Markham: Know the Symptoms of Oral Cancers

Do you know the symptoms of oral cancer?

It is something that most people never even consider.

Risk factors for oral cancer

What are the risk factors for oral cancer?

  • History of oral cancer
  • 40 years old and up in age
  • Alcohol and tobacco use

Symptoms of oral cancer

Many of these symptoms can be confuse with other issues such as a cold or a toothache however if these symptoms last for numerous days or weeks it is imperative to get the issue checked out.

Early detection with any form of cancer is important.

  • Continual mouth sore or mouth pain
  • A bulge or condensing on the cheek
  • White or red patches on the gums, tongue, tonsil, or inside of the mouth
  • A tender throat and or feeling something stuck in the esophagus that will not quit
  • Swelling in the gums or mouth that causes your dentures to be uncomfortable
  • Lack of sensation, pain or soreness anywhere in your mouth
  • Constant bad breath
  • A bulge in the neck
  • Change in voice

Those are all signs or symptoms of oral cancer but can be caused by something else.

If you are experiencing any one or more of these oral cancer symptoms in Markham go to your dentist and have your mouth checked out immediately; after all, it is better safe than sorry.

How can the dentist detect cancer?

A dentist can use a fluorescent technology of a blue light rated at 435 – 460 nm which will show abnormal lesions in the oral mucosa that would not show up with regular lighting.

This type of technology allows even the smallest microscopic lesions to show up that would not be seen otherwise.

Like any cancer the earlier it is found the better the outcome so make sure to have a regular screening.

Could a Dental Checkup Save Your Life?

You receive a dental checkup and cleaning every six months to keep your teeth healthy and maintain a beautiful smile. However, a dental checkup could also save your life, as it allows your dentist to diagnose any serious problems in their earliest stages.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is becoming increasingly common. Left untreated, it can spread to other parts of your body. The good news is that when oral cancer is identified early, there is a high survival rate. If you notice any red or white patches in your mouth, experience swelling in your mouth or throat, or suffer from persistent sores that take a long time to heal, book an appointment with your dentist before your regular checkup.


Bad breath is typically a sign of poor oral hygiene, but it could also be an indication of diabetes. When diabetics suffer from sugar regulation or insulin control problems, bad breath can mean stomach or liver dysfunction. Other common oral health problems that suggest you may have diabetes include frequently swollen or bleeding gums.

Mineral or Vitamin Deficiency

Canker sores are a common and usually minor issue. However, if you experience a chronic outbreak, you may have a mineral deficiency. Your dentist can advise you on how to change your diet and may recommend a test for gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Vitamin B6 deficiency also shows up in your mouth — in the form of red patches on your gums or tongue.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

If you bite hard food (or something other than food), there is always the risk that you could damage your teeth. However, cracks and fractures in your teeth may be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This condition causes stomach acid to pass into your mouth and weakens teeth.