Ceramic Braces: The Invisible Orthodontic Treatment For Your Teeth

Having straight teeth is a confidence booster allows you to flaunt your smile. Whether it’s a meeting, a party, or any other festivity, a gleaming smile makes you look beautiful. However, not everyone is fortunate to have genetically straight teeth.

People with chipped, misaligned, overcrowded, or overlapped teeth often lose their confidence. They become conscious of their appearance, and some don’t even smile. Yet, with ceramic braces, you need not hide your smile anymore. Rather, braces with ceramic and porcelain brackets let you wear your smile with full confidence.

The big decision: Choosing the perfect braces

Misaligned teeth not only make you uncomfortable, but they also signal potential orthodontic problems. Perhaps, you are also dealing with crooked teeth, jaw bite, or overbite. It’s natural to look for every possible solution to get flawlessly straight teeth.

However, the wide range of orthodontic treatments may overwhelm you. It might become difficult to choose the best treatment. Braces are still the best solution for misaligned teeth despite the popularity of some recent orthodontic treatments, such as caps or crowns and cosmetic teeth surgery.

It’s important to be aware of all the available orthodontic appliances to make the right choice. For years, dentists have recommended traditional and metal braces. But, today, you’ll find more comfortable and less visible braces, such as porcelain braces, which are also called white or clear braces.

        Traditional braces

Traditional or metal braces have metallic brackets, wires, and elastic bands. The essential components exert pressure on the misaligned teeth and keep them placed in the right position. The dentist fixes the metal bracket to the teeth’s surface with the help of orthodontic elastics. However, they are the most noticeable braces.


Unlike metal braces, Invisalign or invisible aligners doesn’t use wires and brackets, making them more appealing aesthetically. Invisalign uses clear removable aligners to straighten your teeth. You get a new set of aligners every 15 days, and the dentist moves only a few teeth with each set.

        Incognito sublingual braces

You have likely browsed search engines in incognito mode (to hide your identity) several times. Incognito braces or sublingual braces are similar to incognito browsing mode – they are hiding. Dentists fix these braces behind the teeth. Sublingual braces may cause speech impairment for some time.

Ceramic braces: A comfortable solution for crooked teeth

According to the Canadian Dental Association, today’s braces are small and invisible compared to traditional braces. Clear braces are invisible braces that let you flaunt your smile without any uncalled attention. Braces made from ceramic and porcelain are less noticeable, which makes them an amazing alternative to traditional braces. 

These braces have a similar shape and size as their metal counterparts, and they usually come with white archwires. Plus, the archwires are also frosted to blend with light-colored braces easily.

Archwires connect the ceramic brackets and apply pressure on the teeth to straighten them. Clear braces have bands or ligatures that are attached to the bracket’s hook. The elastic bands hold wires to the brackets to correct the teeth and jaw position.

Why should ceramic braces be your go-to option?

Here are some reasons why ceramic braces should be your go-to options.

  •         Less noticeable

The novelty of ceramic orthodontic braces is their invisibility. You may not be able to hide porcelain braces completely, but they are less noticeable when compared to other braces. White braces not only help with teeth alignment but also help you attain a beautiful smile.

  •       Small brackets

Compared to traditional braces, clear braces have small-sized brackets.  This makes the braces less visible and reduces the risk of irritant gums, pain, or discomfort.

  •         They work faster

Ceramic or enamel-colored braces take 18 to 36 months to straighten your teeth. Plus, porcelain braces help with severe teeth misalignment cases. If you’re not comfortable with fixed braces, you may opt for removable Invisalign clear aligners.

  •         Variety of colors

Clear braces give you the liberty to choose any color orthodontic band. You can even pick any of your favorite holiday hues, such as red, green, or yellow. Plus, you can select the same color wire for your braces as that of your teeth.

  •         Flexible payment plans

The treatment for the entire mouth may cost you anywhere between $3500 and $8000. However, the best thing is many dental offices offer payment plans so you won’t have to delay your treatment. Get your perfect smile back in a short span with porcelain braces.

Clear braces – a preventive treatment

Wearing braces help you get perfectly shaped teeth with a beautiful grin. While clear braces help you achieve both, they have more to offer besides cosmetic benefits. In case you don’t know, white braces prevent several long-term oral health problems.

Poor oral hygiene habits are the leading causes of gingivitis, tooth discoloration, tooth decay, and potential tooth loss. Misaligned teeth and jaw disorders affect the wear of your teeth, thereby affecting your chewing abilities.

Not to mention, cleaning your teeth becomes a daunting task when you have misaligned teeth. But, with clear braces, you don’t face much trouble when cleaning your teeth. So, you prevent tooth decay and other orthodontic problems.

Aftercare tips for ceramic braces

It is important to take care of your braces for an extended lifespan. While the brackets don’t stain easily, the ligatures become discolored with time. To protect your braces from stain, and maintain a clear appearance, it’s important to follow a healthy oral practice.

Dentists suggest making a few dietary changes when you start your porcelain braces treatment. They recommend consuming soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, scrambled eggs, and fish. Not to mention, soft foods alleviate the discomfort associated with braces.

Also, it’s better to avoid highly pigmented food and drinks as they can leave stains on your braces. For instance, berries and red wine can lead to discoloration of teeth and leave marks on clear braces. Smoking may also stain the ligature.

Final Word

Whether you’re dealing with misaligned teeth or jaw disorders, you have a variety of orthodontic procedures available. Contact your good dentist markham today and ask if these clear braces are the most suitable option for your specific dental needs. 

10 Best Practices To Avoid Wisdom Tooth Extraction Complications

Your dentist does not recommend tooth extraction procedure unless it’s the last option there is. One of the rare occasions that he performs this is when you have an impacted wisdom tooth.  This condition means that your mouth does not have enough space for the third molar to fully erupt. In some patients, their molars grow under the gums or only a portion of the tooth shows on the surface. Impacted wisdom teeth not only cause pain, yet they also attract bacteria to hide in between. With these reasons, you need to immediately book an appointment with your dentist for a wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom tooth extraction procedure

The dentist will scan the tooth to check the position of the molar and its roots which is necessary for treatment planning. There’s nothing to worry about dental pain or discomfort because the dentist will numb the surrounding gums before the wisdom tooth extraction. Next, he will make an incision on your gums so he can see the molar that needs extraction. Using his dental tools, he grips on the tooth and uses a rocking motion to remove it. If it’s difficult to remove it in one piece, he breaks the tooth first and removes the pieces one by one. Wisdom tooth removal is completed by closing up the gums through stitches. Sometimes this step is no longer required. 

Best practices to prevent wisdom tooth extraction complications

1. Eat more cold foods to contract blood vessels and encourage blood clot formation. 

2. Don’t rub the extraction site with your bare hands or tongue. 

3. Manage the bleeding by putting gauze pad or tea bag on the tooth extraction area. 

4. Don’t brush the extraction site or forcefully rinse your mouth so as not to disrupt blood clot. 

5. Gargle with salt water rinse after every meal to prevent bacterial growth in the mouth. 

6. Have a good rest and limit physical activities within 72 hours. 

7. Take only the prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers to speed up your recovery. 

8. See your dentist three days after the wisdom tooth removal for a follow-up checkup. 

9. Inform your dentist right away if you experience excessive bleeding or pain even after medication. 

10. Seek advice from your dentist before going back to doing strenuous activities. 

Caring for yourself after a wisdom tooth extraction in Markham, Ontario is vital to prevent complications. Follow your dentist’s orders and you will be away from any kind of infection after the extraction. 


Five Reasons Why A Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

Nothing can be so excruciating as a toothache. It results in a painful and throbbing pain that is intolerable. What’s worse is that it also causes a terrible headache. The usual reaction each time a toothache strikes is to go to the dentist for a tooth extraction.

But before you decide on getting the procedure, take time to think for a moment. Permanent teeth once extracted are gone forever, unlike your baby teeth. Still, there are instances when it is necessary.

What is a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction is a process wherein the dentist removes a tooth from the socket or dental alveolus. It doesn’t cause trauma to the surrounding tissues. A wisdom tooth extraction is the removal of the third molar tooth situated at the back of your mouth.  

There are two types of tooth extraction, the simple extraction and surgical extraction. Your dentist performs a simple extraction if the damaged tooth is visible in the mouth. He performs a surgical extraction if the tooth isn’t accessible or visible. Dentists use digital X-rays and intra-oral cameras for tooth extraction in Markham Ontario.

Top five reasons why you need a tooth extraction

For a dentist, tooth and wisdom tooth extraction should only be the last resort. There are cases when a tooth can still be saved through fillings or root canal treatment. However, if all other possibilities are already exhausted then a tooth extraction is the solution.

These are the common reasons why a tooth extraction procedure is necessary:

1.Presence of deep and severe tooth decay.

The presence of deep decay damages your tooth and infects the pulp. Your dentist or oral surgeon may suggest for a root canal treatment. But, if there is severe infection then tooth extraction is the answer.

2.Impacted molars.

There are instances when the gums do not erupt. This prevents the tooth from coming out. It usually happens to molars or wisdom teeth.

3.Loosened tooth due to periodontal disease.

Gum disease or periodontitis causes deep pockets around the teeth and gum recession. Your dentist performs an extraction if a tooth doesn’t have enough gum tissue to hold it.

4.Teeth overcrowding.

Overcrowded teeth affects your smile and your dentist extracts a tooth to correct it. Some dentists suggest the use of orthodontics for moderate cases of overcrowded teeth.

5.Fractured teeth.

Your teeth are made of bone-like tissue and the hardest substance of the body. However, it also becomes fractured.The molars are more prone to fractures since it is used for chewing. If a molar tooth gets fractured below the gum line, your dentist performs a wisdom tooth extraction to solve the problem.

Important tips to follow after tooth extraction

Finally, you’re relieved of the toothache! It also stops further infection and damage to your remaining natural teeth. Now, you need to be extra careful in following these tips to avoid complications.  Here’s what you should do after the extraction procedure:

  • Place an ice pack on the side of your face near the area.

Placing an ice pack will reduce swelling on the area. Put it for an interval of 15 minutes for the next one to two hours after the extraction.

  • Bite down on a piece of gauze.

Your dentist will give you a piece of gauze to bite on after the extraction. It will put pressure on the area and stop the bleeding. Change the gauze at least every 30 minutes and do this for at least an hour or so. If  the area doesn’t stop bleeding even after an hour put a wet tea bag on the area for the blood to clot.

  • Have ample rest.

Avoid any physical activity or strenuous exercise after your tooth extraction. Get ample rest and elevate your head in an upright position.

  • Avoid eating crunchy, hard or sticky food.

Don’t eat these food after a tooth extraction as it may irritate the area.

  • Don’t use a straw for drinking.

Avoid drinking with a straw for the time being as it means you have to suck which loosens the blood clots.

  • Rinse mouth with salt water solution after a wisdom tooth extraction.

Rinse your mouth with salt water to sanitize the area and do so with gentle strokes.

The cost for a tooth extraction ranges from $50 CAD to $900 CAD and this depends on the complexity of the procedure. Surgical extractions usually cost more than simple extractions. Meanwhile, wisdom teeth removal cost starts at $75 CAD.

You don’t have to bear the toothache and wait until it worsens before you act on it. Remember that tooth extraction is not the only solution but it is sometimes necessary. Talk to your dentist to learn more about this procedure.

How To Replace Missing Teeth In Markham

It is necessary to replace missing teeth, not doing so will have an effect on your body. Gaps in your teeth make it difficult to chew your food. Gum recession and teeth decay cause your natural teeth to move. At the same time, missing teeth can speed this up, leading to a change in your bite. An improper bite causes headaches, teeth loss and, TMJ disorder.

Markham Dental office offers viable solutions for teeth replacement. These include dental implants, bridges, and dentures.

Practical solutions to replace missing teeth

Looking for the right option to replace missing teeth is best consulted with your dentist. Here are some options that you can talk about.

  • Removable partial dentures are a teeth replacement affixed to a gum-colored base. You can wear them during the day and then take them off at night. A metal framework connects it to your teeth. In some cases, the dentist uses precision attachments to affix it. They are more aesthetically pleasing because they blend to the appearance of your gums.  If you are replacing all your missing teeth, consult Markham Dental office for information on full dentures.
  • A bridge is an option when there are still teeth on both sides of the gap. The dentist trims your natural teeth on either side in order to fit the crowns placed on them. He will situate the bridge over the missing teeth and the natural teeth.
  • Dental implants can replace missing teeth, and function like natural teeth. An implant is a metal frame surgically placed on your jawbone to function as the root of the teeth. After a few months, the dentist places an abutment on top of the implant. This is where he will cement the crown. Implants secured on your jawbone restores normal chewing patterns.

Markham Dental office has different options for replacing missing teeth. Allowing it to go untreated will have an effect on your oral health.

How To Treat A Root Canal Infection

A root canal infection happens when bacteria reach the pulp of your tooth, damaging it. The pulp consists of the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels. Your Markham dentist at highway 7 uses root canal therapy to get rid of the infection.

What happens during a root canal therapy

Another name for root canal therapy is endodontic therapy. The first half of the word “endo” is the Greek word for “inside.” The second part, “odont” means “tooth.” Endodontic treatment treats the root canal infection happening inside the tooth.

Inside the tooth, under the enamel and the layer of dentin, is the pulp. The root canal goes from the pulp chamber to the roots where it connects the tissues surrounding the root.

A root canal therapy is imperative when the pulp is suffering from inflammation or bacterial infection. This is the cause of an abscessed tooth. Effects can include swelling in the face, toothaches and bone loss in the root.

Root canal therapy is done by your Markham dentist at Highway 7.  Access to the inside of the tooth is through a hole drilled behind or on top. The infected pulp tissues are cleaned out from the root canals and pulp chamber. Tiny rubber-like material called gutta-percha shapes the root canals and fills the canal space. This prevents the area from another bacterial infection in the future.  A permanent or temporary filling material seals the access hole.

How to Avoid a Root Canal Infection?

Prevent a root canal infection by taking precautionary measures.

Avoid cavities from forming on your teeth. Early detection of them should lead to treatment. Cavities can come from snacking frequently on candies, desserts, and sodas.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when you brush at least twice a day. Rinse after meals and floss your teeth every day.

Follow the advice of your Markham dentist at Highway 7 for regular dental cleanings and checkups.

Advanced Dental Technology in Markham: Don’t Get Left Behind!

Today’s dentists and advanced dental technology in Markham continue to dedicate their education in dentistry and being updated with the latest development in the field. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, there will always be innovations in the technology that can revolutionize the way dentists address dental issues and caring after patients.

Here are some examples of advanced technology being utilized by dentists today:

  • Cone Beam

This device is capable of generating a 360-degree and 3D view of one’s mouth, offering an extensive perspective of the oral cavity. Regardless if it involves impacted teeth, making plans for a dental implant, or getting ready for oral-maxillofacial surgery, this instrument can improve accuracy when they’re used.

  • Digital Radiology

This technology improves the safety of patients by minimizing exposure to radiation by as much as 90%. Since the digital images are produced directly on the computer screen, communication made between both patient and dentist is made simpler. Hence, offering a transparent image of one’s dental health.

  • CO2 Soft Tissue Laser

This innovative instrument can easily replace scalpels in any surgical procedure. The main benefits it provides includes enhanced accuracy, lessened surgical time, uninterrupted vision, improved comfort, and quicker recovery time.

  • 3M True Definition Scanner

Intended for taking digital teeth impressions, this technology can assist in making customized restorations effectively that has the appearance and feel of natural teeth. This scanner can improve communication between the patient, dentist, and restoration makers, which lead to results that meet one’s expectations compared to older methods.

Benefits Patients

Being committed to enhancing the level of dental care offered by today’s dentists, they’ve taken in such technology into practice to benefit all dental patients. If one wants to learn more about the advanced dental technology available, schedule a consultation with a Dentist in Markham today.

Dental Care for Babies in Markham

Even if one’s baby has yet to develop any teeth, it’s a must for a baby dental care Markham if one wants to minimize the chances of developing cavities in the later going. Dental care should start from the day the baby is before. When it boils down to protecting a baby’s gums and teeth, a little effort can actually go a long way. The earlier it’s done, the better.

Keeping Gums Clean

Ensuring the gums are clean immediately after feeding will eradicate both sugar and bacteria in the mouth. To effectively clean a baby’s gums, start wrapping a damp and sanitized washcloth around one’s finger and rub the gums on it in a gentle manner.

Be Orally Aware

Another essential aspect of dental care in infants is by being aware of what is in the baby’s mouth. Cavities and tooth decay are triggered by bacteria as a result of anything foreign added into the mouth.

One approach to cutting down the spread of bacteria in a baby’s mouth is to avoid sharing anything that has been in one’s mouth or from another person’s mouth.

Protect the baby’s mouth by rinsing pacifiers and bottle nipples frequently with clean water instead of saliva.

Caring for the First Teeth

Once the baby grows its first tooth, choose a fluoride-free toothpaste. It’s mild in nature and safe in case it’s swallowed by accident.

Go for a toothbrush that can comfortably be inserted in a baby’s mouth. Brush the tooth gently and ensure all sides of the tooth and gums are covered.

Initial Dental Visit

A baby’s initial visit to the dentist is a good way to talk about any concerns that one may have. If one isn’t sure if they’re brushing their baby’s teeth right or want to know more about infant dental care, visit the Dental Office Markham to learn more.

3 Ways to Get Perfect Teeth

Everyone who practices good Markham dental hygiene techniques can achieve perfect teeth. Having beautiful teeth will improve your self-confidence and encourage you to smile, but it will also have an impact on your dental health. For instance, you’ll prevent tooth decay and other problems and improve your general health, lowering your risk of serious conditions like heart disease.

Ways to Get Perfect Teeth

1. Brush Regularly and Correctly

You should be brushing at least twice a day to maintain a healthy mouth. However, how you brush is also important. Ask your dental hygienist to show you the correct technique. You may also like to ask for recommendations about the right type and correct amount of toothpaste. Finally, choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and never brush too hard — this can irritate your gums, even causing them to recede.

2. Schedule Regular Checkups

It is often impossible to know that there’s anything wrong with your teeth or oral health without seeing your Markham dentist. You need to be receiving a routine checkup at least every six months.

Checkups are also the ideal time to discuss any concerns and receive tips about further improving your dental health. Make sure to always receive a professional cleaning at the same time and, if necessary, fluoride treatment.

3. Receive Basic Cosmetic Treatment

You may have problems with your teeth that brushing and checkups alone cannot solve. If a tooth is damaged, cracked, or decayed, your best course of action is to receive cosmetic treatment. Discuss your options with your dentist. Almost anything can be fixed with cosmetic dentistry, including misalignment, stains, and chips. There is even the option to change the shape or length of your gums through gum contouring.

If your problems relate to your bite or your teeth are crowded, orthodontic treatment is an option. With invisible braces, you can correct these issues without anyone knowing.

What a Dental Cleaning in Markham Involves

If you’ve never had a dental cleaning Markham before, you’re probably wondering what to expect. There’s no reason to be concerned — a teeth cleaning is a fast and painless routine procedure, often carried out by a dental hygienist. It tends to involve a few basic steps.

A Recap of Your Medical History

Before you can receive a cleaning, your dentist needs to know about your medical history. This is because cleaning your teeth causes bacteria to enter your bloodstream. For almost everyone, this causes no problems. However, if you are high risk for an infection, your dentist needs to know about it. You can still receive the cleaning — you’ll just need to take an antibiotic first.

Your dentist may also ask about your family’s medical history. Find out before your appointment if any close family members have a history of gum disease.

The Cleaning

The cleaning itself takes 30 minutes to one hour and requires the use a few different tools.

  1. It starts with an ultrasonic instrument to knock large pieces of plaque off your teeth.
  2. Next, manual scalers and curettes remove small pieces of plaque and tartar.
    • Your dental hygienist will also use an instrument to spray your mouth with water mist to wash away the plaque and tartar.
  3. After they are clean, your dental hygienist will polish your teeth with a prophylaxis paste to make them smooth.

If you also need fluoride treatment, you will also receive it at this time. In the case you do receive fluoride treatment, you will have to refrain from eating for 30 minutes.

Brush Technique

After the cleaning, your dental hygienist will give you recommendations on how to improve your oral health. This will likely involve showing you the proper brush technique.

Talk to your Markham dentist about scheduling a teeth cleaning at your next checkup.


Types of Mouth Guards in Markham to Protect Your Teeth

When looking for a mouthguard Markham, you have three options: a stock mouthguard, a boil and bite protector, or a custom-fitted mouthguard. It is important to think carefully about your choice, as what you choose will impact how well your teeth are protected.

Stock Mouth Protectors

Your least expensive option is a stock mouth protector. You can find these for sale in pharmacies, sports stores, and department stores. As they are cheap, they offer only the most basic protection and tend to be very much one-size-fits-all. Plus, there is little you can do to improve the fit. This means stock mouth guards tend to be uncomfortable and can even make breathing difficult.

Boil and Bite Mouth Guards

For a little extra money, you can purchase a boil and bite mouth guard, made from a thermoplastic. You place the mouth guard in hot water to soften the plastic and the place it in your mouth. You then bite down on the material and mold it into the shape of your teeth using a finger and your tongue. Although they do fit better than stock protectors, boil and bite mouth guards are still quite uncomfortable and will only offer you minimal protection.

Custom-Made Mouth Guards

Your best option is a custom-fitted mouth guard. These are available from your Markham dentist. Receiving a custom mouthguard requires two trips to your dental clinic. At the first, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth. At this time, you will also discuss any specifications, such as level of protection according to the sports you play.

The impression, along with your specifications, will be sent to a dental lab. Once your mouth guard is ready, you will return to the clinic. Your dentist will check the fit and comfort, making any necessary adjustments, before you leave.