Senior Oral Care in Markham

With age, many health concerns arise, and dental health is no different. You get problems with oral health with advancement in age. The main important aspect for seniors is to maintain a good hygiene so that there won’t be any issue related to teeth, gums, and mouth.

Common Oral Problems

The common oral problems faced by the seniors are as follow:

  • Teeth darkness
  • Losing taste
  • Mouth dryness
  • Gum issues
  • Root problems
  • Teeth loss
  • Thrush
  • Jawbones unevenness

It’s not mandatory that as you grow old, you will witness the above mentioned oral problems but being extra conscious is good to avoid such issues. You grow old, the common disease that attacks you is arthritis which makes you unable to brush properly. In some cases, the medication used by seniors also affects the oral health and change the oral care treatment plan.

Oral Hygiene Advice

One of the most important oral hygiene advice for the elderly is to brush the teeth daily. The main thing is to avoid plaque which forms on the teeth and as you grow older plaque will be more of your hygiene is not good. If as a senior you are not treating plaque then it can lead to tooth decay and many gum issues. Thus for senior oral care Markham, it is important to:

  • Brush two times a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss teeth once in a day
  • Use antiseptic mouthwash
  • Check with dentist for cleaning and oral examination

When you visit Forestbrook Dental clinic in Markham, the dentist will also check neck sores and face sores, jaw, bite, tongue, lymph nodes, inner cheeks, and teeth. They assure that there isn’t any decay, oral cancer, sores or any other aberrations. If you are wearing dentures, they will take care of them as well.


How Dentist Diagnose the Signs of Gum Disease in Markham

Gum disease is a periodontal condition, but the patients are unable to recognize its symptoms. It is because of the fact this disease does not cause pain in the teeth or gums. Usually, the cause of the gum disease is by consuming sugary products. It in turns develops plaque and a thick layer of bacteria on the teeth. The only possible way to get rid of gum disease is to visit your dentist daily. In this way, you can have the daily report of the condition of your mouth.


Dentist often requires x ray of the mouth to figure out the gums and teeth in depth. In gum disease, it is essential to measure the groove which is between the gum and the teeth. The pocket depth in a healthy mouth measures from 1mm to 3 mm. However, if these pockets are deeper than 4 mm, then it is the indicator of gingivitis.


Usually, signs of gum disease Markham, the surrounding teeth become sensitive. There are several ways through which dentist test whether the tooth is sensitive or not. Most of the time he or she asks several questions related to a sensitivity issue. Other than this technique he can tap the teeth around the gum line to confirm the presence of gingivitis. In short, all of the information helps the dentist to give you the appropriate treatment.


The dentist asks the patient about the medical history to identify factors that can cause gum disease. This risk factor includes chewing tobacco or smoking, hormonal changes in pregnancy and effects of drugs or alcohol. It is necessary for the dentist to know such information for giving the treatment.

Could a Dental Checkup Save Your Life?

You receive a dental checkup and cleaning every six months to keep your teeth healthy and maintain a beautiful smile. However, a dental checkup could also save your life, as it allows your dentist to diagnose any serious problems in their earliest stages.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is becoming increasingly common. Left untreated, it can spread to other parts of your body. The good news is that when oral cancer is identified early, there is a high survival rate. If you notice any red or white patches in your mouth, experience swelling in your mouth or throat, or suffer from persistent sores that take a long time to heal, book an appointment with your dentist before your regular checkup.


Bad breath is typically a sign of poor oral hygiene, but it could also be an indication of diabetes. When diabetics suffer from sugar regulation or insulin control problems, bad breath can mean stomach or liver dysfunction. Other common oral health problems that suggest you may have diabetes include frequently swollen or bleeding gums.

Mineral or Vitamin Deficiency

Canker sores are a common and usually minor issue. However, if you experience a chronic outbreak, you may have a mineral deficiency. Your dentist can advise you on how to change your diet and may recommend a test for gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Vitamin B6 deficiency also shows up in your mouth — in the form of red patches on your gums or tongue.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

If you bite hard food (or something other than food), there is always the risk that you could damage your teeth. However, cracks and fractures in your teeth may be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This condition causes stomach acid to pass into your mouth and weakens teeth.

How Can I Protect My Child’s Teeth During Sports?

The last thing you want is anything bad to happen to your child’s teeth, but at the same time you want to encourage kids to stay active. Luckily, there are several ways to keep your child’s teeth safe from damage, even during contact sports.

Purchase a Sport Mouth Guard

The most effective way to protect teeth is by using a mouthguard. A mouthguard fits over the teeth, protecting your child from impact caused by anything from a ball or puck to a teammate’s elbow. Mouthguards are essential for sports like hockey, wrestling, and football, but they are also worthwhile for any other activity where there is even the slightest risk of a strike to the mouth.

There are several types of sports mouthguards available, some far better than others. Mouthguards from sporting stores, whether one-size-fits-all or boil-and-bite, never fit well. It is always better to ask your dentist to make a custom mouthguard for your child.


For extra protection, combine a mouthguard with a helmet. This will avoid concussion and collisions, which can lead to chips, cracks, or knocked-out teeth, even when your child has a mouthguard.

Pediatric Dental Visits

Dental services for kids consider both general dental health and check for any side effects from playing sports. If your child suffers an impact or fall, schedule a visit with your dentist even if there is no sign of damage.

Safety Precautions

No matter the age of kids, it is essential they know the rules of the sport they are playing. This will keep them and others safe by avoiding unnecessary contact and preventable injuries. Teaching kids that it is important to know the rules from the beginning will be helpful if your child wants to try more sports later.