Common Dental Crown Problems and Their Solutions

The application of dental crowns is the final step in the process of tooth restoration. However, improper installation of these crowns can lead to sensitivity, pain and other complications. If you happen to be experiencing issues involving your dental crowns, visit your Markham dental clinic right away. In the meantime, here’s a more comprehensive look at some common dental crown problems and their solutions.

Hot and cold sensitivity

Thermal tooth sensitivity right at the edge of a gum line is usually expected days after the crown installation. This often happens when the tooth enamel is trimmed away during the crowning process and the dentin is exposed.

There are two easy fixes for this issue. The first one is to use a toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. The second one is to have your dentist apply a fluoride gel to your crowned tooth to lessen its sensitivity.

General tooth pain

The trauma due to tooth trimming for a dental crown fitting can trigger an inflammation of a crowned tooth pulp. This swelling is generally temporary, and the pulp usually returns to its normal state after a few days. One of the most common dental crown problems, general tooth pain is treated with over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Visit your local Markham dental clinic to ask for the correct medication prescription.

Gum tissue pain

Dentists usually apply the crown right or just below the gumline to avoid thermal sensitivity issues. This is the reason why it’s so easy for the gums to get roughed up during the dental crown application process.

Fortunately, this kind of gum pain usually subsides after a few days when the inflammation abates. The solution to dental crown problems such as gum pain is to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by your Markham dental clinic.


Porcelain Crowns in Markham are Superior than Metal Crowns

Crown is a cover placed on the original tooth to improve its strength or to give it a new shape. Mostly a crown is used when a tooth is cracked, damaged, destroyed because of decay or worn down. Porcelain crowns Markham are the recent one in use instead of a metal one and are close to a real tooth. One cannot differentiate if it’s a real tooth or a porcelain crown. Continue reading “Porcelain Crowns in Markham are Superior than Metal Crowns”

Receiving a Dental Crown for a Front Tooth in Markham

Damage, decay, and root canals are all reasons why patients may need dental crowns front teeth Markham. As the tooth is visible when you smile, talk, or eat, it is extra important that the crown appears natural to help you maintain your appearance and confidence.

Materials for a Crown on a Front Tooth

Crowns come in a range of materials. Whereas metal, porcelain fused to metal, and tooth-coloured composites (which are prone to staining) are all fine for back teeth, they are less suitable for front teeth. Porcelain and resin are better options. Porcelain is the best of all, as it reflects light just like your natural enamel, meaning it is not at all obvious that the crown is there.

Enhancing Appearances

Your crown will come in a shade that matches the rest of your teeth exactly. As you will be unable to change the colour later, if you are considering whitening your teeth, you should complete the treatment before the dental lab starts making your crown.

To keep the crown matching your teeth, you need to prevent stains on the neighbouring teeth. Cut down your intake of foods and drinks that discolour teeth, like coffee, tea, and red wine and quit smoking.

Protecting Your Crown

To maximize the lifespan of your crown, you should treat it much the same as the rest of your teeth, brushing it at least twice a day and receiving regular checkups (during which your dentist will examine the fit and condition of your crown). You will also need to take measures to reduce your risk of chips and other types of damage. Whereas it is fine to bite with your crown, you should only ever bite food, never hard objects like pens or your nails.

Are Baby Teeth Really That Important to My Child?

You may think that baby teeth matter very little. After all, they will fall out after a few years and be replaced with permanent teeth. However, baby teeth are actually important for several reasons.

Why Do Baby Teeth Matter?

Baby teeth contribute to a child’s development. They help kids learn to chew, speak, and smile correctly, behaviors that your child will retain with permanent teeth. They also mark space for permanent teeth, increasing the chance that when these teeth erupt they will come through straight. If a baby tooth falls out too soon, the permanent tooth may erupt in the wrong position, leading to crowding.

Pediatric Dental Services for Baby Teeth

Dental services for kids are necessary from the moment the first tooth appears — usually before the child is a year old. The dentist will check your child’s mouth to ensure everything appears healthy. He or she will also provide you with information on how to take care of your child’s teeth, prevent cavities, look for signs of decay, and manage bad habits like thumb sucking.

Are Crowns on Baby Teeth Necessary?

A dental crown allows a baby tooth to continue to look and function normally. It can save a tooth from falling out too early and hold space for a permanent tooth when damage is too severe for a filling. This way, you prevent all the problems caused by the loss of a tooth, including poor speech development, difficulty eating, misalignment of permanent teeth, and self-consciousness.

How to Protect Baby Teeth

By taking proper precautions, you can protect your child’s baby teeth and avoid the need for crowns. Follow the same oral hygiene routine as you use for your own teeth, brushing twice per day. You should also discourage your child from biting any foods that are very hard, such as ice.