What is Covered Under Preventive Dental Care?

Preventive dental care can save one both money and time in avoiding any major oral health problems that may happen in the future. Regular dental appointments will help spot any potential oral health issues and address them right away.

When one maintains their oral health through regular Preventive dental Care Markham, one will completely avoid expensive dental treatments in the future like teeth extractions, root canal, or periodontal surgery.

From implementing proper brushing and flossing methods to dental appointments to advice on one’s diet, preventative dental care ensures one’s gums and teeth are healthy.

Importance of Dental Care

Oral health goes beyond just caring for the gums and teeth, it also involves a person’s overall health. By making sure one’s teeth are in great shape, one can curb major health problems such as stroke, heart disease, and clogged arteries.

Having dental exams and professional cleanings regularly will help diagnose and curb potential health issues from happening before they become severe. At the same, it minimizes the need to spend money on costly dental treatments such as root canal, teeth extractions, fillings, and periodontal surgery.

Dental Visits

When one visits the dentist regularly, expect a thorough examination of the gums, teeth, and mouth. The dentist will observe for any signs of gum disease, tooth decay, and any broken, loose, or scratched teeth and fillings.

Regular check-ups ensure that any potential problems are spotted and treated in the early stages before they become costly and challenging to treat. Dental appointments play a critical role in preventative dental are.

Oral Health

A person’s oral health has a direct link to general overall health. To know more about the benefits of preventative dental care, one can set up an appointment with the Dentists in markham and discuss other means to ensure optimal oral health.

Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid

If you’ve ever found yourself Googling “ emergency dental clinics near me ” you already know the stress of finding yourself in a dental emergency. As well as knowing of a reliable Markham dentist with 24-hour care, you should be aware of how to treat the most common issues.

A Knocked-Out Tooth

You can save a knocked out permanent tooth if you act fast enough. Start by picking up the tooth by the crown, avoiding any contact with the root, and rinse the tooth clean. If you are able, push the tooth back into the socket, making sure it faces the right way. Hold it in place with gauze or a clean cloth. If you are unable to reinsert the tooth, store it in milk. Get to your dentist within an hour.

If your child has knocked out a baby tooth prematurely, you still need to see your dentist. Never try to reinsert the tooth, as you could damage the permanent tooth beneath the gums. Call your dentist for further instructions.

Broken Teeth

In the case of a broken tooth, the extent of the damage will determine whether you have an emergency. Small chips can wait — usually your dentist can repair them with dental bonding. However, if you have a large crack or a significant amount of your tooth has broken off, you do need to see your dentist, as there may be damage to the dentin or pulp.

Before you arrive at the clinic, rinse your mouth and hold a cold compress to your cheek. You can take an analgesic like ibuprofen, but avoid aspirin as this causes more bleeding.

Shifted Tooth

An injury could also cause your tooth to shift position. Even if it is not painful, contact your dentist immediately. Early treatment will make it easier to push the tooth back into position.