brush and floss regularly.

Be gentle when you brush your teeth since you just had dental surgery. In brushing, you should do it in gentle circles. Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day and do not forget to floss. 

2. Avoid chewing crunchy and hard foods.

It’s hard to chew after your treatment. It is recommended that during your recovery period, follow a soft-food diet until the time you are fully recovered. 

3. Keep your mouth clean at all costs.

After your procedure, your dentist will inform you to not rinse your mouth for the first twenty-four hours. On the second day, you may do so. Using warm salt water, rinse your mouth four times a day preferably after your meals. 

4. Take time to rest.

Your body needs to recover. Rest and avoid any physically demanding activity. You may resume your normal activities and routine once you are doing well.

5. Follow your dentist’s instructions.

Your dentist is your partner in your dental health. Because of this, you have to cooperate throughout your treatment. When you experience more pain than usual after your surgery, inform them right away so they can help you.

Book for an appointment

It is not easy to think about, but your Markham dentist can help you. A root canal procedure is the best solution when it comes to treating infected tooth so do not hesitate! Learn more about this dental procedure and whether it could be right for you by scheduling an appointment with your dentist today.