Improve Your Oral Care With Your Dentist in Markham

Your oral health is something you should never neglect. With so many factors affecting your oral health, the tendency to get unlikely effects like gum diseases, tooth decay, and acquiring cavities is high. Hence, it is essential to visit a dentist in Markham for regular checkups to improve oral hygiene.

Benefits of Dental Checkups

Let us show you why having regular dental visits is as relevant as your other investments. Check these three benefits below:

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Among the many benefits of dental visits, prevention is the most common upshot. Since we are not oral care professionals, looking at the mirror will not help us identify what is happening inside our mouths.

Oftentimes, having those pearly whites confuses people that they have perfect oral health. This may not always be the case. Before everything terrible happens, it is best to prevent it. Dentists are knowledgeable enough to know if you have oral problems or possible ones. 

Promotion of Good Oral Health

One of the importance of dental care is your awareness of good oral health habits. Dentists educate you about this, specifically the ones applicable to your condition. Knowing how to handle oral hygiene correctly will lessen the possibility of acquiring diseases. Believe us when we say that information is true power. 

Oral Cancer Detection

Probably the worst-case scenario is oral cancer detection. No one wants to have this, so having regular visits with a dentist in Markham truly helps. Before it is too late, let us consider improving our oral health. Life-threatening tendencies should never be neglected. Only a dentist can diagnose it. So, it is best to consult a professional as much as possible to treat it in its early stages.

Having a Dentist in Markham is always a win

There are so many unexpected happenings in life, but this does not mean we cannot control them. If we can do something about it, let us take action. This applies to having a dentist in Markham for the overall state of your oral health. Considering regular dental checkups is indeed an investment you will never regret. 

Ways to Achieve Good Oral Hygiene in Markham

Having good oral hygiene is not just about having straight teeth; it is more than just that. There are many ways to consider in achieving a healthy oral condition.

While most of us are already aware of the basics taught to us as a child, such as brushing our teeth thrice a day, there is much more to learn to improve oral care.  

Oral Hygiene in Markham can be simple

Good oral hygiene is something that we should not neglect. It is a lifetime practice that you should invest in your lifetime. The best part about this is how you can attain all these in a few simple steps.

Read further to learn more about how to keep teeth clean and strong, or visit your local dentist clinics for improved oral hygiene in Markham.

Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Here are some simple reminders to improve your oral care.

Brush thoroughly

When we were younger, we were taught to brush our teeth thrice a day. This is very much applicable as we grow older. However, there are lots to consider in brushing our teeth.

  1. First, use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride defends our teeth against germs leading to tooth decay.
  2. Next, remember to always include your tongue. Do this with a considerate amount of force because it might hurt your gums if done aggressively and lessen its effectiveness if done sluggishly. 

Gargle with mouthwash

Moreover, we always advise not to skip mouthwash. It reaches hard-to-clean areas, brings down the amount of mouth acid, and remineralizes our teeth.

Lastly, do not neglect to floss once a day. Doing this stimulates our gums, lowers inflammation, and lessens plaque tendencies.

Drink plenty of glasses of water

Drinking water has a lot of benefits. Of course, it includes improving the condition of our oral health. Indeed, water is still the best beverage we can intake; it has no adverse impacts, only positive.

Drinking many glasses of water every day will wash out the remnants of what went through our mouths. 

Don’t skip your dentist appointment

So to answer typical questions like, “How to keep teeth clean and strong?” can be easy if you are disciplined and aware. In some instances, however, there might be other dental concerns that need much attention. Visiting your dentist in Markham can help you enhance your oral hygiene even better.

Must-Read Facts About Senior Dental Care In Markham

As people age, their dental needs change. Seniors face unique dental care challenges, from gum disease to missing teeth. This is the reason why senior dental care in Markham is important. 

Why is dental care important for seniors?

It’s no secret that dental care is important for everyone, regardless of their age. However, when it comes to seniors, proper oral hygiene for the elderly is especially crucial. Oral health problems are one of the leading causes of disability in adults.

Here are just a few reasons why seniors need to take good care of their teeth and gums:

  • Poor oral health can lead to other health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Dental issues can make it difficult for seniors to eat and drink properly, which can lead to malnutrition or dehydration.
  • Oral infections can be extremely painful and difficult to treat. 
  • Dental neglect can cause tooth decay and even loss. 

What are the most common dental problems that seniors face?

As people age, their bodies start to change and so do their dental needs. Seniors face a unique set of dental problems that can range from tooth decay to gum disease.

To keep seniors’ teeth healthy and bright, it is important to be aware of the most common dental problems seniors face. Here are just a few examples:

1. Darkened teeth

The darkened teeth can be caused by the changes in the bone-like tissue called dentin. This results from consuming stain-causing foods and beverages over time. 

2. Reduced sense of taste

With advancing age, the sense of taste will diminish. This is because of the acquired medications through time and disease which reduce the older people’s ability to taste.  The patient doesn’t experience any change at first but as time goes by they will notice a change in their taste and feel like the tongue is not functioning anymore. 

3. Dry mouth

Dry mouth can be caused by many different things, but it’s most often related to reduced saliva flow. Dryness in your spit may result from cancer treatments that use radiation near the head and neck area. Some medications also cause this side effect which makes anyone prone to losing tooth enamel more than usual. 

4. Gum disease

It is a serious problem for many people. Gum disease can be caused by plaque and made worse through the use of tobacco products, poor-fitting bridges or dentures, and lack of vitamins C and D.

5. Root decay

It is a condition where the tooth roots become exposed due to gum tissue receding from it. The roots do not have any enamel protecting them and are more prone to acidity than crown parts of teeth which makes these areas extremely vulnerable to pitfalls into cavities. 

6. Tooth loss

It is an inevitable part of old age. You may notice that your teeth are becoming less strong, or they might fall out completely due to natural causes such as gum disease.

7. Stomatitis

The symptoms of denture sores are related to an inflammation of the tissue underlying the false teeth. This can be caused by ill-fitting dentures and poor dental hygiene practices. 

Dental care tips for elderly

Dental care for elderly people is important, but it can be difficult to know what to do. Seniors are more likely to experience tooth decay and gum disease, so it’s crucial to take extra steps to protect the teeth. 

  • Brush daily.
  • Do not skip flossing.
  • Rinse mouth with mouthwash.
  • Take calcium supplements to make teeth stronger.
  • As much as possible, reduce sugar consumption.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Schedule visits with the dentist regularly.


The importance of senior dental care should be prioritized. Your Markham dentist can help ensure that the teeth are clean and healthy. Plus, they’ll be able to guide how to care for your teeth as you age. Schedule a visit today!

7 Highlighting Facts About Dental Bridges You Should Know

With the latest technologies in dentistry, it is easier now to restore missing teeth. There are quite plenty of options, and each matches your individual needs. When you say a solution to an avulsed tooth, there are implants. If you lost all of your teeth, dentures would save you. Furthermore, one of the best answers to replacing one or more neighbouring teeth is dental bridges.

Beneficial facts about dental bridges

Tooth bridges are a set of fake teeth attached to bridge each other in restoring missing teeth. The pontic, the fake middle tooth replaces the real missing tooth, is supported with crowns at both sides. Here are the most essential advantages of bridges that its users enjoy.

1. Restores not only one, but up to three missing teeth

Traditional bridges are very suitable for replacing one or more missing teeth. It can be made with up to three pontics in the middle, while two crowns support the dental appliance at both sides. The existing teeth on both sides are reshaped to become an abutment where the crowns will be securely placed. This way, you can ensure that your new teeth are durable and fit in its position.

2. Preserves your bone density

To preserve the jawbone, there must be constant stimulation from the chewing motion of the teeth. However, if the teeth are lost, this stimulation no longer reaches the jawbone and results in its deterioration. With tooth bridges, the stimulus and pressure are maintained. Among other advantages, this tooth restoration method also preserves the surrounding bones of the teeth.

3. Protects the alignment of your teeth

What comes with lost teeth is the risk of misalignment to the remaining bites. That’s because the existing teeth always automatically shift to the direction of the gap from the missing teeth. When this happens, there is only a few time before you develop more dental issues, from tooth decay to lisping. Teeth bridges quickly stop or prevent this from occurring once you see your dentist right away.

4. Can be used with implants for optimum durability

Dental implants are tiny metal posts that dentists use to replace a missing tooth. It is inserted in the jawbone to provide a sturdy foundation for the crown. Fortunately, bridges can also take advantage of the benefits of implants. Instead of abutments, implants may be used in place for a durable and secure hold of the new bites.

5. Gives you a natural, youthful look

Some dental cosmetic options may provide you results but, not the quality you need. With bridges, you can maintain a youthful appearance as crowns look like natural teeth. Most dental crowns are made of ceramics, a material that could imitate a tooth’s natural shape and colour. So, if you aim for functions as the same time aesthetic, ask your dentist if you’re suitable for bridges.

6. Returns your appetite for your favourite food

Unlike removable dentures, fixed bridges stay in place. No matter what you do, rest assure that bridges will not let you down. You can go back to enjoying the food that you love, including chips and candies. You no longer need to be too reserved at parties or family gatherings with the thought that you possess a strong, beautiful smile.

7. Lasts for decades

As most dental prostheses, dental bridges could give you lasting support. For as long as you practice great oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly, your teeth will stay in optimal shape. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to maintain bridges. So far, brushing and flossing them just as you would normally do with the rest of your teeth keep bridges in tip-top condition.

The takeaway

Indeed, dental bridges have a lot to offer. It’s one of the best options you can choose to bring back that hidden smile. With the mechanism of bridges, it is best for patients who lost one or more neighbouring teeth. A fixed bridge is a permanent solution, although you can also opt for removal bridges or partial dentures.

Traditional bridges are generally made of the pontic in between, with the crowns at each side as its support. There are other types of bridges available to meet your needs. There’s the Cantilever bridge that is suitable for patients who only have one anchor teeth available for support. The Maryland bridges on the other hand use metal frameworks to hold up the pontic.

Your Markham dentist can help you choose which type of bridge is most suitable for your teeth restoration.

Dental Implants Procedure: Simplifying How It’s Done

A missing tooth is one of the common reasons why some patients do not reveal their smiles. Especially if the gap is at the front, smiling seems nearly impossible. Sadly, some people find tooth gaps or missing teeth unappealing. There is in fact, an underlying problem with missing teeth other than its looks. Good thing, dental implants are effective tooth replacements letting you keep your confidence and oral health.

Dental implants

Teeth implants are screw-like posts that dentists attach on the jawbone under the gums to act as the new tooth root. On top of the post is an abutment where the dentist can mount the artificial tooth, most likely a crown.

Since the post is attached to the bone, it provides quite a sturdy grip on the artificial bite. Most often, implants are more durable than natural teeth. Aside from the roots, the crown is specially made to look and feel almost like a real bite. 

Dentists would recommend a tooth implant for patients who need a reliable replacement after missing a tooth. It’s also best for seniors who seem uncomfortable with loose dentures and need a fixed mechanism to it. 

Nevertheless, do patients really need implants? 

Why do you need tooth implants?

If gaps between teeth are left open, it allows the other teeth to shift to different positions and would soon result in misalignment. From there, the patient might develop other oral diseases, like tooth decay or infection. Not to mention that the open socket is already susceptible to infection due to bacteria. 

If the missing tooth is a molar, the other teeth will shift to the back which could lead to premature ageing. Looking older than your age could be worse than smiling with a missing tooth. Aside from that, gaps in the mouth or loose dentures can create lisps making the patient’s speaking impaired.

Somehow, if there’s no tooth the jawbone begins to deteriorate. It loses its function and becomes frail and will become a reason for failing oral health. A tooth implant procedure will prevent these problems by filling in the missing tooth gap.

This is why the procedure is popular although it is invasive and somehow complex. 

The step-by-step dental implants procedure

The dental implants procedure is a rigorous and lengthy procedure to ensure the safety of the patient and the success of the operation. Since it entails multiple procedures other than the implantation itself, it could take months to complete the entire treatment. It also involves invasive procedures that require an oral surgeon to take over with the performance. 

Here are the steps following the tooth implant process:

1. Cutting the gum open

Before the dental implants surgery, the surgeon prepares by isolating the operation site and then giving anesthesia to the patient. This helps him relax during the procedure and sleep through it. After the preparation, the oral surgeon will cut the gum open with a scalpel to expose the jawbone underneath it. 

2. Drilling into the bone

The goal is to place the implant post in the bone. So, at this time the dentist or oral surgeon will drill a hole on the bone with a dental drill. 

3. Placing the implant

Then, the dental post is inserted deep into the bone. This will serve as a tooth root to the replacement dental prosthesis.

4. Temporary denture

At this point, the missing tooth gap is still present because the post is only in level with the gums. If necessary, the dentist will place a temporary and removable denture.

5. Waiting for osseointegration

After the fourth step, the dentist sends the patient home for recovery time. There’s a process during this period they call osseointegration. This process aims to let the dental post fuse with the bone and tissues of the patient to ensure a solid foundation. It might take a few months to succeed with this step before proceeding to the next procedure.

6. Attaching the abutment

Once the osseointegration is complete, the patient returns to have the abutment attached to the implant. The surgeon will reopen the gums and inserts the piece in the implant. Then, he will close the gum tissues surrounding the post but, not over the abutment. By this time, another recovery time takes place. 

7. Taking mouth impressions

After two weeks, the gums should have healed and the patient returns. This time, the dentist takes mouth impressions. These impressions are for making the patient’s customized dental crowns. 

8. Attaching the new tooth

Once they already have your crowns, it’s time to attach them on top of the implant to complete your new tooth. 

It always takes time to achieve a perfect work of art. So, if you have your implants appreciate it and care for it so it lasts forever. Call your Markham dentist now to know the dental implants cost and how you are going to be a candidate for the procedure.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare: 24 Hours After Treatment

Dentists do not often suggest tooth removal unless it is the last resort to your dental issue. As much as possible, they would choose to save your real tooth to keep your smile beautiful and healthy. However, irreversible damages can happen to your teeth, especially if you don’t regularly visit your dentist. After the treatment, tooth extraction aftercare is vital in keeping the empty socket safe from infection. 

One of the reasons why dentists need to remove your tooth is due to an impacted wisdom tooth. Molar extraction can be simple or complex depending on the position of the tooth. Since wisdom teeth are the last to erupt, most of the time they get stuck between the existing tooth and the gums. This awkward position easily accumulates bacteria and leads to tooth decay. 

If untreated, tooth decay may spread the infection even below the roots. By this time, dentists can no longer repair the tooth and must remove it to prevent life-threatening risks.

After tooth extraction, your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to care for your mouth when you’re already at home. So, it’s important that you understand what happens if you don’t follow your dentist’s advise. Before going home though, be sure to ask your dentist questions regarding his instructions. You may also raise concerns that he wasn’t able to mention. This is to ensure that you would know what to do when you’re already in your house.

Tooth extraction aftercare

Within 24 hours after teeth surgery, follow this aftercare practice to speed up your tooth removal healing: 

  • Take your medicine.

It’s normal to feel pain after the surgery. Especially when the anesthesia starts to wear off, you will notice a slight discomfort in the extraction area. Aside from discomfort, the open wound is also susceptible to tooth extraction infection. That’s why dentists will prescribe pain-reliever and antibiotics to help with your recovery. 

  • Leave the gauze on.

After dental extraction, do not remove the gauze from the socket. You should leave it in place for a few hours to allow the blood clot to form. The clot will cover the wound and helps in speeding up the gum’s healing. If you dislodge the gauze before the clot forms, this might not manage the bleeding and will develop an infection.

  • Avoid strenuous activities. 

Take ample rest and do not return to your normal routine after a wisdom teeth removal. If you normally do exercise, you may skip it for a few days. Also, keep yourself from lifting or carrying heavy objects. These activities will only increase your blood pressure and make the open site bleed. 

  • No smoking.

Although smoke has no direct connection to your recovery, however, smoking creates the same pressure you do when using a straw. Similarly, spitting is also creating pressure. The pressure can easily dislodge the clot formation on the socket. Avoid doing these while your wound is still fresh or you will delay tooth extraction healing. 

  • Do not rinse your mouth.

Within 24 hours after the treatment, do not rinse your mouth yet. You will delay blood clot formation or dislodge it. However, after 24 hours, you can rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution to prevent infection.

  • Eat only soft foods.

Gradually return to your diet and start eating soft foods for the meantime. Hard and crunchy foods like crackers or rice will only intensify the pain and may disrupt healing. You may take soup, pudding, and porridge and slowly go back to your normal diet after a few days.

  • Apply a cold compress.

You can also manage wisdom tooth extraction pain and swelling by applying cold compresses on your cheek. Take pieces of ice and cover a towel around it before pressing it on the affected area. If you have an ice pack ready, the better. Do this around 10-20 minutes until the swell or pain subsides. 

  • Elevate your head when sleeping.

If you don’t usually do it, use two pillows when you sleep during this time. You should prop your head when lying down as lying flat will also slow down recovery. 

Return to emergency if: 

  • There’s a fever.
  • Persistent pain and worsening swell.
  • Bleeding that persists even after medication.
  • Foul taste.
  • Oozing discharge, like pus or blood.
  • Loose or shifting teeth.
  • Numbness or tingling in the soft tissues.
  • Difficulty in opening mouth.

The threat of infection after a tooth extraction is real and could get complex. Follow the instructions of your Markham dentist and seek him if there are signs of an emergency.

Effective care at Forestbrook Dental children dentist

A fun experience combined with quality oral health

When looking for a children dentist, it is important to research your options. Some notable and worthwhile factors to consider are recommendations from people you know and even people you don’t (such as online reviews). The dental clinic’s location is another, since you will likely prefer it to be close to your home or your children’s school. Not all dentists are created equal—especially when it comes to handling the care of toddlers, youth, and teenagers.

Instilling healthy habits

Children have unique needs when it comes to visiting the dentist twice per year. They may still have baby teeth, for starters, which can pose less of a concern as they eventually fall out. However, it is important to ensure they are also practicing good oral health from a young age. Many children do not learn how to brush correctly to truly lift out all of the food particles that can be buried between teeth and lead to cavities, plaque, tartar, and gingivitis.

At Forestbrook Dental, we value the importance of teaching our young patients how to practice proper oral hygiene from the beginning. In fact, we recommend children start visiting our clinic from as young as two years old. Mastering the correct brushing technique is crucial to protect teeth and gums, as is flossing on a daily basis. We also offer important dental care to our patients, like sealants (in particular, applying them to the back molars that are the hardest to reach) to further help them avoid cavities.

Easing the stress of dental checkups

With that, we also use a gentle approach to take necessary X-rays of your children’s teeth. For some, this may be an uncomfortable and slightly frightening experience for kids, but we always go the extra mile and make the experience less as traumatic as possible. Should they have oral care needs that extend beyond regular checkups and possible fillings, we also offer consultations to examine them. Sometimes, our clinic can provide the treatment ourselves, while other times, we can refer you and your child to an orthodontist.

Our young patients actually enjoy visiting our dentists at Forestbrook Dental due to our friendly approach. While many children may be terrified of their dental checkups, we strive to make appointments fun and relaxed. What’s more, we also aim to keep our patients’ parents more relaxed by treating their children with respect and handling their unique needs with the utmost care.

Offering assessments and treatment options

We not only check the condition of your kids’ teeth each time they come to visit us, but actually monitor their progression from one appointment to the next. After all, growth spurts—as well as regular growth that kids experience well into their teens—affect more than just their height and weight. As they get taller and fill out more, their mouths and jaws will also change, and that means their teeth will often shift and adjust naturally. Adult teeth do not always grow in the same way as baby teeth.

Ultimately, your child may require orthodontics to help improve the position and placement of their new teeth. But there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Our team may recommend traditional metal braces to children with crooked or gap teeth, teeth that jut forward, or if they have an underbite or overbite. Fortunately, for relatively minor cases, there is also Invisalign Teen—a comparable option that is removable and nearly invisible.

Priding ourselves on our bedside manner

With a kid-friendly team of dedicated and skilled dental professionals, we strive to make dental exams less stressful and more fun. Our ultimate goal is to help your children achieve healthy smiles while they are young and maintain them into the future as they grow and mature. Forestbrook Dental is a reputable children dentist in Markham proudly serving our local community and beyond.

We work to develop positive relationships with our patients and their families so everyone feels good about visiting our dental clinic. Although we understand you and your children have many commitments and responsibilities throughout the year, it is crucial to keep up with checkups twice annually. This will help ensure our dentists can catch any oral health concerns early, help your child develop good habits, and hopefully keep dental visits comfortable and familiar.

Broken Tooth Treatment: Dealing With It For The First Time

Dealing with broken tooth treatment for the first time might be challenging for you. It can frustrate and enrage you in many ways. Not knowing what to do can sometimes make you feel anxious that you might be losing a tooth. When a dental emergency happens, leaving you with a broken tooth, the best thing to do is to seek help from your Markham dentist.

Our tooth is naturally strong. Enamel, which is the thin covering of the tooth is the hardest substance in your body. Dentists consider them durable and stronger than the bone itself. However, they can still chip, crack, or break. When this happens, Markham dentists usually recommend repairing it with a tooth filling, dental bonding, veneers, and others.

What are the reasons why you might need a broken tooth treatment?

  • Accidentally biting down on something hard can damage your tooth.
  • Being hit in the face or in the mouth is never a good thing.
  • Falling and hitting your face.
  • Old amalgam or silver fillings that cannot support the tooth’s remaining enamel. 
  • Tooth weakened by cavities will need a broken tooth treatment.

Minor tooth fracture may not initially hurt. You might only feel it when your tongue feels a sharpened area on your tooth. But if a large piece of your tooth breaks off then it might cause discomfort. 

A cracked tooth hurts because of irritation in the pulp. Under the tooth’s enamel and dentin is the pulp, containing the nerves and blood vessels of a tooth. Chewing on a cracked tooth can irritate the pulp. It can damage it in a way that it can no longer heal on its own. This results in tooth sensitivity to a change in temperatures inside the mouth. 

Large cracks in the tooth can lead to infection and pain that can spread to the bone and gums. Irritation in the tooth is noticeable when you chew because of the pressure that chewing puts on the tooth. 

What are the remedies for this?

  • Minor cracks on the enamel of your tooth will rarely need treatment. However, your dentist might polish it to smooth out the surface. 
  • Your dentist will repair a chipped tooth by reattaching the piece that broke off. Depending on the damage, he might also use a tooth filling or a dental crown. It is important to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to avoid complications.
  • A cracked or broken tooth is sometimes remedied with a filling material. A severely damaged tooth will need a dental crown to prevent the crack from getting worse. If the pulp is damaged as well then you will need to undergo a root canal treatment. Root canal therapy removes the infected nerves and cleans the area of bacteria. This relieves the pain and restores the tooth to its normal function.
  • Also, you need treatment when your tooth is weakened by cavities. The best way to restore the tooth will depend on the evaluation of your dentist. Extensive tooth decay might lead to extraction when necessary in order to save the remaining healthy teeth. It’s important to look for options like dental implants and removable dentures to replace your missing tooth. There are dental services in  that you can inquire about.

Initial care for a chipped or broken tooth

If you have a broken tooth, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. On your way there or before you go, here are some tips that you can follow.

  • Use warm water to rinse your mouth with.
  • Apply a piece of gauze on your mouth if there is bleeding in a specific area.
  • Cover your chipped tooth with dental cement for the meantime. This is readily available at most drugstores

Dealing with a broken tooth might be scary at first. The technique is to breathe and remain calm. There are many ways to address a broken tooth like a tooth filling and root canal treatment. You have nothing to worry about. See your dentist in Markham at once for treatment. 


6 Ways That Dental Bonding Can Change Your Smile

Are you looking for a solution to your broken, decayed and discoloured teeth without breaking the bank? Then, dental bonding procedure is a solution for you. It’s less expensive compared to other teeth restoration treatments. But does it offer something else aside from the price?

What are the benefits of dental bonding?

Takes less time

Unlike other dental procedures, teeth bonding in London, Ontario requires only a single dental visit. It just means that the patient can save both his time and money to get his tooth treated. Moreover, he can go back to his daily routine without needing to rest for a couple of days.

Lets you keep most of your enamel.

Another advantage that it offers is that it requires the least amount of tooth enamel removed for the procedure. Thus helping you to keep most of your natural teeth even after the treatment is complete. 


The composite resin used for tooth bonding material is also repairable. Unlike porcelain dental crowns, you don’t need to replace the entire material to solve the damage. You may inform your dentist about the problem so he can repair it on the same day. The dental bonding cost is much less compared to porcelain crown replacement.

Solution to tooth discoloration

Most dentists use it to restore and enhance a patient’s damaged or discolored teeth. Since the resin material matches the natural sheen of your teeth, it’s a great alternative to treat tooth discoloration. Your dentist only has to apply the resin and let it dry in place using ultraviolet light.

Improves unsightly tooth gaps

Most patients feel conscious about their tooth gaps. Although some are quite comfortable about it, those who don’t are free to get a dental bonding procedure. Your dentist may use a tooth-filling material to resolve some minor gaps in your teeth.


The tooth-colored resin doesn’t contain mercury or other potentially harmful materials. Dental amalgam contains mercury which has adverse effects in a patient’s brain and kidneys. Most dentists prefer dental amalgam fillings because it’s the least expensive yet one of the most durable.

Does it require special maintenance?

Bonded teeth require the same level of attention as your regular teeth. You only need to maintain good oral hygiene to ensure that you get more than the actual dental bonding cost. You need to brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing your teeth is advisable, too. Not only does it kill germs and bacteria, yet, it also helps penetrate those hard-to-reach places in your mouth.

Although the resin material used in the procedure is stain-resistant, it doesn’t possess the same quality as with dental crowns. So you might want to avoid foods and beverages that may stain your teeth. You may also want to quit smoking since the nicotine produced by tobacco often leaves a mark on your tooth, which can be difficult to remove. 

Moreover, avoid oral habits such as biting inedible objects. You should also avoid using your teeth as a tool to open something. Bear in mind that the bonding material used in the procedure is prone to chipping and other damage. If you notice any sharp edges on your bonded tooth, call your best dentist in markham so he can take a look at it.

How long does the bonding material stay intact?

The longevity of the dental bonding material used depends on the procedure as well as your oral habits. Generally, the material may last for up to three years for up to a decade before it needs any replacement.It’s always best to speak with your dentist to ensure your dental health. Although it may be a lot more affordable than other treatments, the dental bonding cost far outweighs its benefits.

Root Canal: Get Rid Of Tooth Sensitivity Permanently

In the past, tooth extraction was the go-to treatment for damaged, infected, or injured teeth. Luckily, today, endodontists can save and repair your teeth through root canal therapy. This treatment involves removing the infection or damage from inside your tooth.

Root canals are in the dental pulp, which consists of blood vessels and nerves and connective tissue. During the endodontic therapy, inflamed or infected pulp is removed, cleaned, and disinfected to eliminate bacteria and prevent future infections. 

What is a root canal

Endodontics is a  branch of dentistry that deals with the inside of your tooth. Generally, your teeth are made up of three parts, which include:

  • Enamel: hard outer surface of your tooth 
  • Dentin: hard, yellow tissue below the enamel
  • Pulp chamber: The pulp consists of soft tissue 

However, due to infections, the pulp can become diseased or damaged. This is where a root canal therapy swoops in to save the day. This procedure comfortably treats discomfort that is caused by decay, toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, and soreness. Generally, endodontic treatment is necessary for inflamed or infected soft tissue. The disease or inflammation results from a variety of causes. This includes: 

    • Deep cavities
    • Broken tooth
    • Repeated dental treatments on the tooth
    • Chipped or cracked tooth
    • Trauma or injury
    • Fractured tooth

These problems allow bacteria to enter the pulp and cause infections inside the tooth. Without treatment, pus pockets or tooth abscess build up at the tip of your root in the jawbone. If left untreated, the abscess can cause severe damage to the bone surrounding the bone or tissue or even lead to the extraction of your tooth.

How do you know that you need a root canal?

When the pulp becomes infected, it cannot repair itself, which causes the soft tissue to eventually die. The following are several symptoms that you need endodontic dental treatment.

    • You experience severe discomfort while biting or chewing. 
    • You have cheek swelling or tender gums. 
    • Your gums are darkening as a sign of deep decay. 
    • Your tooth is sensitive to hot or cold. 
    • There are pimples on your gums. 
    • You experience a toothache. 
    • There’s an abscess in the mouth.

Top 7 reasons you should get a root canal

  1. It prevents the infection from spreading. Generally, an infection in the root cavity causes toothaches or cavities. A canal treatment removes the bacteria causing the disease, which prevents the problem from becoming worse and offers permanent toothache relief.
  2. Final results are aesthetically appealing. Your dentist finishes a canal procedure by placing a dental filling, porcelain crown, or other restoration. The dental restoration protects your treated tooth and restores its full functionality.
  3. Saves your teeth for a lifetime. Unlike extracting your tooth, canal treatment allows you to maintain your natural teeth for a lifetime. However, you need to exercise proper oral care. Usually, after the procedure, your teeth return to their healthy state and function just like your natural teeth.
  4. Keeps the jawbone intact. Typically, a missing or lost tooth leads to degeneration of the jawbone over time. However, root canals can preserve your jawbone.
  5. Less painful during recovery. Root canal pain is less when you’re recovering as compared to having your tooth extracted. Additionally, endodontic therapy doesn’t require further dental work once the procedure is complete.
  6. Virtually painless. Due to modern dental techniques such as sedation dentistry and anesthetics, canal procedures are practically pain-free. In fact, according to the American Association of Endodontists, patients who choose root canals are likely to describe it as painless compared to having a tooth extracted.
  7. Efficient and cost-effective: Having your tooth extracted requires several follow-up dental visits for implants, dentures, or bridges. However, most dental insurance providers cover endodontic procedures, and treatment usually requires one or two dental visits.

Root canal treatment are successful

Root canal treatments have a 95% success rate. Usually, teeth fixed with canal procedures can last for a lifetime with good oral hygiene. Additionally, the final stage of a canal treatment involves the placement of a tooth restoration such as filling or crowns. Moreover, a root canal procedure not only repairs your tooth but also restores it to full functionality, just like your natural teeth.

Visit your nearest dentist markham today for a comfortable, safe, and effective endodontic therapy to keep you smiling confidently for a lifetime.