Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid

If you’ve ever found yourself Googling “ emergency dental clinics near me ” you already know the stress of finding yourself in a dental emergency. As well as knowing of a reliable Markham dentist with 24-hour care, you should be aware of how to treat the most common issues.

A Knocked-Out Tooth

You can save a knocked out permanent tooth if you act fast enough. Start by picking up the tooth by the crown, avoiding any contact with the root, and rinse the tooth clean. If you are able, push the tooth back into the socket, making sure it faces the right way. Hold it in place with gauze or a clean cloth. If you are unable to reinsert the tooth, store it in milk. Get to your dentist within an hour.

If your child has knocked out a baby tooth prematurely, you still need to see your dentist. Never try to reinsert the tooth, as you could damage the permanent tooth beneath the gums. Call your dentist for further instructions.

Broken Teeth

In the case of a broken tooth, the extent of the damage will determine whether you have an emergency. Small chips can wait — usually your dentist can repair them with dental bonding. However, if you have a large crack or a significant amount of your tooth has broken off, you do need to see your dentist, as there may be damage to the dentin or pulp.

Before you arrive at the clinic, rinse your mouth and hold a cold compress to your cheek. You can take an analgesic like ibuprofen, but avoid aspirin as this causes more bleeding.

Shifted Tooth

An injury could also cause your tooth to shift position. Even if it is not painful, contact your dentist immediately. Early treatment will make it easier to push the tooth back into position.

Do You Really Know What Your Hygienist Does

You may know your hygienist as the person who provides you with dental hygiene tips Markham. However, hygienists do so much more. They are a crucial team member at any dental clinic, providing patients with preventive care.

Teeth Cleanings

You likely have the most contact with your dental hygienist during the cleaning part of your checkup. Hygienists perform both routine cleanings and deep cleanings (also called scaling and root planing), to treat gum disease.

Diet Advice

Beyond teaching you the proper way to brush and offering other hygiene tips, your dental hygienist can provide you with diet advice. This will be tailored to your unique lifestyle and needs.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment is often necessary for children, but your Markham dentist may sometimes recommend it to adults. Your dental hygienist is the one who carries out this treatment.

Whitening Treatment

If you want to lighten your teeth, a professional whitening treatment is your best option. Your hygienist will know how to apply the product safely and how long to leave it on to achieve the shade you want.

Dental Impressions

An impression of your mouth is necessary for whitening treatment as well as for many other procedures, including crowns, indirect fillings, orthodontic devices, veneers, dentures, and implants. Your dental hygienist will be the one to take the impression.

Patient Screening

Patient screenings involve a variety of tasks, including a basic assessment of oral health, a review of your medical history, a cancer screening, and an inspection of your head and neck.


You may need X-rays if your dentist discovers decay or believes you may need a root canal as well if you are going to receive orthodontic treatment. X-rays are also necessary as part of a comprehensive dental exam. The dental hygienist will take and develop the X-rays for your dentist to examine.

What is the Difference of a Pediatric and Family Dentist in Markham?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a pediatric dentist and a family dentist in Markham?

Pediatric Dentist

Markham pediatric dentist sees toddler generally age 2 or 3 up to young children until they become teenagers.

The pediatric dentist will make sure that your child’s bite is developing correctly, that their teeth are coming in correctly, and that there are no cavities.

If any of those things are an issue the pediatric dentist will alert you and help you come up with a plan to take care of it.

Often behavior modification will work when it comes to an issue with a bite as they can develop from sucking a thumb or finger, having bottle longer than necessary or other behavioral patterns.

Family Dentist

The family dentist unlike dentist for kids Markham sees the entire family through various stages of life from young adults through elderly family members.

The family dentist will do biannual checkups and cleanings as well as dealing with cavities, extractions, or dentures.

He or she will look for other oral health concerns such as gingivitis or cancer as well as cavities.

If you develop gingivitis they will refer you to a periodontist if they feel it is necessary depending on how far advanced your gum disease is.

Markham Dentist

Markham dentist from pediatric to family dentist will help you keep your dental and oral health on track with exams, x-rays as needed, and cleanings.

They will fill cavities and if necessary do root canals in order to save your natural teeth but if need be tell you if you need dentures or bridges.

It is important that you make sure to keep up with your checkups and proper daily oral hygiene in order to keep your own teeth for life.




Emergency Dental Services in Markham

Do you know where to go for emergency dental services Markham?

Markham dentist

There are many Markham dentist  who provide emergency dental services; one of which is Forestbrook Dental.

Forestbrook provides emergency dental services for chipped or broken teeth, abscess, or a tooth that has been knocked out, the loss of a filling, broken or damaged braces, a bleeding tooth or teeth, or a displaced tooth.

A trauma to the mouth from an accident or a fall as well as those listed above could be a reason to seek emergency dental services.

Emergency dentists Markham

Emergency dentists in Markham will see you after hours and on the weekend as long as you have an emergency dental problem.

A painful tooth is not always a dental emergency unless you are running a fever or have another issue along with the pain.

What to do for dental emergencies until you can see the dentist

Here are some guidelines for how to handle dental emergencies until you can see the dentist. First stay calm and do not panic.

For a chipped tooth that has sharp edges use paraffin wax to put over the tooth so the sharp edges do not cut your tongue or lips.

Abscesses swish warm salt water around in your mouth frequently throughout the day to help remove the bacteria and ease the pain. You can also take a nonprescription pain reliever such as acetaminophen.

If your tooth gets knocked out pick up the tooth by the crown, rinse it with cool water and place it in a container with cool water or cool milk to keep it moist. You can also rinse the tooth and put it back in the socket from where it came out until you get to the doctor.    Check out emergency dentist Markham.


How Cosmetic Gum Treatments Can Enhance Your Smile

It takes more to have a perfect smile than having straight, white teeth. Your gums also play a large role in your appearance and self-confidence. If you have uneven, receding or over-large gums, no amount of work on your teeth can give you the beautiful smile you want. You may think your gums are your gums and they can’t be changed. If so, it’s time you learn about the smile enhancements dentists offer to improve the appearance of your gums.

For Gummy Smiles

Does it seem to you that you have too much gum tissue covering up much of your front teeth? Do your teeth seem short because your gums are encroaching too much on them? If so, you’ll be happy to know that dentists offer cosmetic gum treatments to remove some of the gum tissue. Called gum lifts, these procedures can eliminate the effect of a gummy smile.

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