Here’s How Dental Implants Can Bring Back Your Confidence

Dental implants are replacement teeth. Dental implant surgery involves adding metal posts into the jawbone under the gums. From there, your dentist can then add replacement teeth that sit on top of the implant. A dental implant is often preferred over dentures, depending on the patient’s oral health.

Benefits of dental implants

Other than the obvious benefit of dental implants replacing missing teeth, this procedure has other primary advantages:

  • Makes eating easier

Dental implants act just like natural teeth, so you’ll be able to eat without any pain or worry. Other teeth replacements like dentures tend to slide around, therefore making chewing a chore.

  • Durable and easy to maintain

As long as you’re keeping up or improving your dental habits, your implants will last you a long time.

  • Improves your appearance

They blend in so easily with your natural teeth! In most cases, they are foolproof, and no one will even know that those aren’t your real teeth.

  • Improves your speech

Other teeth replacement options like dentures tend to slip therefore affecting the way you speak. Since dental implants are permanent, you won’t have that same issue.

  • Improves oral health

Tooth implants are one of the better procedures for replacing missing teeth. This procedure focuses on repairing the affected area while also avoiding harm in other areas of the mouth.

The success of an implant varies on the exact location, nevertheless, they have a 98% success rate. These dental screws may cost more than dentures, but they are more durable.

Maintenance and aftercare of dental implants

Usually, a single tooth implant procedure takes less than 2 hours. However, it can still vary depending on the patient’s condition. Just because your dental implant isn’t a natural tooth does not mean it requires zero maintenance. Your dental hygiene routine should be maintained or should be improved once you have your implant.

After your procedure, your gums will be tender and sensitive. When brushing, use soft bristles and do so gently. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste to brush on your implant, which can cause micro-scratches, leading to bacteria and plaque.

When flossing, proceed as you usually would. You may also benefit from using a water or air flosser in rotation with regular flossing. 

The lifespan of dental implants depends on how stable your jawbone is. Depending on the type of dental implant your dentist recommends to you, there may be some special care instructions.

Are you thinking of getting dental implants to help with your smile? Contact our dentist in Markham today for an appointment!

Why People Fall In Love With Dental Implants Markham

What could be more beautiful than a perfect smile? For many people, dental implants are the best way to achieve this. Dental implants not only look natural, but they also feel like your own teeth. In this blog post, you will know the reasons why people love dental implants in Markham and how they can help achieve your desired smile. 

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Missing teeth can cause several problems, from difficulty chewing and speaking to shifting of the remaining teeth. Although implants are the way to replace missing teeth, they also offer other advantages. 

1. They are durable and low maintenance.

As long as you follow an oral care routine and improve your dental habits, your implants can last for several years. 

2. They can improve your oral health.

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective methods of replacing missing teeth. Moreover, it can improve oral health by restoring the function and aesthetics of the smile. 

3. They improve your speech.

Because dental implants are permanent, they won’t slip away unlike dentures which can affect the way you speak. It provides a stable foundation for teeth replacement which provides speech clarity. 

4. They make eating easier.

Since they are like natural teeth, they can improve your eating habits. They will allow you to eat all your favourite foods without worrying about them getting stuck in your teeth. Moreover, since it is permanent, chewing will become more natural and easier.  

How the dentist performs the procedure?

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants. How a dentist performs a dental implants procedure may vary from one office to another, but the basics of the treatment stay pretty much the same. 

1. Initial evaluation

It is important to have a comprehensive examination to help evaluate the condition of the jawbone. During the evaluation, the dentist will capture the impressions of your teeth to match the colour of your implants to your natural teeth. Aside from getting the impressions of your teeth, they will also conduct dental x-rays to know how many teeth need replacement. 

2. Tooth extraction

During dental implant surgery, your dentist will remove any remaining teeth that need to be replaced. For you to not feel any pain during extraction, they will use local anesthesia. Extraction will be completed in a short time unless the tooth is injured. 

3. Inserting the implant and bone grafting

For the implants procedure to be successful, your jaw needs to be strong. If in case your jaw needs an additional bone, your dentist will perform bone grafting. They will first let your bone heal before they will place the implant. As soon as your implant is added to the jawbone, it will grow and become part of your gum line. The healing process varies from one person to another but usually, it will take 3 months to 9 months.

4. Abutment placement

Once the implant is stable, your dentist will place a piece that will connect to your crown. This piece is called an abutment. The dentist will make sure that it is tight so it firmly stays when you eat. 

5. Adding the crown

You will receive an artificial tooth or crown once your gums have healed. Your dentist will give you an option if you want a removable implant or a permanent one. In this case, you can ask your dentist what is suitable for your teeth’ condition. 

What to expect after your surgery?

After you have the surgery, there are some things that you can expect. Follow these guidelines to ensure a successful recovery. 

  • Recovery time may vary depending on the individual, but many people find that they can return to work within a week. 
  • There may be some swelling and bruising after but it will go away within a few days.
  • Practice good oral care habits.
  • Follow the instructions of your dentist and visit them regularly. 

Restore your smile

You deserve to be able to smile with confidence. Schedule an appointment today with your Markham dentist and they will help you find the best dental implants for your budget and personal needs.

Dental Implants Procedure: Simplifying How It’s Done

A missing tooth is one of the common reasons why some patients do not reveal their smiles. Especially if the gap is at the front, smiling seems nearly impossible. Sadly, some people find tooth gaps or missing teeth unappealing. There is in fact, an underlying problem with missing teeth other than its looks. Good thing, dental implants are effective tooth replacements letting you keep your confidence and oral health.

Dental implants

Teeth implants are screw-like posts that dentists attach on the jawbone under the gums to act as the new tooth root. On top of the post is an abutment where the dentist can mount the artificial tooth, most likely a crown.

Since the post is attached to the bone, it provides quite a sturdy grip on the artificial bite. Most often, implants are more durable than natural teeth. Aside from the roots, the crown is specially made to look and feel almost like a real bite. 

Dentists would recommend a tooth implant for patients who need a reliable replacement after missing a tooth. It’s also best for seniors who seem uncomfortable with loose dentures and need a fixed mechanism to it. 

Nevertheless, do patients really need implants? 

Why do you need tooth implants?

If gaps between teeth are left open, it allows the other teeth to shift to different positions and would soon result in misalignment. From there, the patient might develop other oral diseases, like tooth decay or infection. Not to mention that the open socket is already susceptible to infection due to bacteria. 

If the missing tooth is a molar, the other teeth will shift to the back which could lead to premature ageing. Looking older than your age could be worse than smiling with a missing tooth. Aside from that, gaps in the mouth or loose dentures can create lisps making the patient’s speaking impaired.

Somehow, if there’s no tooth the jawbone begins to deteriorate. It loses its function and becomes frail and will become a reason for failing oral health. A tooth implant procedure will prevent these problems by filling in the missing tooth gap.

This is why the procedure is popular although it is invasive and somehow complex. 

The step-by-step dental implants procedure

The dental implants procedure is a rigorous and lengthy procedure to ensure the safety of the patient and the success of the operation. Since it entails multiple procedures other than the implantation itself, it could take months to complete the entire treatment. It also involves invasive procedures that require an oral surgeon to take over with the performance. 

Here are the steps following the tooth implant process:

1. Cutting the gum open

Before the dental implants surgery, the surgeon prepares by isolating the operation site and then giving anesthesia to the patient. This helps him relax during the procedure and sleep through it. After the preparation, the oral surgeon will cut the gum open with a scalpel to expose the jawbone underneath it. 

2. Drilling into the bone

The goal is to place the implant post in the bone. So, at this time the dentist or oral surgeon will drill a hole on the bone with a dental drill. 

3. Placing the implant

Then, the dental post is inserted deep into the bone. This will serve as a tooth root to the replacement dental prosthesis.

4. Temporary denture

At this point, the missing tooth gap is still present because the post is only in level with the gums. If necessary, the dentist will place a temporary and removable denture.

5. Waiting for osseointegration

After the fourth step, the dentist sends the patient home for recovery time. There’s a process during this period they call osseointegration. This process aims to let the dental post fuse with the bone and tissues of the patient to ensure a solid foundation. It might take a few months to succeed with this step before proceeding to the next procedure.

6. Attaching the abutment

Once the osseointegration is complete, the patient returns to have the abutment attached to the implant. The surgeon will reopen the gums and inserts the piece in the implant. Then, he will close the gum tissues surrounding the post but, not over the abutment. By this time, another recovery time takes place. 

7. Taking mouth impressions

After two weeks, the gums should have healed and the patient returns. This time, the dentist takes mouth impressions. These impressions are for making the patient’s customized dental crowns. 

8. Attaching the new tooth

Once they already have your crowns, it’s time to attach them on top of the implant to complete your new tooth. 

It always takes time to achieve a perfect work of art. So, if you have your implants appreciate it and care for it so it lasts forever. Call your Markham dentist now to know the dental implants cost and how you are going to be a candidate for the procedure.

Top 4 Strong Points Of Having Dental Implants

Dental implants are a restorative solution that permanently replace your missing teeth. This treatment uses screw-like material that your dentist attaches to your jawbone via surgery. In effect, the implant becomes a sturdy base for crowns and dentures as it fuses with the patient’s bones and tissues. A patient can choose either zirconium or titanium as the main component of this tooth restoration. Zirconia implants are strongly recommended for patients that are allergic to metals. On one hand, dentists recommend titanium dental implants as they are highly favorable to integrate well to the patients’ jawbone.

Advantages of dental implants

Teeth implants have become popular since they were first introduced to dentistry. According to studies, there are 5.5 million implant surgeries that dentists perform annually. There are four strong points that make dental implants one of the best teeth restorations.

Dental health is improved.

The dental implant does not negatively affect the natural teeth as compared to a dental bridge. There’s no need to trim down or make changes of a neighboring tooth for this treatment. Hence, there’s no further damage on your remaining teeth, and your oral health is improved. It’s easy to maintain your oral care regimen as if you did not lose a tooth.

Durable and sturdy replacement.

Titanium dental implants

Titanium dental implants are biocompatible to your body and they blend with your jawbone and tissues in a process called osseointegration. This process allows the implants to become part of you, making them durable replacement for your missing teeth.

It prevents your teeth from shifting.

Once the tooth implant is put in place, the gap is closed and the remaining teeth stay in place. They don’t tend to shift just to fill the missing gap caused by the lost tooth. No other restoration prevents teeth movement other than dental implants. That’s why it’s very crucial to have your missing tooth replaced as soon as possible before it’s too late. When the tooth gap is left untreated, you’ll need other dental treatments like dental braces to maintain your teeth alignment.  

Your tooth’s natural function is restored.

An implant acts like a natural tooth and restores your ability to speak and chew well. There’s no need to feel uncomfortable or worry about slurred speech since your implant is secured in place as you talk. Also, you can chew your food properly, without the fear of dentures coming off from your mouth. Indeed, your tooth is restored for good.

Now, it’s pretty clear how important it is to choose the best tooth restoration and prevent other dental problems. The next best thing to do is to meet your dentist. You have to discuss if you’re a good candidate for titanium dental implants or zirconia. You need to be clear from any allergic reaction to these materials. Also, you have to have enough bone density to ensure the success of your implant surgery. Learn more about Markham dental implants when you visit your nearest local clinic in Markham, Ontario.