Must-Read Facts About Senior Dental Care In Markham

As people age, their dental needs change. Seniors face unique dental care challenges, from gum disease to missing teeth. This is the reason why senior dental care in Markham is important. 

Why is dental care important for seniors?

It’s no secret that dental care is important for everyone, regardless of their age. However, when it comes to seniors, proper oral hygiene for the elderly is especially crucial. Oral health problems are one of the leading causes of disability in adults.

Here are just a few reasons why seniors need to take good care of their teeth and gums:

  • Poor oral health can lead to other health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Dental issues can make it difficult for seniors to eat and drink properly, which can lead to malnutrition or dehydration.
  • Oral infections can be extremely painful and difficult to treat. 
  • Dental neglect can cause tooth decay and even loss. 

What are the most common dental problems that seniors face?

As people age, their bodies start to change and so do their dental needs. Seniors face a unique set of dental problems that can range from tooth decay to gum disease.

To keep seniors’ teeth healthy and bright, it is important to be aware of the most common dental problems seniors face. Here are just a few examples:

1. Darkened teeth

The darkened teeth can be caused by the changes in the bone-like tissue called dentin. This results from consuming stain-causing foods and beverages over time. 

2. Reduced sense of taste

With advancing age, the sense of taste will diminish. This is because of the acquired medications through time and disease which reduce the older people’s ability to taste.  The patient doesn’t experience any change at first but as time goes by they will notice a change in their taste and feel like the tongue is not functioning anymore. 

3. Dry mouth

Dry mouth can be caused by many different things, but it’s most often related to reduced saliva flow. Dryness in your spit may result from cancer treatments that use radiation near the head and neck area. Some medications also cause this side effect which makes anyone prone to losing tooth enamel more than usual. 

4. Gum disease

It is a serious problem for many people. Gum disease can be caused by plaque and made worse through the use of tobacco products, poor-fitting bridges or dentures, and lack of vitamins C and D.

5. Root decay

It is a condition where the tooth roots become exposed due to gum tissue receding from it. The roots do not have any enamel protecting them and are more prone to acidity than crown parts of teeth which makes these areas extremely vulnerable to pitfalls into cavities. 

6. Tooth loss

It is an inevitable part of old age. You may notice that your teeth are becoming less strong, or they might fall out completely due to natural causes such as gum disease.

7. Stomatitis

The symptoms of denture sores are related to an inflammation of the tissue underlying the false teeth. This can be caused by ill-fitting dentures and poor dental hygiene practices. 

Dental care tips for elderly

Dental care for elderly people is important, but it can be difficult to know what to do. Seniors are more likely to experience tooth decay and gum disease, so it’s crucial to take extra steps to protect the teeth. 

  • Brush daily.
  • Do not skip flossing.
  • Rinse mouth with mouthwash.
  • Take calcium supplements to make teeth stronger.
  • As much as possible, reduce sugar consumption.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Schedule visits with the dentist regularly.


The importance of senior dental care should be prioritized. Your Markham dentist can help ensure that the teeth are clean and healthy. Plus, they’ll be able to guide how to care for your teeth as you age. Schedule a visit today!

4 Aftercare Tips To Follow For Wisdom Teeth Removal

Do you know what to expect after your wisdom teeth removal? This post can definitely help answer some questions. Whether you’re contemplating making an appointment or you already have one set, there’s no need to stress. Recovery can look different for each person, but there are tips you can follow to make sure you’re comfortable.

After your procedure, you may experience the following:

  • Some mild bruising on your cheek
  • A swollen mouth and cheeks
  • Tingling sensation or numbness on your face, lips or tongue
  • A stiff jaw or a sore jaw
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Pain in your mouth and jaw

Depending on the type of anesthesia given, you may wake up still in the dental chair or be moved to a recovery room. As the sedation wears off, and once you feel ready, you will be sent home. You should have someone with you for this.

Aftercare at home

Once you get home, you can use an ice pack on your cheek where the swelling is. Make sure you have enough soft food during the week of your recovery. 

Activities you should not be doing while your stitches heal include:

  • Strenuous activities like exercise
  • Spitting
  • Smoking
  • Drinking with a straw

Pain management

If you experience moderate pain after your wisdom teeth procedure, take Tylenol or Ibuprofen every three to four hours. Your dentist will typically give you a prescription for something stronger in case the pain gets worse. If side effects occur, like rashes, stop taking them.

Pain meds may typically make you feel dizzy, so be sure not to stand up too suddenly. Your pain should also lessen each day so if it persists, call our dentist in Markham.

Eating and drinking after your procedure

It’s essential to be conscious of what you eat or drink after your wisdom tooth surgery to avoid infection.

Obviously, you will not be able to eat food that requires chewing. Eat soft food that is high in protein and try not to miss any meals. Be sure to avoid any food that is too seedy or crumby, so nothing gets lodged in your wound.

Drink a lot of liquids, at least five to six glasses each day. When drinking, you should avoid straws. That is because the sucking can dislodge the blood clots that are trying to help your wound heal.

In case of excessive bleeding

While slight bleeding and red saliva are normal during recovery, that’s definitely not good if there’s too much. To control excessive bleeding, place a gauze pad over the area and bite down for 30 minutes. If the bleeding continues, bite down on a moist teabag for another 30 minutes. Remember to stay calm and sit upright when doing this.

Typical recovery time

An extraction can be very painful and take up to a week of recovery.

A simple extraction has an average of 3 to 4 days of recovery time at home. During recovery, your focus should be on resting and gaining back your strength. If the teeth that were pulled out were impacted, the pain might continue for an entire week.

Don’t worry, though! As the days of recovery go by, daily tasks will get easier.

If you experience any complications during your recovery, do not hesitate to call our clinic. Our team of dentists in Markham will be ready to help you.

If you’ve still got your wisdom teeth, book an appointment with Forestbrook Dental today or ask us about the cost.

10 Causes Why You Suddenly Experience Tooth Sensitivity

Almost everyone has, at some point in their lives, experienced tooth pain and sensitivity. The reasons for why are lengthy but thankfully treatable. Here are the ten most common reasons to explain your tooth sensitivity.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Fractured teeth or crown

A cracked tooth or crown can lead to pain and sensitivity in your teeth. Some cracks can even be so tiny and almost impossible to see but can still cause quite a bit of pain.

Tooth decay or cavity

A cavity is one of the most common reasons for teeth sensitivity. Tooth decay can go untreated and for weeks or months before it starts to cause issues like sensitivity and pain.

Heat and cold sensitivity

Worn tooth enamel or exposed nerves can cause tooth sensitivity. Eating or drinking too hot or too cold temperatures can cause sharp pain.

Teeth grinding or jaw clenching

Constant teeth grinding and jaw clenching can lead to tooth sensitivity. That happens over time because of the worn tooth enamel. Other factors like stress or poor sleep can trigger this habit even without you knowing.

Gum infection

In its early stages, gum infection is called gingivitis. When left untreated, it can turn into periodontal disease. Sensitive teeth and gums can be a symptom of progressing gum disease.

Sinus infection

Teeth sensitivity and toothaches can be a symptom of a sinus infection. When your sinuses get infected, they get inflamed and fill with pressure. This pressure can cause them to compress the nerve endings of your teeth.

Teeth bleaching products

Often, pain from teeth bleaching products is temporary. Using bleaching gels, whitening strips, even chairside bleaching sessions can put you at a higher risk of tooth sensitivity. The pain or sensitivity should naturally go away when you finish using the bleaching product.

Tooth enamel erosion

Also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity, this can cause pain or discomfort when chewing. Factors like a highly acidic diet and rough tooth brushing can cause this.

Gum recession

Gum recession happens with age. Without proper care or treatment, this can lead to exposed tooth roots. You become vulnerable to gum disease, tooth infections, and tooth sensitivity.

Dental procedures

Any recent dental work, especially ones that involve drilling, can make your teeth more sensitive. With some procedures, you may experience tooth sensitivity for a few days up to two weeks afterwards.

Treatments for tooth sensitivity vary depending on the reason or cause. Your doctor might suggest something as simple as a sensitivity-reducing toothpaste. Other factors might require you to get a corrective procedure to relieve your pain.

If you have these symptoms, immediately see a doctor

In some cases, individuals may experience excruciating pain for unusually long. If these symptoms occur, do not waste any time and immediately see a healthcare professional.

  1. If you have a toothache lasting more than 48 hours.
  2. If you have a migraine that goes all the way to your teeth.
  3. If you’re experiencing a throbbing or sharp pain that will not go away.
  4. A fever that started around the same time as your toothache.

Whether you have a dental emergency or not, tooth sensitivity is not something to be taken lightly. As stated, it could be a symptom of some worse underlying problem. If you need a professional’s help, contact our dentist in Markham for an appointment.

Complete Guide To Cosmetic Dentistry You Must Not Miss

Dental health is important for overall health and good oral hygiene starts with taking care of your teeth. Are your teeth making you feel self-conscious? Do you feel like you need to hide your smile because of your crooked, stained, or chipped teeth? Then, it might be time for you to consider cosmetic dentistry. 

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is any dental treatment that improves the appearance of your teeth. This can include anything from whitening to straightening to repairing chips and cracks. Here are the benefits you can experience if you consider the cosmetic dentistry procedures :

  • Oral conditions can be treated successfully with the help of cosmetic dentistry. 
  • It helps improve the person’s self-confidence because they are not ashamed to flaunt their smile.
  • It helps in protecting the teeth and gums from further damage or decay. 
  • It improves the visual appearance. As a result, social life will boost

What treatments are under cosmetic dentistry?

When it comes to our smiles, we want the best of the best. That’s why so many people turn to cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve their teeth. With all the options available, what are the best procedures for you? Here are some of the most popular dental procedures you should know.

1. Veneers

If you want to have a perfect smile without any dental imperfections, then veneers are an excellent option. This procedure is very popular among celebrities because it can provide incredible results. To ensure that the veneers are fit for you your dentist will take digital impressions of your teeth and apply the tooth shells onto the individual surface precisely. 

2. Teeth whitening

The joy of a bright smile is something that can make all the difference in your life. Whether you are going out on an important date, meeting new people at work or just want to feel better about yourself overall- having whiter teeth will always improve how others see us! The in-office whitening treatments take only minutes and give instant results. 

3. Bonding

A dentist can bond a tooth to make the smile appear more attractive and appealing. It is one of the most popular procedures. Cosmetic resin application is used to repair a chipped or discoloured tooth. The process does not require anesthesia which makes it super easy and stress-free. 

4. Braces

Patients get braces because of misaligned teeth. Crooked teeth can cause problems such as tooth decay and even bad breath. With these metal brackets’ help, your teeth will be aligned and will help improve your appearance and confidence. 

5. Gum reshaping

It is a common treatment option for people with gummy smiles. The dentist will usually make several incisions along your gums which are then filled with tissue. It may sound strange but it works well at making everything more appealing and natural-looking. 

6. Dental bridges and crowns

A crown and bridge are a great option for patients who have broken or missing teeth. Dental professionals place the tooth-shaped caps on the area of the damaged tooth to restore their appearance. With proper care, dental crowns and bridges can last for fifteen years. 

7. Dentures 

Dentists provide an affordable and quality choice of dental replacement when patients have lost all or most of their natural teeth. With dentures, the patient will be able to eat with more confidence than ever before. 

8. Fillings

One of the most common dental problems is cavities. They can look like a black hole in your teeth which can become alarming. With the use of fillings, you won’t have any worries because your teeth will be protected from decay. 

Contact us today

You deserve to have healthy teeth that are free of decay, fillings and gaps. It’s time to schedule a visit with your Markham dentist to know what treatments will fix your dental problems and to help you get started on the journey towards healthier teeth!

Here’s How Dental Implants Can Bring Back Your Confidence

Dental implants are replacement teeth. Dental implant surgery involves adding metal posts into the jawbone under the gums. From there, your dentist can then add replacement teeth that sit on top of the implant. A dental implant is often preferred over dentures, depending on the patient’s oral health.

Benefits of dental implants

Other than the obvious benefit of dental implants replacing missing teeth, this procedure has other primary advantages:

  • Makes eating easier

Dental implants act just like natural teeth, so you’ll be able to eat without any pain or worry. Other teeth replacements like dentures tend to slide around, therefore making chewing a chore.

  • Durable and easy to maintain

As long as you’re keeping up or improving your dental habits, your implants will last you a long time.

  • Improves your appearance

They blend in so easily with your natural teeth! In most cases, they are foolproof, and no one will even know that those aren’t your real teeth.

  • Improves your speech

Other teeth replacement options like dentures tend to slip therefore affecting the way you speak. Since dental implants are permanent, you won’t have that same issue.

  • Improves oral health

Tooth implants are one of the better procedures for replacing missing teeth. This procedure focuses on repairing the affected area while also avoiding harm in other areas of the mouth.

The success of an implant varies on the exact location, nevertheless, they have a 98% success rate. These dental screws may cost more than dentures, but they are more durable.

Maintenance and aftercare of dental implants

Usually, a single tooth implant procedure takes less than 2 hours. However, it can still vary depending on the patient’s condition. Just because your dental implant isn’t a natural tooth does not mean it requires zero maintenance. Your dental hygiene routine should be maintained or should be improved once you have your implant.

After your procedure, your gums will be tender and sensitive. When brushing, use soft bristles and do so gently. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste to brush on your implant, which can cause micro-scratches, leading to bacteria and plaque.

When flossing, proceed as you usually would. You may also benefit from using a water or air flosser in rotation with regular flossing. 

The lifespan of dental implants depends on how stable your jawbone is. Depending on the type of dental implant your dentist recommends to you, there may be some special care instructions.

Are you thinking of getting dental implants to help with your smile? Contact our dentist in Markham today for an appointment!

Want Your Dental Bonding Markham To Last? Read This!

Dental bonding in Markham is a common cosmetic dental procedure that can improve the appearance of your teeth.  If you just had your dental bonding, it is important to be aware of the foods that can affect the durability and life span of your bond. In this blog post, you will know the foods that can easily stain your newly bonded teeth. 

Is dental bonding prone to discolouration?

The answer is yes. While dental bonding is a relatively simple procedure, it is not without its risk. During the dental bonding procedure, the dentist uses a substance called composite resin on your tooth. Composite resin is prone to staining which is why it is important to avoid food and beverages that can affect the colour of your newly bonded teeth. 

What are the foods and beverages to avoid after dental bonding?

1. Dark chocolate

Everyone knows that dark chocolate is a delicious treat, but did you know that it can also stain your teeth? While the staining potential of dark chocolate may not be as bad as coffee or red wine, it’s still something to be aware of if you want to keep your bonded teeth as white as possible. 

Although your dentist will not ask you to forever give up the chocolates,  it is recommended that you will not eat them for at least a week after the teeth bonding procedure. 

2. Dark-coloured berries

Cherries, pomegranates, blackberries and blueberries are fruits that can cause teeth stains.  In addition to these, you also need to avoid any juice, jams, and pies that use these berries as ingredients. Aside from staining your teeth, the high acid content of these fruits can weaken the enamel of your teeth. 

3. Pasta sauces and curry

One of the many dangers of eating spicy food is the potential for curry and pasta sauces to stain your teeth. The tomato-based sauces can cling to your teeth, making them appear yellow or brown. After eating these foods, you have to brush your teeth to remove the stain.

4. Fruit juices

The acidity of orange juice and other fruit juices can weaken your teeth. Consume fewer of these beverages and opt for lighter alternatives such as water. 

5. Red wine 

If you’re a fan of red wine, you may be concerned about the potential staining effects it can have on your teeth. Furthermore, since it has acid content it can weaken the enamel of your teeth which can result in cavities. If in case you have consumed red wine, it is best to brush your teeth after. 

6. Ice

If you have dental bonding done, your dentist will likely tell you not to chew ice. If you chew ice, the sharp edges of the ice can chip or break the dental bond. This could mean that the bond is no longer secure and needs to be repaired, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. So if you’ve just had dental bonding, steer clear of those pesky ice cubes. 

Tips on taking care of your newly bonded teeth

If you’ve just had a dental bonding procedure, congratulations! However, it’s important to take care of your teeth after bonding to ensure that the results are long-lasting. Here are a few teeth bonding aftercare tips that you can follow. 

  1. After your teeth bonding, your teeth become sensitive for a few days. During this time, avoid hot or cold foods to lessen the discomfort. 
  2. Brush your teeth regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  3. Do not skip flossing.
  4. If you are playing contact sports, make sure to wear a mouthguard.
  5. Do not use your teeth in opening bottles or packages. 
  6. Visit your dentist regularly.

Improve the appearance of your teeth

If you want your dental bonding to last, schedule an appointment with your Markham dentist. They can help ensure that the bonding is applied correctly and will take care of any issues that crop up in the future. They’ll also give you tips on how to keep it looking great for as long as possible. 

Why People Fall In Love With Dental Implants Markham

What could be more beautiful than a perfect smile? For many people, dental implants are the best way to achieve this. Dental implants not only look natural, but they also feel like your own teeth. In this blog post, you will know the reasons why people love dental implants in Markham and how they can help achieve your desired smile. 

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Missing teeth can cause several problems, from difficulty chewing and speaking to shifting of the remaining teeth. Although implants are the way to replace missing teeth, they also offer other advantages. 

1. They are durable and low maintenance.

As long as you follow an oral care routine and improve your dental habits, your implants can last for several years. 

2. They can improve your oral health.

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective methods of replacing missing teeth. Moreover, it can improve oral health by restoring the function and aesthetics of the smile. 

3. They improve your speech.

Because dental implants are permanent, they won’t slip away unlike dentures which can affect the way you speak. It provides a stable foundation for teeth replacement which provides speech clarity. 

4. They make eating easier.

Since they are like natural teeth, they can improve your eating habits. They will allow you to eat all your favourite foods without worrying about them getting stuck in your teeth. Moreover, since it is permanent, chewing will become more natural and easier.  

How the dentist performs the procedure?

If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants. How a dentist performs a dental implants procedure may vary from one office to another, but the basics of the treatment stay pretty much the same. 

1. Initial evaluation

It is important to have a comprehensive examination to help evaluate the condition of the jawbone. During the evaluation, the dentist will capture the impressions of your teeth to match the colour of your implants to your natural teeth. Aside from getting the impressions of your teeth, they will also conduct dental x-rays to know how many teeth need replacement. 

2. Tooth extraction

During dental implant surgery, your dentist will remove any remaining teeth that need to be replaced. For you to not feel any pain during extraction, they will use local anesthesia. Extraction will be completed in a short time unless the tooth is injured. 

3. Inserting the implant and bone grafting

For the implants procedure to be successful, your jaw needs to be strong. If in case your jaw needs an additional bone, your dentist will perform bone grafting. They will first let your bone heal before they will place the implant. As soon as your implant is added to the jawbone, it will grow and become part of your gum line. The healing process varies from one person to another but usually, it will take 3 months to 9 months.

4. Abutment placement

Once the implant is stable, your dentist will place a piece that will connect to your crown. This piece is called an abutment. The dentist will make sure that it is tight so it firmly stays when you eat. 

5. Adding the crown

You will receive an artificial tooth or crown once your gums have healed. Your dentist will give you an option if you want a removable implant or a permanent one. In this case, you can ask your dentist what is suitable for your teeth’ condition. 

What to expect after your surgery?

After you have the surgery, there are some things that you can expect. Follow these guidelines to ensure a successful recovery. 

  • Recovery time may vary depending on the individual, but many people find that they can return to work within a week. 
  • There may be some swelling and bruising after but it will go away within a few days.
  • Practice good oral care habits.
  • Follow the instructions of your dentist and visit them regularly. 

Restore your smile

You deserve to be able to smile with confidence. Schedule an appointment today with your Markham dentist and they will help you find the best dental implants for your budget and personal needs.

The Top Three Options for Smile Enhancements In Markham

There are many reasons to smile. A smile can make you look and feel more attractive and it can also make you appear friendlier and more approachable. If you are not happy with the appearance of your teeth, several smile enhancements can help. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most popular smile enhancements in Markham.

Why consider smile enhancements in Markham?

No matter how perfect your teeth may be, there is always room for improvement. Smile enhancements can give you the smile of your dreams.

Whether you choose dental implants, veneers, or braces, there is a treatment that can help you achieve the look you desire. Here are just a few benefits of smile enhancements :

1. Improved appearance

One of the most obvious benefits of smile enhancements is an improved appearance. A beautiful, confident smile can make you look younger and more attractive. 

2. Boosted confidence

Enhancing your smile can also give you a boost in confidence. When you feel good about how you look, it shows in all aspects of your life. 

3. Improved oral health

Smile restoration is the best way to have a beautiful, healthy mouth. It can help resolve issues such as misaligned teeth that could lead to tooth decay or gum diseases.

4. Makes you look younger

You’ll be surprised how much it will change your whole face. A smile makeover can give you that youthful, happy-looking look everyone is going for these days. 

5. You can enjoy eating.

It will allow you to chew and eat more effectively, which is great for both oral health and general wellness. 

Smile enhancement procedures

Smiling is a natural way to show happiness, so it’s no wonder that people want to have perfect smiles. Unfortunately, many people don’t feel confident about their teeth and seek out help from a smile enhancement procedure.

No matter what the procedure is, it is important to do your research and find a qualified professional who can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. 

1. Veneers

Veneers are a great option for patients who want to get rid of their imperfect teeth. The dentist removes part of the enamel from one or more layers and replaces it with veneers. They are cemented on the surface of the tooth to make it more natural. This dental procedure can cover plenty of issues such as discoloured and chipped teeth.

2. Teeth whitening

Teeth can change colour over time. Some people think that brushing is enough to maintain their pearly whites. Unfortunately, yellowish teeth cannot be removed easily. Dentists can provide in-office teeth whitening which gives greater accuracy than DIY procedures or using commercial teeth whitening products.

3. Dental crowns

The dentist will recommend a crown when you have a tooth that’s been severely damaged. Not only does the crown cover up the remaining part of your teeth but it can also cover implants, stained teeth and protect them from future injuries or fractures. Moreover, dental crowns anchor dental bridges to make sure that teeth are stable. 

Book an appointment

If you are not happy with the way your teeth look, don’t worry. There are a variety of solutions available to help you turn that frown upside-down.  Whether it’s just a few cosmetic touch-ups or an entirely new set of dentures, there are lots of options out there for improving your dental health and appearance. Schedule an appointment with your Markham dentist today to find out more about your best options. 

Is Oral Cancer Screening Markham A Scam? Read this!

An oral cancer screening in Markham is a vital part of oral health care, right? There is a lot of debate surrounding oral cancer screenings. Some people believe that they are a scam, while others find them to be an important way to detect the disease early on. So, what is the truth? 

What is oral cancer screening?

Oral cancer screening helps identify early signs of mouth cancer and provides the best chance for successful treatment. It may include a physical examination of the head and neck, dental x-rays, and other tests. Knowing which type of oral cancer screening is right for you is an important step in protecting your oral health.

Why you should get it?

When you hear the word cancer, what comes to mind? For most people, it is a fear of the unknown. While many forms of cancer are deadly, oral cancer is highly treatable when caught early. Here are just a few of the benefits of oral cancer screening:

1. Early detection save lives

Oral cancer screenings can detect tumours in their early stages when they are easiest to treat.

2. It’s quick and easy.

A simple mouth exam takes just a few minutes and can be performed by your dentist during your regular check-up.

3. It’s affordable.

Oral cancer screenings are typically covered during your regular dental exam. It will only be necessary to spend more when the disease has been diagnosed and additional treatment is needed. 

Signs and symptoms of oral cancer

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the mouth. It can affect the lips, tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, and other parts of the head and neck. In addition, it is often diagnosed early because it causes visible changes in the mouth.

However, many people don’t notice these changes until the diseases have progressed. That is why it is important to know the warning signs of oral cancer and see your dentist regularly for check-ups. 

  • Lumps in the mouth or neck
  • Persistent feeling of numbness on the lip or tongue 
  • White and red patches on the lining of the mouth and tongue
  • A change in speech
  • Mouth sores that do not heal for weeks
  • Swelling or pain in the jaw
  • Struggling in chewing
  • Severe sore throat

What happens during the examination?

When you go in for your regular dental checkup, your dentist will also perform an oral cancer exam. This is an important part of your overall health care and it can help to detect any potential problems with your mouth early on.  Here are the oral cancer screening steps your dentist will perform.

  1. Before the screening, if you are wearing any dental appliances make sure to remove them so your dentist can examine your mouth fully.
  2. The dentist will then check any swelling, bumps or abnormalities in your mouth.
  3. They will also check your face, neck, lips, jaw and even your nose. 
  4. Using a light and a mirror, they will check the back of your tongue and mouth. 
  5. They will also feel for any abnormal nodules or masses on your face and neck. 

In some cases, the dentist will use special dyes and lights to look for signs of oral cancer. Some of these tests include:

  • Fluorescence staining

After using a fluorescent mouth rinse, a special light is used to identify abnormal tissues.

  • Exfoliative cytology

The process of removing cells from the mouth with a cotton swab, a wooden stick, or a brush and examining them under a microscope for abnormalities.

  • Toluidine blue stain

Using a blue dye to coat mouth lesions to determine if the areas are developing into cancer.  

Visit your dentist today

Oral cancer is a serious and deadly threat to your health. It doesn’t discriminate between gender or age and can affect you whether you’re young or old, male or female. Everyone must be aware of this disease and the best way to prevent it from happening is by visiting your Markham dentist regularly. 

What You Need To Know About Chipped Tooth Bonding Cost

If you have a chipped tooth, dental bonding may be the solution for you. Bonding is a process in which tooth-coloured resin is applied to the tooth and then cured with light. It can usually be done in one visit and is much less expensive than other dental procedures. If you are considering bonding, here’s what you need to know about a chipped tooth bonding cost. 

Dental bonding explained

It is a dental procedure wherein the dentist puts resin material on the teeth to fix any imperfection. During the procedure, they will use ultraviolet light to help bond the material to the enamel.

Do you have a cavity that needs to be filled? Or maybe you’re not happy with the colour of your teeth. If so, tooth bonding may be a good option for you. Here are some of the benefits of tooth bonding that you should know. 

1.  It is a better alternative to fillings.

Compared to amalgam fillings, the resin material used in bonding is more natural-looking. In addition, it is durable and provides additional strength to your weak tooth.

2. It conceals your tooth’s flaws.

Have you ever felt self-conscious about your teeth because of imperfections? Dental bonding can help conceal those imperfections and give you the confident smile that you deserve. It can use to fill in small gaps between teeth, cover up stains, and even reshape teeth. Most people are happy with the results since it greatly improves their appearance. 

3. The procedure is quick.

If you need a quick and easy procedure to fix a cosmetic dental issue, teeth bonding may be the right choice for you. For minor cases, the whole process will take at least 30 minutes to 60 minutes to complete. On the other hand, for more comprehensive teeth corrections, the dentist may recommend several sessions. 

How much does dental bonding cost?

On average, the cost of tooth bonding may range from CAD 200 to CAD 400. Unlike other cosmetic dental treatments, it is much cheaper. If you would like to lower your bill, you can consult your Markham dentist for flexible payment options. The cost of bonding can vary depending on the following factors. 

  • Teeth location

Since teeth bonding is effective for the front teeth, your dentist will not recommend dental bonding if the affected tooth is at the back. The dentist will opt for a more durable bonding material, which will increase the cost of the procedure if your molar is badly in need of the procedure. 

  • Number of affected teeth

As you are probably aware, there is a correlation between the number of teeth that are affected and the cost of treatment. The more teeth that are involved the higher the cost of restoration. 

  • Location of the dental clinic

Dental procedures can cost more depending on where you live and where your dentist’s office is located. More expensive areas tend to charge higher fees. It is always a good idea to research the cost before making any decisions so there are no surprises when the bill arrives. 

  • Dentist’s experience

Depending on the knowledge and expertise of your cosmetic dentist, the price of your dental bonding procedure may be affected. If you have chosen dentists who are experts and have valuable experience in treating complicated dental problems, then expect that you will be paying more than usual. 

Who are qualified for the procedure?

Before getting your teeth bonding procedure, it is important to understand who can qualify for this type of treatment. As with any other medical or dental procedure, there are specific criteria that patients must meet to be eligible for teeth bonding.

  • Smaller teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Damaged teeth because of decay
  • Uneven teeth

Book an appointment

If you’ve been considering chipped tooth bonding, but aren’t sure if it is right for you or your situation, schedule a visit with your Markham dentist to help you determine the type of repair that best suits your needs.