Beware Of These Gingivitis Symptoms Before It’s Too Late

The inflammation of gingiva or the gums is gingivitis. Gingivitis symptoms, if not treated at once, could progress to periodontitis. This could lead to further damage on your gums, jawbone, and even loss of teeth.

Neglect of good oral hygiene can result in gingivitis. Daily practice of brushing teeth, flossing, and having routine dental checkups at Markham dental office can prevent gum diseases. Plaque can accumulate around and between the teeth without a good oral hygiene routine. Dental plaque is caused by bacteria that come from the food residue left on the teeth. Hardened plaque turns into tartar or calculus. Tartar can cause gum inflammation which leads to bleeding gums.  

Gingivitis symptoms are usually mild and hardly noticed. However, this is a serious condition that should be immediately addressed.

What are the gingivitis symptoms?

  • Purple or red gums
  • Tender or soft gums that cause pain when touched
  • Bleeding in the gums when you brush or floss
  • Halitosis or bad breath
  • Swollen gums
  • Receding gums

Other factors that can cause gingivitis

  1. Markham dental office recognizes the fact that besides the lack of good oral hygiene, other factors can also cause gingivitis.
  2. When people undergo puberty, menopause, and pregnancy their gums are more sensitive. Sensitive gums are more at risk of inflammation.
  3. The risk of having gingivitis is also higher among those with cancer, diabetes, and HIV.
  4. Gingivitis symptoms can also be evident among those who have poor diet, smoke and use prohibited drugs.
  5. Age is also a common factor from those suffering from gingivitis. Therefore, it is important to live a healthy lifestyle and follow a good oral hygiene routine as you grow.

Gingivitis is easier to prevent than to treat. Regular dental cleanings and checkups at Markham dental office can help detect early symptoms of gingivitis.



Teeth Cleaning Cost In Markham: What Does It Include?

What can you get in exchange for the teeth cleaning cost in Markham? Is it worth the price? Is dental cleaning really necessary in life? These might be some of the questions running on your mind.

Teeth cleaning cost in Markham

Your dental clinic in Markham offers routine dental cleaning at an average of $50 CAD to $200 CAD. If you have dental insurance then the price could be lower, or it can amount to almost nothing. However, if you want to include dental X-rays and exams, then you would have to prepare at least $320 CAD.

The teeth cleaning cost might seem expensive but this is actually a good investment. If you don’t take care of your teeth, this might result in periodontal disease and missing teeth. Procedures to fix these dental problems can cost you more.

What do the teeth cleaning cost entails?

  1. The first thing that your dental hygienist will do is to examine your mouth.  With a small mirror, he will look at your teeth carefully to look for signs of plaque and tartar buildup.
  2. Your dental clinic in Markham uses a dental tool called an ultrasonic scaler. This removes plaque and tartar buildup through scraping the gum line and the teeth.
  3. After tartar removal, the hygienist will clean your teeth with an electric toothbrush. He will also use a toothpaste that might feel gritty. The particles of this toothpaste help scrub your teeth for a squeaky clean feeling.
  4. The last inclusion of the teeth cleaning cost is the fluoride treatment to protect your teeth against cavities.

A routine dental cleaning is a vital part of life because a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Not to mention, that a lot of dental complications start with a simple plaque and tartar buildup. Dental cleanings at your dental clinic in Markham will make it worth your time and money.

How To Prevent Tooth Plaque At Home?

We know that we should maintain a good oral hygiene routine like regular brushing of our teeth and flossing. These are examples of how to prevent tooth plaque buildup at home. However, most times we don’t really understand the grave outcomes of not following this. Sometimes we learn the consequences when we’re already sitting in the dentist’s chair.

Markham Dental Clinic defines plaque as colorless bacteria that form on the teeth and along the gum line. Calcified or hardened plaque is also called tartar.   

It is important to know the dangers of plaque buildup. Knowing it will prompt you to find ways on how to prevent tooth plaque in the comfort of your home.

Why should we prevent tooth plaque buildup?

Plaque emits acids that destroy the enamel of the tooth, resulting in tooth decay. The buildup of plaque can also develop in tooth roots which causes the weakening of the bone structures supporting the tooth. They also cause cavities and gum disease.

How to prevent tooth plaque buildup?

  • The easiest way to prevent plaque buildup is to brush your teeth. Do this at least twice a day, brushing gently in the spaces between the gums and teeth. Markham Dental Clinic suggests the use of a toothpaste containing fluoride.

  • Floss once a day between the spaces of each tooth. This removes food particles that may have gotten stuck there.
  • Rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash also helps prevent plaque buildup.

  • Avoid smoking.  

Here are some basic things on how to prevent tooth plaque buildup at home. You don’t have to do any new or crazy techniques, just follow your daily dental hygiene routine strictly.  

One last thing that you can do is to schedule dental cleanings at least twice a year. Dental cleanings at Markham Dental Clinic cleans between spaces that sometimes regular brushing cannot reach. It also removes plaque buildup for healthier teeth and gums.

What Is The Beauty Of A Family Dental Clinic?

A family dental clinic address the oral needs of all family members in the different stages of their lives. A dental clinic that specializes in family dentistry allows you to have one dental appointment for all family members. They perform different procedures for each family member on the same day so you can save time.

Your family dentist in Markham knows how to handle children with gentleness and care. Oral health is vital to you and your kids’ overall physical health. Therefore, it is important that your children understand the value of seeing their dentist regularly.

Services offered at the family dental clinic in Markham

The family dental clinic in Markham uses the latest dental technology to cater to its patients’ needs. They have the latest digital x-ray devices to quickly take high-quality images of the mouth. They also use DentalVibe which eliminates injection pain by using direct vibration instead of needles.

Family dental clinics also perform procedures like dental fillings, dental crowns, and teeth implants. They recommend dental fillings to treat teeth cavities and use materials such as gold, porcelain or ceramic filling. Your dentist in Markham recommends crowns when your damaged teeth can no longer hold a filling. This covers the remaining structure of the damaged teeth after cavity removal. He also uses dental implants to replace missing teeth by having a metal frame surgically implanted on your jaw. This acts as the root of your tooth replacement and is covered by a dental crown.

Different mouthguards are also offered in a family dental clinic. You can have them custom made for a better fit for your family members. This protects the teeth of your family while they engage in sports. Mouthguards also address teeth grinding problems.

Entrust your family’s oral health with a dentist in Markham. Forestbrook Dental caters to each of your family member’s unique dental needs.

When Do You Need Emergency Dental Services?

Seek emergency dental services immediately to avoid permanent damage on your teeth and jaws. Pain and impairment left untreated can result in further dental procedures in the future. This can cost you both time and money. Your Markham dentist can administer proper dental care during emergencies. He can check on discomforts that might hinder you from your everyday work.

Scenarios needing emergency dental services

Chipped or Broken teeth

Try to save the pieces that have fallen off when a part of your teeth suddenly breaks off. Use a moistened gauze and apply pressure on the area in case of bleeding. Go to your dentist as soon as possible. Bring a cold compress on the way, press it near the spot of the broken tooth to avoid swelling.

Knocked out permanent teeth

Emergency dental services can restore knocked out permanent teeth. However, it should be done within an hour. Time is of the essence with this kind of emergency. Rinse the knocked off teeth and put them in a container. The container should have a small amount of milk or salt water.

Teeth infection

A tooth infection is also called a dental abscess. This is pus buildup, caused by bacteria inside the teeth or gums. If you don’t have it checked with your Markham dentist right away, it might spread to other parts of the body. You might also experience pain when you eat because of this.

Losing a dental filling

If you accidentally lose a filling, you can remedy this with sugar-free gum until you get to the dentist. Leaving the gap in your teeth unresolved can cause more teeth damage and pain. Seek emergency dental services to avoid dental crowns or implants in the future.

Forestbrook Dental offers evening and weekend appointments to cater unforeseen emergencies. Maintaining good dental health does not stop on weekends or nighttime. Your Markham dentist makes sure that you receive immediate dental care at all times.

Recommended Mouthguard For Grinding Teeth

Bruxism or teeth grinding commonly happens when you are asleep or when under a lot of stress. Your dentist recommends a mouthguard for grinding teeth problems. Abnormal bite, crooked and missing teeth are the usual causes of bruxism.

Tight, tired jaw muscles in the morning, and teeth sensitivity could be signs of teeth grinding when asleep. Dr. Daniel Seah recommends wearing of mouthguard at night to avoid further damage on the teeth. A mouthguard is a device that covers the teeth and gums.

What are some complications of teeth grinding?

The use of mouthguard for grinding teeth at night provides patients with a more peaceful sleep. It helps them to feel good waking up in the morning without the feeling of soreness in the jaw.

The regular occurrence of bruxism can cause other oral health complications like loss of teeth and temporomandibular joint disorder.

Sleep research concluded that there is a link between sleep apnea and sleep bruxism. Sleep apnea is breathing interruption during sleep.

What is the suggested mouthguard for grinding teeth?

Many patients prefer customized mouthguards. Dr. Daniel Seah of Forestbrook Dental highly recommends this because it provides an exact fit to the patient’s mouth. He takes an impression of the patient’s teeth to guide him in making a mouthguard that fits snugly.

There is also another type of mouthguard for grinding teeth known as the “boil-and-bite.” This is store bought and comes in a pre-formed shape. Patients could alter the shape by boiling it and placing it on their mouth to take the shape of their teeth.

The recommended mouthguard for grinding teeth will depend on your preference. What’s important is that the problem of bruxism is addressed as early as possible. This prevents dental problems in the future and helps patients sleep better. Dr. Daniel Seah offers his assistance to patients who need mouthguards to resolve their problem on teeth grinding.

Recognizing The Occlusal Disease Symptoms

The occlusal disease symptoms include teeth sensitivity to hot or cold temperature in the mouth, teeth loosening, and jaw pain. OD is sometimes considered to be the main cause of tooth loss. Abnormal wear and tear on teeth because of misalignment results to this disease. This is a common dental disorder but also the most underrated diagnosed oral problem. Teeth, jaw, and bone structure damage can happen when the dentist does not administer immediate treatment.

If you think you might have this, consult with your dentists in Markham Ontario to prevent its progression.

Nine Occlusal disease symptoms

  • Bone loss around the teeth.
  • Chewing that causes pain in the jaw and teeth.
  • Facial pain or headaches are a common discomfort.
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth.
  • Gum recession.
  • Pain in the jaw itself or in the muscles of the jaw area.
  • Teeth that seem loose and move can be one of the occlusal disease symptoms.
  • Teeth whose biting surface is worn, cracked, and chipped.
  • The sensitivity of the teeth to temperature changes in the mouth, both hot and cold (or both).

It is important to keep your dentists in Markham Ontario informed if you are suffering from two or more of these symptoms.  

What is the possible treatment?

Your dentist will first confirm whether the symptoms you are experiencing is a true onset of OD. After diagnosis, he will then administer the prescribed dental procedure called occlusal equilibration to realign the teeth. The dentist adjusts certain specific teeth to relieve discomforts in the jaw and the teeth because of occlusal disease symptoms.

Prevention is always the key to combat any disease. There is no harm in consulting your dentists in Markham Ontario when you’re suffering from prolonged dental discomforts. Early diagnosis relieves possible future pain.

What Are the Cures For TMJ Pain?

TMJ or temporomandibular joint connects your jaw to the temporal bones of the skull connected to each ear. This joint enables jaw movement from up to down and side to side. It’s also responsible for movements of the mouth like talking, chewing, and yawning. When these movements become painful, chances are, you may be having TMJ disorder. There are cures for TMJ pain that can be administered at home, to alleviate discomfort.

Misalignment of the teeth or jaw, grinding of teeth, arthritis, and gum chewing can cause TMJ disorder. It needs to be properly diagnosed at the dental office in Markham for a successful dental treatment. This disorder can be the cause of prolonged headaches, frequent lockjaw and face swelling.

Cures for TMJ pain

There are cures for TMJ pain you can do at home to be relieved of pain.

  • Eat soft foods such as mashed potatoes, soup, and fish. Avoid eating raw vegetables, hard pretzels, and meat that requires a lot of chewing. This gives your jaw a chance to rest and heal. Cutting your food into small pieces will make it easier to chew.
  • Try a routine of applying moist heat, doing jaw exercise, and putting an ice pack after. Apply moist heat to the side of your face, near the ear and the temple to relax the muscles and avoid spasms. Do jaw exercise by touching the roof of your mouth with your tongue while slowly opening and closing your mouth. Put an ice pack again to the side of your face after the jaw exercise.
  • Take medicine that your dental office in Markham recommends. This will help ease your pain. Aspirins and Ibuprofen relieve swelling and muscle pain. Antidepressants are also used sometimes to control pain.

There are many cures for TMJ pain that can help reduce your discomfort. Right diagnosis at the dental office in Markham results to proper treatment.

What You Need To Know About Markham Denture Implants

Markham denture implants are teeth replacement options that preserve the jawbone and improve appearance. Missing teeth can cause the face to sag or induce chewing problems. An implant is a metal-based device surgically inserted in the jawbone to secure the placement of dentures. Dentists who specialize in restorative dentistry administer this procedure.

Two types of Markham denture implants

There are two options for denture implants. These are removable and fixed implants and can come in either partial or full dentures.  Partial dentures replace a tooth or a group of teeth, while full dentures replace most, if not all your teeth.

Removable dentures attach to two or more dental implants. This is advisable for people who have a gummy smile. The Markham denture implants connect with the natural gum tissue. A great advantage of removable dentures is that you can remove it when you sleep, which means your gums can rest.

Fixed denture implants mean that only your dentist can re-adjust or remove your replacement teeth. Four or more implants support this kind of denture, making it more stable. You will be able to talk, chew, and bite without having to worry about your dentures slipping out of your mouth.

Restorative dentistry can make a huge difference in bringing your confidence back through dentures.

Benefits of Markham denture implants

  • Fixed dentures don’t create friction on the gums like conventional dentures. The use of adhesives is not necessary because it is stable.
  • Prosthesis supported by implants is a long-term investment for replacing missing teeth.
  • Jawbone loss and deterioration are prevented by implants because it is a permanently attached the bone, and therefore does not allow any shift in position or direction.
  • Having Markham denture implants restores the balance of chewing on both sides of your mouth.
  • Tooth decay cannot infiltrate dental implants and the attached prosthesis.

Restorative dentistry helps you maintain good oral health by replacing missing teeth. This reestablishes normal chewing patterns and brings back the confidence in your smile.

How To Replace Missing Teeth In Markham

It is necessary to replace missing teeth, not doing so will have an effect on your body. Gaps in your teeth make it difficult to chew your food. Gum recession and teeth decay cause your natural teeth to move. At the same time, missing teeth can speed this up, leading to a change in your bite. An improper bite causes headaches, teeth loss and, TMJ disorder.

Markham Dental office offers viable solutions for teeth replacement. These include dental implants, bridges, and dentures.

Practical solutions to replace missing teeth

Looking for the right option to replace missing teeth is best consulted with your dentist. Here are some options that you can talk about.

  • Removable partial dentures are a teeth replacement affixed to a gum-colored base. You can wear them during the day and then take them off at night. A metal framework connects it to your teeth. In some cases, the dentist uses precision attachments to affix it. They are more aesthetically pleasing because they blend to the appearance of your gums.  If you are replacing all your missing teeth, consult Markham Dental office for information on full dentures.
  • A bridge is an option when there are still teeth on both sides of the gap. The dentist trims your natural teeth on either side in order to fit the crowns placed on them. He will situate the bridge over the missing teeth and the natural teeth.
  • Dental implants can replace missing teeth, and function like natural teeth. An implant is a metal frame surgically placed on your jawbone to function as the root of the teeth. After a few months, the dentist places an abutment on top of the implant. This is where he will cement the crown. Implants secured on your jawbone restores normal chewing patterns.

Markham Dental office has different options for replacing missing teeth. Allowing it to go untreated will have an effect on your oral health.